Member of Parliament
Indonesian House of Representatives
Jakarta, 17 May 2021
Dear honorable Member of Parliament,
I am writing to you again with deep concern over the expulsion of the residents of Sheikh Jarrah
neighborhood that was followed by the bombardment of settlements along the Gaza Strip,
killing hundreds of local residents including women and children.
Israel's repeated actions shall be categorized as annexation, terror, aggression, and occupation
for violating human rights and international rules. International communities and agencies
should call, reprimand, and impose international sanctions upon Israel.
As Parliamentarians we have the power to support Palestine, we must not stand still and do
nothing. Together we can end all forms of colonialism and resolve the ongoing conflict.
In this regard, Indonesia have initiated a Joint Statement to garner support from
parliamentarians around the world to pressure Israel to respect International laws. I am
attaching herewith the Joint Statement drafted by Indonesian parliamentarians condemning the
Israeli plans and seeking global parliamentarian support for the Palestinians.
I would like to seek your support and assistance to forward the attached statement to your
colleagues as well for their endorsement to be part of this Joint Statement. Kindly indicate the
endorsement by submitting your support through this
Please feel free to forward this Joint Statement to as many parliamentarians in your contact list.
The more signatories the louder the call to end Israeliās violation of international law.
Thank You.
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Fadli Zon
Chair of the Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation the
House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia