Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2020-21
KEF Alm.del Bilag 116
(provisional translation)
10 December 2020
Esteemed Colleague,
I am writing to you to send you our recently adopted resolution on the climate
In recent years, many parts of the globe have frequently been experiencing
serious disasters caused by climate change and global warming. To address this climate
crisis, an issue for all humanity which threatens the foundation of our existence, the
international community has been moving forward with efforts toward reducing
greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement.
Given these circumstances, on 19 November 2020 the Japanese House of
Representatives adopted a resolution declaring a climate emergency. This was done as the
collective will of the National Diet, representing the people of Japan, with the
determination to redesign economic and societal structures and drastically strengthen
initiatives to bring about a decarbonized society to overcome the climate crisis. I would
like to share with you the resolution to inform you of our determination to put our efforts
toward bringing about a decarbonized society by 2050.
To overcome this crisis, parliaments will play a crucial role in fostering public
awareness of this issue. Therefore, I hope to further promote international cooperation
through more active parliamentary exchange.
With good wishes for your good health and continued success,
Yours sincerely,
OSHIMA Tadamori
House of Representatives
KEF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 116: Henvendelse af 10/12-2020 fra House of Representatives, Japan, vedr. resolution on climate emergency