Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2020-21
IPU Alm.del Bilag 21
Joint Statement
Members of Parliaments
on the Escalation of Violence by Israelis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Initiative launched by
Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation
The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia
We parliamentarians from around the world strongly condemn the flagrant aggressions,
carried out by the Israelis, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in
East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, which has killed and injured many civilians, including
women and children.
We urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint, cease attacks against civilians, to take
steps in de-escalating the situation and to uphold international law and order.
We are also gravely concerned with the illegal expansion of settlements; and the
demolitions and seizures of Palestinian-owned structures across the occupied West Bank,
including East Jerusalem.
We request the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and other international parliament
organizations to support measures taken by countries, including the parliamentarians to
address the deteriorating situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
We strongly urge all parties to exert all efforts to ensure full, safe and unhindered access
for the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance.
We reemphasize our solid solidarity and full commitment to the Palestinian people to meet
their fundamental rights for self-determination, and for the creation of an independent
Palestine and call upon the international community to remain resolute in its commitment
to safeguard the “two-state solution” as well as the maintenance of international and
regional peace and security.
We stand ready to support all diplomatic efforts aimed at achieving a comprehensive, just
and lasting peace in the Middle East and to safeguard the “two-state solution” on the basis
of the relevant United Nations resolutions and other internationally agreed parameters.
May 2021