Forsvarsudvalget 2020-21
FOU Alm.del Bilag 51
Deployment experiences and mental health problems as predictors of post-deployment
unemployment length: A prospective, register-based study among Danish soldiers
Andreas F. Elrond AF
, Paul M. Conway
, Søren B. Andersen
, Karen-Inge Karstoft
, Mia S. Vedtofte
Jacob Pedersen
Research and Knowledge Centre, The Danish Veteran Centre,
Garnisonen 1, 4100 Ringsted, Denmark
Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen,
Øster Farimagsgade 2A, 1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark
National Research Centre for the Working Environment,
Lersø Parkallé 105, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Correspondence to:
Andreas Friis Elrond
Research and Knowledge Centre
The Danish Veteran Centre
Garnisonen 1, 4100 Ringsted, Denmark
E-mail: [email protected]
Word count:
Tables and figures:
2 tables and 1 figure.
Running head:
Deployment-related predictors of unemployment length
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Objectives: Military deployment experiences and post-deployment posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
and depression may affect formerly deployed soldiers’ (FDS) probability of gaining employment after
leaving the military. However, previous studies have provided mixed evidence on these relationships. This
study tested questionnaire responses on deployment experiences in combination with screening levels of
PTSD and depression approximately 6 months after homecoming as predictors of subsequent probability of
gaining employment when unemployed from 6 months to 5 years post-deployment.
Methods: FDS responders (n = 3,935) and non-responders
= 3,046) to a 6-month post-deployment
screening questionnaire after returning from a first ever deployment to Kosovo, Iraq, or Afghanistan (2002
– 2012) were included in the study. Three Cox regression models including (1a) deployment experiences,
(1b) PTSD and depressive symptoms, (2) deployment experiences, PTSD and depressive symptoms for FDS
responders, and a fourth model on for all FDS (3) with indication on whether they responded to the
questionnaire were used to assess time-to-event transitioning from unemployment to employment from 6
months to 5 years post-deployment. All models were controlled for age group and region of residence and
were stratified for education and the underlying time period.
Results: Deployment experiences, PTSD and depressive symptoms were not significant predictors of
transitioning from unemployment to employment in any of the tested models. A tendency among non-
respondents to have a lower probability of transitioning from unemployment to employment was found
(HR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.81 – 1.00).
Conclusion: Deployment experiences, PTSD and depressive symptoms, as measured at a 6-month follow-
up, did not predict differences in the probability of gaining employment when unemployed within 5 years
post-deployment. However, the findings suggest that those with the least probability of transitioning from
unemployment to employment can be found among the non-responders to the post-deployment screening
Military; Veterans; Post-deployment; Functioning; Employment: Unemployment; Cohort studies
Strengths and limitations of this study
This study accounted for previous methodological limitations in the field by using a registry-based
outcome to assess the exact time in unemployment before gaining employment, while using
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
validated scales from a systematically deployed screening questionnaire to account for deployment
experiences, and PTSD and depressive symptoms.
The use of registries allowed for the relation between non-response to the screening questionnaire
and the chance of gaining employment when unemployed to be tested separately.
The setup, however, did not allow to control for the effects of mental health treatment based on
the results of the screening questionnaire, or for incorporating information on the reason for
soldiers to separate from the defence before the unemployment.
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Formerly deployed soldiers´ (FDS) ability to gain employment after leaving the armed forces remain an area
of interest and concern. Identification of factors predictive of employment problems may provide the
possibility of identifying and targeting FDS in need of aid to secure a foothold in the labour market. Studies
have suggested posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [1–5] and depression [4,6–10], independently and in
combination [9,11], to be related to higher levels of post-deployment unemployment and non-employment
in soldier populations, and to have an effect on the ability of FDS to work and function to their full
capabilities [2,12–15]. However, several other studies have found PTSD [6–8,11,13,14] and depression
[8,11,13,14] to have no or a limited relationship to subsequent unemployment for FDS. Depletion in
functioning [14] and lack of trust in one’s ability to gain employment [2,10] rather than a complete inability
to work have been suggested as the consequence of PTSD and depression. This may affect those who are
unemployed and looking for employment. Research into the effects of deployment on unemployment,
independent and beyond the effects of PTSD and depression, remains limited, with studies both supporting
[13,16,17] and not supporting [8,18] a relationship. However, no study has previously examined the effects
of deployment experiences and PTSD or depressive symptoms as predictors of transitioning from
unemployment to employment in FDS.
Previous research presents a series of methodological issues that limits conclusions about FDS’ ability to
gain employment. Differences in results across employment studies may among other factors be attributed
to considerable variation in duration and timing of post-deployment symptom assessments [19]. Moreover,
the timing of the employment outcomes (ranging from days to years [16,20]), as well as disparity of the
underlying periods [16,20] may affect the results. The widespread use of cross-sectional data or data from
treatment- and help-seeking veteran populations further limits the possibility of drawing conclusions about
causal relationships between deployment experiences, mental health problems and post-deployment
employment [21,22]. Non-response to predominantly voluntary screening programs is high [23], and has
been related to poorer mental health outcomes [24,25]. Finally, the use of a single-point follow-up, which
only allows for dichotomous outcome categories (e.g., unemployed vs. employed), does not allow for the
study of FDS’ transitions in the labour market.
Against this background, the primary aim of this study was to investigate deployment experiences as well
as PTSD and depressive symptoms at screening as predictors of gaining employment when unemployed,
from 6 months to 5 years after the first-ever military deployment. To this end, we used a systematically
distributed screening questionnaire and national register data on employment status. Given a non-
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
response rate of 43% of the identified population, a secondary aim was to investigate non-response to the
questionnaire as a predictor of gaining employment when unemployed.
We used the deployment database of the Danish Veteran Centre [26] to identify period and country of
deployment as well as previous deployments. From the Danish Veteran Centre, we obtained data from self-
report questionnaires on Psychological Reactions following International Missions (PRIM). PRIM has been
routinely distributed by personal mail since 1998 to Danish FDS approximately 6 months after homecoming
to assess deployment experiences and post-deployment reactions in order to identify those in need of
support by military psychologists. PRIM consists of 125 individual items covering deployment experiences,
post-deployment reactions and post-deployment support, as well as five validated scales, here amongst
PTSD- and depressions symptoms as well as deployment experiences (see “Predictors” below for included
items and scales). The questionnaire has an average response rate of 60% across all deployments [27]. Data
on labour market transitions came from the Danish Register for Evaluation of Marginalization (DREAM),
which contains weekly records of social benefit payments for all Danes since 1991 [28]. All data was hosted
by Statistics Denmark and linked via a unique personal identification number, and the analyses were
conducted on de-identified records on Statistics Denmark’s servers. Due to the low rates of missing data we
excluded subjects if they had missing data on any of the selected measures.
Population and procedure
We included FDS who had a single deployment to Kosovo, Iraq or Afghanistan from 2002–2012 (see Figure
1 for attrition). Of 10,974 FDS deployed to one of these countries and during the period of interest, 2550
were excluded due to having previous deployments, and 633 for being deployed again before the follow-up
period 6 months after the first homecoming. This was done to exclude potential effects of previous or
subsequent deployment experiences. In addition, 3348 (43.0%) did not have a corresponding PRIM record,
while the correct record could not be identified in 18 cases. In the study period the Danish defence used
temporary contracts or permanent contracts that terminate at 36 (or 60) years of age. The contract
terminating at age 36 includes the possibility for subsequently taking civilian education for a period while
still getting wage by the defence. To avoid possible systematic bias at 36 years of age, we further excluded
275 FDS that were age 36 or older at the start of follow-up or that were otherwise censored (e.g.,
deceased). Finally, 215 FDS were excluded for having missing data on the PRIM questionnaire used in the
study. This resulted in a final sample of 3935 for the primary analysis. The secondary analysis included 3046
non-responders of PRIM who otherwise met the follow-up criteria just specified.
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
(Figure 1 here)
Patient and Public involvement
No patients involved. As the study was conducted on de-identified data, the FDS included in this study were
not directly involved in shaping the research question, methods or dissemination. The results will be
disseminated through the Danish Veteran Centre, which is a public institution formed to support and
inform work with the population.
Unemployment periods and employment
Unemployment periods were identified based on information on weekly payments of unemployment
benefits from the DREAM register. We identified periods of employment as periods without any social
payments. We included all periods of unemployment into the study and counted all unemployment periods
immediately succeeded by an employment period as a transition/event. Periods of other social payments
like sickness absence, education benefits were censored.
From the PRIM questionnaire, we included the PRIM-PTSD scale in which scores range from 12–48 and the
cut-off score of 24.5 is used to screen for possible PTSD (No-PTSD/Possible PTSD). The PRIM-PTSD and the
cut-off score have previously been validated [27]. We also included the 8-item PRIM Depression scale
(PRIM-DEP8), which has been validated and shown to be reliable across cohorts [29]. Scores range from 0–8
and a previously established cut-off score of 6 is used to screen for depression [30]. From PRIM we also
included the Rasch validated Exposure to Danger and Combat Scale (EDCS) and the Witnessing
Consequences of War Scale (WCWS) to account for exposure to adverse deployment experiences. EDCS
scores range from 6–24 and WCWS scores range from 4–16 [31], with higher scores indicating a more
dangerous environment. Finally, for the secondary analysis, we included a binary variable indicating
response or non-response to the PRIM questionnaire.
From the registers, we included information on gender and time-dependent information on age group (18–
24, 25–35), highest achieved education (short/preparatory and longer/vocational). Finally, we included
information on habitation in the five geographical regions of Denmark to account for any regional
differences in the chance of gaining employment (e.g. between the Capital region and other less dense
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Statistical analyses
Initial analyses tested the differences in the probability of having a period of unemployment, in relation to
PTSD and depression symptoms, using chi-squared test (ꭓ
). The prospective association of deployment
experiences and mental health problems assessed in PRIM, and response to PRIM with subsequent
unemployment-employment transitions was examined with a four-step Cox regression model [32,33].
We modelled the probability of transitioning from unemployment to employment with the timeline being
the days from 6 months to 5 years post-deployment, and the possibility of late entry (i.e. entering the
model later than at 6 months exactly). FDS were allowed to have multiple and recurrent unemployment
periods and individual variance was accounted for by including a frailty model [32,34]. Soldiers were right-
censored if they redeployed, received a disability pension, died or had turned 36 years of age and thus
could have their contract terminated. FDS were treated as being temporarily censored from the model,
with the possibility of re-entering, when they were not receiving unemployment benefits or if they had
emigrated. We adjusted for changes in employment rates, by dividing the follow-up period into the four
time-periods: 2002–2005, 2006–2009, 2010–2013, and 2014–2017, in which the employment rates were
fairly stable. We stratified the Cox-regression by each period, which allowed for separate baseline hazards
in each time-period.
Model 1a included the war exposure scales EDCS and WCWS. Model 1b included the variables assessing
possible PTSD and depression at the 6-month follow-up. As the questionnaire measures was given only
once to each individual, it was not possible to model a possible mediating relationship between
experiences, mental health problems and the probability of employment; however, model 2 included all
variables of model 1a and 1b to test if experiences had a unique effect on unemployment length after
mental health was factored in. Finally, a second analysis was conducted including the large proportion of
individuals that did not have a PRIM response, and the follow-up response model 3 included an indicator of
response or non-response to test the effect of not responding to the PRIM. All models were adjusted for
gender, age group and region of habitation, and were further stratified by periods of similar employment
rates and education level. The proportional hazard assumption of the predictors in the four models was
evaluated and found acceptable by the use of scaled Schoenfeld residuals through the survival package in R
[36]. Education level was included as a second stratifying variable as it did not meet the proportional hazard
A supplementary analysis introduced PTSD and depressive symptoms, which are known to correlate [37],
separately into the models. Further, we conducted a supplementary analysis of the interaction of PTSD and
depressive symptoms that has previously been found elsewhere [11]. Finally, as lower symptomatology has
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
been previously shown to have weaker association with employment problems [2,15], we also tested the
models using stricter established cut-offs corresponding to a probable PTSD and depression diagnosis (29.5
and seven respectively) [27,29,30] as a sensitivity analysis.
All analyses were performed using base R (version 3.5.1) and the R Survival package (version 2.43.1) [36].
Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the FDS population at the beginning of the follow-up period.
Most of the first-ever deployments were to Kosovo and fewest were to Iraq, with Afghanistan being in
between. The majority of FDS were male, and at the beginning of follow-up, the majority were between 18
and 24 years old and had a preparatory or low level of education. Further, 9.9% met the screening criteria
for PTSD, and 8.7% the screening criteria for depression.
Table 1.
FDS population characteristics at the start of follow-up time (6 months after homecoming)
Military deployment
Age group
Low level
High level
Region of residence
(n = 3935)
(n = 3046)
χ2 test,
p value
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Capital region
Region Sealand
Region northern Jutland
Region mid Jutland
Region South
Deployment experiences (scales)
PTSD screening
Screening level PTSD
Depression screening
No depression
Screening level depression
Mean (SD)
2.7 (1.9)
3.9 (3.4)
EDCS = Exposure to Danger and Combat Scale; SD = standard deviation; WCWS = Witnessing Consequences
of War Scale. *No information on education at beginning of follow-up for 13 FDS.
Of the 3935 FDS included, 947 (24.1%) had at least one unemployment period, and of these, 824 (86.9%)
FDS were reemployed within the follow-up period. The proportion having an unemployment period was
significantly higher for the group that screened positive for PTSD (34.5%) than for the group that did not
(22.9%) (ꭓ2 (1) = 25.22, P < .001). Similar results were found for those who screened positive for depression
(33.1%) compared with those who did not (23.2%) (ꭓ2 (1) = 16.32, P < .001).
The results of the four Cox regression models can be seen in Table 2. Deployment experiences included in
model 1a were not predictive of obtaining employment when unemployed. The mental health predictors in
model 1b yielded similar results, as none of these variables predicted transition into employment. As a
result of this, none of the variables were significant predictors when included in the adjusted model 2. The
final model 3 testing non-response as a predictor, found that non-responers bordered on a significantly
lower probability of gaining employment (HR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.81 – 1.00). In this model higher age was
related with a significantly lower chance of gaining employment (HR = 0.87, 95% CI = 0.78 – 0.98).
The supplementary analyses, introducing PTSD and depressive symptoms separately into the model, testing
their interaction and using stricter established cut-offs, did not change the non-significant finding (results
not shown).
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Table 2.
Cox regression models of Hazard Ratios for transitioning from unemployment to employment
Transitioning from Unemployment
to Employment
Model 1a
Deployment experiences
95% CI
Model 1b
Mental health
95% CI
Model 2
95% CI
Model 3
Follow-up Response
95% CI
Deployment experiences (scales)
(0.97 – 1.03)
(0.97 – 1.03)
(0.96 – 1.06)
(0.96 – 1.06)
PTSD screening
Screening level PTSD
(0.84 – 1.33)
(0.84 – 1.34)
Depression screening
No depression
Screening level depression
(0.64 – 1.06)
(0.64 – 1.06)
(0.76 – 1.32)
(0.77 – 1.35)
(0.77 – 1.36)
(0.82 – 1.33)
Age group
(0.79 – 1.09)
(0.79 – 1.09)
(0.79 – 1.09)
(0.78 – 0.98)
Region of residence
Capital region
(0.67 – 1.05)
(0.68 – 1.06)
(0.68 – 1.06)
(0.79 – 1.10)
Northern Jutland
(0.75 – 1.14)
(0.75 – 1.14)
(0.75 – 1.14)
(0.83 – 1.15)
Mid Jutland
(0.76 – 1.12)
(0.76 – 1.11)
(0.76 – 1.11)
(0.89 – 1.20)
(0.81 – 1.19)
(0.81 – 1.19)
(0.81 – 1.19)
(0.86 – 1.15)
PRIM response
(0.81 – 1.00)
CI = confidence interval; EDCS = Exposure to Danger and Combat Scale; HR = hazard ratio; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; WCWS = Witnessing
Consequences of War Scale; PRIM = Psychological Reactions following International Missions (questionnaire).
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
All models are stratified by highest achieved education and time period (era).
