Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2020-21
IPU Alm.del Bilag 13
Geneva, 22 February 2021
Office of the
Secretary General
Dear Madam President,
Dear Mr. President,
I am pleased to take this opportunity to update you on developments in the
organization of the work of the IPU for the months ahead.
Since the beginning of the year, the Executive Committee (ExCom) has held
three sessions to deliberate on the function and activities of the Organization.
Below is a briefing on the outcome of its deliberations.
In view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact, the 142nd IPU
Assembly will be held on 24-28 May 2021 in virtual format. The ExCom has
established a Working Group to examine the implications of such an
unprecedented virtual Assembly and to find the best possible solutions,
including in terms of drafting special/simplified Rules of Procedure to govern its
deliberations. We expect to be able to provide more detailed information in the
coming weeks.
As you know, the current IPU Strategy will end at the end of the year. The
Executive Committee is giving high priority to its revision. It would like for the
process to be Member-driven so that the revised Strategy reflects the vision of
the broad Membership of the Organization. It has therefore endorsed a
methodology and roadmap that will be as inclusive as possible. It hopes that it
can count on all Members and Geopolitical Groups to actively engage in this
process. We will shortly be sending you a separate communication on this
Universal membership remains a top strategic objective for the IPU, which will
require coordinated efforts by the IPU President, Secretary General, the
Secretariat and in fact by all Members and Geopolitical Groups. I am pleased to
share the background note that has been examined and endorsed by the
ExCom, with recommendations for specific actions to be undertaken, and would
very much welcome your active engagement in meeting this goal. My
colleagues and I will be pleased to answer any questions and/or provide
additional information.
Transparency and accountability is also a very important goal for our
Organization. At one of its previous meetings in 2020, the Executive Committee
endorsed the findings and recommendations of an independent consultant on a
Comprehensive Transparency, Accountability and Openness Strategy for the
IPU. I am pleased to share this Report with all Members of the IPU, with the
request that Members kindly review it and send us their feedback so that the
Secretariat can work on implementing the recommendations of the report. It
would be appreciated if we could receive your feedback by 30 March 2021.
IPU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 13: Status for arbejdet og forårets virtuelle IPU-session i maj
In the course of this year, the IPU’s governing bodies will be examining the Report of an
independent consultant on
IPU’s political project at the United Nations.
Cooperation has been
growing steadily over the years, as reflected in the increasing number of agreements signed
between the IPU and the United Nations. On 27 January, I circulated to all Members two
Memoranda of Understanding that had been endorsed by the Executive Committee
one with the
Office of the UN High Commissioner and Human Rights, the other with the UN Secretary General’s
Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict. As per the special rules of procedure for the
Governing Council, we had only received one objection within the established deadline of 15 days
and shall therefore now proceed to finalize and sign these agreements with the partners
I would also like to share with you the text of an additional MoU with the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR), which the Executive Committee reviewed and endorsed at its meeting on
8 February. This MoU is consistent with the IPU Strategy and programme of work, and I very much
hope that you can support it. The special rules of procedure shall also apply in this case. Should
you have any objections, I would kindly request that these be transmitted to the IPU Secretariat in
writing by 10 March.
My colleagues and I are committed to keeping you informed on a regular basis on developments
within the Organization, especially during these challenging times. I thank you for your kind
understanding and support.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Chungong
Secretary General