NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2020-21, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21, Forsvarsudvalget 2020-21
NPA Alm.del Bilag 3, UPN Alm.del Bilag 28, FOU Alm.del Bilag 7
Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen
Experienced executive and researcher in the field of security studies. Director of the Institute for Strategy at the Royal
Danish Defence College, Professor (part time) at the University of Stavanger, and
affiliate at Sta ford U i ersity s
Center for International Security and Cooperation. Previously, executive director in the Danish Security and
Intelligence Service. Ph.d. with distinction from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.
Professional experience
Director, Institute for Strategy, Royal Danish Defence College.
Areas of expertise: Strategy, counter-terrorism, homeland security, transatlantic relations, special
operations forces, societal and organizational resilience, and civil-military cooperation.
er, NATO Se retary Ge eral Je s Stolte
erg’s group of ”
e a d wo e ”
Group appoi ted to suggest ays of stre gthe i g NATO s political di e sio .
Head of evaluation committee.
Leadi g a e aluatio tea looki g at ho Nor egia authorities ha dled a right i g terrorist
attack on a mosque in the summer of 2019. By appointment of the heads of the Police Intelligence
Service, the National Police, and Oslo Police District.
Chief Editor, Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies.
Professor (part time), University of Stavanger Center for Risk Management and Societal Security.
Consulting Scholar/Affiliate, Stanford University, Center for International Security and Cooperation
Board-level Director, Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET)
Area of responsibility: Strategic threat analysis; preventive efforts against terrorism and violent
extremism including community outreach and exit interventions; protective security advice
comprising physical and tactical security, transportation security, informationsecurity, and personnel
security; securityvettings.
2006-08 Head of Research Unit, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
Fundraising for, building, and managing research unit, covering political violence, radicalization and
Senior Researcher/Researcher, DIIS
Areas of expertise: Counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, civil-military cooperation, international
military operations.
First independent researcher to carry out field research, embedded with danish armed forces in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kosovo.
Board work