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
This study assessed experiences during military deployment and screening levels of PTSD and depression as
predictors of differences in the probability of transitioning from unemployment to employment among FDS
under the age of 36 who had experienced one deployment only. The descriptive analyses suggested that
FDS with screening levels of PTSD or depression had a higher probability of experiencing at least one
unemployment period during follow-up. However, no significant associations were found between
experiences during military deployment and screening levels of PTSD and depression, and the probability of
becoming employed in the period considered in any of the models. The secondary analysis that tested
response to the follow-up questionnaire at approximately 6 months found that non-response bordered on
having a relationship with a lower chance of gaining employment. Higher age was in this analysis
significantly related with a lowered risk of gaining employment. These results did take into account the
periodic changes in the underlying chance of gaining employment throughout the timespan (2002–2017)
e.g. during the financial crisis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use exact register-
based outcome periods to evaluate the effect of deployment experiences and mental health problems on
subsequent labour market transitioning outside of a treatment-seeking population.
Strengths and limitations
The present study has several methodological strengths, which advance methodological limitations of
previous research. In particular, this study was based on bias-free outcomes assessed in register data
including the exact periods of unemployment before transitioning to employment as well as background
characteristics. The objective nature of the outcome enabling us to keep track of individual employment
data on a week-to-week basis, counteracts problems with recall bias or bias relating to differences in risk as
result of differences in follow-up time. Second, the systematic distribution of follow-up questionnaires
across multiple years and missions allowed for inferences to be based on a population with diverse
deployments. Further, the main predictors were measured through validated scales on deployment
experiences, PTSD and depression. However, several limitations must be addressed. First, in the context of
the DREAM data used, employment is characterized by not receiving any public payments and thus being
self-supporting. While this is an accepted method [33], it does not rule out misclassification of the few
persons who become self-supporting without having actual income from employment. Second, the PRIM
questionnaire is typically filled in within 6–8 months after homecoming. However, we did not have the
exact dates the soldiers filled out the PRIM, and consequently all dates were set to 6 months, which is the
approximate time the PRIM questionnaire was first distributed to the FDS. Third, the non-significant
findings in our study may relate to the effects of treatment that is offered by military psychologists based
on the results of the PRIM questionnaire, as well as the help from social workers of the Danish Defence
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Veteran Centre, as this select treatment and social help may aid soldiers in gaining employment. This limits
conclusions about the effects of mental health problems independent of treatment. Fourth, we did not
know the reason for departure from the military. Previous studies have found higher levels of attrition from
the military soldiers with mental health problems [38], and a relationship between different reasons for
separation and odds of unemployment [8]. However, our study could not account for any effect of
differences in the reason for separation. Fifth, while the use of self-reported mental health problems is the
general norm within this area of research, the potential underreporting of disability when using self-reports
as compared to more objective measures [39] may lower the contrast between those who responded to
the PRIM. Finally, the setup including the lack of information on the type of work and the FDS’s desire and
satisfaction with the type of employment does not allow us to judge the permanency of the positions
gained when transitioning from unemployment.
Comparison with previous studies
The findings of this study regarding PTSD and depressive symptoms are in agreement with previous cross-
sectional [6,7,11,13] and prospective studies [8,14] conducted outside of treatment-seeking populations,
which did not find PTSD, depression or deployment experiences to predict employment outcomes.
Specifically, our results show that there are no overall differences among FDS in the probability of gaining
employment when unemployed, based on PTSD and depression status as well as deployment experiences.
Still, other cross-sectional studies [2,5–7,9,10] and prospective studies [4] have found such mental health
problems to relate to employment outcomes. Further, our findings on deployment experiences extends
previous findings [13,16,18] on the relationship between combat and unemployment by showing that the
level of exposure to possibly traumatic deployment events was not predictive of the probability of gaining
employment. The differences between our null findings and the positive findings in other studies need to
be addressed. While this study extends previous findings by studying differences in the dynamic transitions
between employment and unemployment, it does not account for the opposite transitions (from
employment to unemployment). Based on this setup we therefore cannot rule out that PTSD and
depression status as well as deployment experiences are predictors of an increased risk of being
unemployed at single time points (e.g. at 1 year post-deployment), as previous studies suggest. Still, the
differences may also pertain to methodological differences. We find that a primary problem in the
literature is the use of cross-sectional data: since unemployment may affect mental health negatively
[9,21,22], cross-sectional studies may inflate the relationship. Second, the use of outcomes sampled at a
single time point allows for differences to coincidentally relate to the timing of assessment more than to
the general risk of unemployment. Third, the differences found between our post 9/11 sample and samples
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
from other periods may relate to the era of deployment, as several studies have documented major
differences in how military service in different periods affect labour market attachment [1,16,40–42].
The non-existing relationship between mental health and unemployment has also been found in several
treatment-seeking samples [3,5,6,9,10,12], where one would expect the contrasts between mental health
status to be smaller. The difference between these results and our findings may be explained by the
systematic non-response on our screening questionnaires. Thus, the use of registries allowed us to test the
effect of non-response by including 3046 soldiers who did not have a corresponding PRIM follow-up. This
finding suggests that non-responders may have a lower probability than responders to transition from
unemployment to employment. Still these veterans may be among those seeking help and such an effect
could add to a larger contrast in the help-seeking samples. Across response patterns, however, previous
results on the present sample have suggested that FDS overall have a greater chance of gaining
employment when unemployed than comparable non-FDS in the 5 years after homecoming [17].
Future directions
Our results indicate that a systematic screening of deployment experiences, PTSD and depression
symptoms 6 months after deployment, may be not useful to predict the ability to get employment among
unemployed FDS. Further studies are, however, needed to determine if these factors predict transitioning
from employment to unemployment. Future studies investigating predictors of labour market outcomes in
the general population of (non-treatment seeking) FDS should also seek to account for treatment and help
received by the veterans in the time until measurement of employment to account for treatment effects on
employability. Also, while complicated, studies should seek to account for the effects of multiple
deployments. Further, our findings of a possible lowered probability of gaining employment among non-
responders may question the ability of voluntary screenings to account for all of those in need of
employment-related aid after military deployments. These results are also of clinical importance and may
call for an increased early focus on veterans who may be in need of help, but do not respond to distributed
screenings. Finally, while our study did not find PTSD and depression to be significant predictors, the
resulting coefficients do suggest a stronger effect of depression than PTSD on remaining unemployed,
which is consistent with the literature [8], and which may raise awareness to possible differences in the
effects of these mental health problems.
This study investigated deployment experiences and screening levels of post-deployment posttraumatic
stress disorder and depression as predictors of the probability of gaining employment when unemployed in
Danish formerly deployed soldiers with a single deployment behind them. We did not find such factors to
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
be significant predictors of gaining employment in the time from 6 months to 5 years after homecoming.
Nevertheless, increased awareness of and attention to veterans who do not respond to systematically
distributed screenings may be needed, as it may be among them where we will find those most vulnerable,
and with the lowest probability of gaining new employment if they become unemployed.
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
This study was supported by the Research and Knowledge Centre, The Danish Veteran Centre. The Centre
had no formal role in designing, analysing, interpreting, and writing of the manuscript or on the decision to
submit the paper.
Competing interest
The authors have no competing interest to declare.
Ethical considerations
This study followed the procedures of the Danish Data Protection Agency regarding notification of research
projects containing personal data. Subjects answering the PRIM was informed about the use of data
according to the regulations at the time of response, while the access to conducting research on the
anonymized register data was provided under the regulations of Statistics Denmark. All work on data was
conducted on de-identified data via the servers of Statistics Denmark. No ethics committee approval was
required, as the study was a secondary analysis of previously collected data combined with register data
available for the research purpose.
Author’s contribution
Andreas Friis Elrond: Contributed to the design of the study; Data setup; Analyses; Writing of the paper
Paul Maurice Conway: Contributed to the design of the study; Writing of the paper
Søren Bo Andersen: Contributed to the design of the study; Writing of the paper
Karen-Inge Karstoft: Contributed to the design of the study; Writing of the paper
Mia Sadowa Vedtofte: Contributed to the design of the study; Writing of the paper
Jacob Pedersen: Contributed to the design of the study; Data setup; Analyses; Writing of the paper
FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
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FOU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 51: Orientering om artikel fra Veterancentret og Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) om hjemvendte soldaters sandsynlighed for at komme i beskæftigelse, fra beskæftigelsesministeren og forsvarsministeren
Figure Legends
Figure 1.
Fall-out of formerly deployed soldiers until follow-up, responders and non-responders. FDS =
Formerly Deployed Soldiers; PRIM = Psychological Reactions following International Missions