Europaudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 412
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
Version 2021-03-19
Revised outline of the Commission implementing act
on the technical and operational specifications of the
technical system for the cross-border exchange of
evidence and application of the "once-only" principle
Chapter I
General provisions
Chapter II
Services of the OOTS
Chapter III
Obligations on evidence requesters
Chapter IV
Obligations on evidence providers
Chapter V
Governance of the once only technical system
Chapter VI
Responsibility for the maintenance, operation and security of the
components of the OOTS
Chapter VII - Final provisions
Chapter I
General provisions
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions should apply:
‘once-only technical system’ (OOTS) means
the technical system for the cross-border
automated exchange of evidence referred to in Article 14 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724;
‘evidence provider’ means a competent authority that lawfully issues evidence falling within
the scope of Article 14(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724;
‘evidence requester’ means a competent authority responsible for one or more of the
procedures referred to in Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724;
‘eDelivery Access Point’ means a communication component that implements an
delivery service, complying with technical specifications referred to in Annex 4;
‘eIDAS Node’ means an implementation of the technical specifications developed in line
with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for
electronic transactions in the internal market, and with Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2015/1501 on the interoperability framework, enabling the communication
with other nodes of the eIDAS Network for the purpose of cross-border authentication;
‘intermediary platform’ means a technical solution through which evidence providers or
evidence requesters from one Member State connect to the common services referred to in
Article 4(1) and to evidence providers or evidence requesters from other Member States;
‘data service directory’ means a registry containing the list of evidence providers, the
evidence they provide and their descriptive elements;
‘evidence broker’ means a service allowing an evidence requester to determine which
evidence type from another Member States is equivalent to the evidence it requires for the
purposes of a national procedure;
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
‘semantic repository’ means a collection of semantic specifications, linked to the evidence
broker and the data service directory, which stores and shares machine-readable definitions
of names, data types and data elements associated with specific evidence types to ensure
the mutual understanding and cross-lingual interpretation for evidence providers, evidence
requesters and the user, when exchanging evidence through the once-only technical
‘data service’ means a technical service through which an evidence provider handles the
evidence requests and dispatches evidence;
‘data model’ means an abstraction that organises elements of data and standardises
they relate to one another. It specifies the entities, their attributes and the relationships
between entities;
‘preview space’ means a functionality enabling to temporarily store the evidence to allow its
preview by the user;
‘structured evidence’ means any data or document in electronic format in the scope of
Article 14 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724, that is organised in predefined elements or fields
that have specific meaning and technical format allowing for processing by software
‘unstructured evidence’ means any evidence in electronic format in the scope of Article 14
of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724, which is not organised in predefined elements or fields that
have specific meaning and technical format, but mapped to at least the minimal attributes of
the relevant data model as documented in the semantic repository to enable its
identification and automated exchange;
‘incident’ means a situation where the once-only
technical system is not performing,
transmits wrong evidence, or where the evidence has changed during the transmission, as
well as any event of security breach.
Object and structure
1. The OOTS should enable communication between evidence requesters and evidence
providers with the support of the common services for the purpose of the automated cross-
border exchange of evidence, at the user’ explicit request, for the online procedures listed in
Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724.
2. The OOTS should consist of:
the relevant evidence requesters’ procedure portals and evidence providers’
data services;
b. intermediary platforms, where relevant;
eIDAS Nodes for user authentication and identity matching;
d. eDelivery Access Points;
e. the common services;
the integration elements and interfaces required to connect this different
Chapter II
Services of the OOTS
eIDAS Nodes and eDelivery Access Points
1. The Member States should ensure that evidence requesters are connected to an eIDAS-
Node to perform the user authentication either directly or through an intermediary platform.
2. Member States should ensure that eDelivery Access Points are installed, configured and
integrated in the evidence requesters’ procedure portals, evidence providers’ data services
or in intermediary platforms, as the case may be.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
3. Member States should decide on the number of eDelivery Access Points they use for the
OOTS. The eDelivery Access Points to be used as of 12 December 2023 should be notified
to the Commission at the latest by 12 June 2023. After 12 June 2023, Member States can
notify additional eDelivery Access Points to the Commission. Such additional eDelivery
Access points can be taken into operation for the purpose of the OOTS as of 30 June and
31 December of each year, provided that a period of at least 6 months has lapsed since
their notification.
Common services
1. The Commission in cooperation with the Member States should establish the following
common services of the OOTS:
a. the data service directory;
b. the evidence broker;
the semantic repository;
d. the common user feedback tool.
2. The Member States should ensure the integration between the procedure portal of the
evidence requesters and the data services of the evidence providers, directly or through
intermediary platforms, and with the common services. The integration should be based on
the exchange protocols and technical specifications set out in Annex [X] and aligned with
the semantic assets stored in the semantic repository.
3. The Member States should ensure that only evidence requesters and evidence providers
are connected, directly or through the intermediary platforms, to the common services and
can make use of the OOTS.
Data service directory
1. The Member States should ensure that each evidence provider and each type of structured
or unstructured evidence issued by each of these evidence providers is registered in the
data service directory in accordance with the associated information, data models,
definitions and data formats as documented in the semantic repository.
2. The Member States should ensure that each type of evidence registered in the data service
directory is accompanied by an indication of:
a. the level of assurance of the electronic identification means notified by Member
States in accordance with Regulation (EU) 910/2014; and
b. where applicable, any additional attributes beyond the attributes exchanged
using the electronic identification means notified in accordance with Regulation
(EU) 910/2014
required for its exchange through the OOTS.
3. The data service directory should make a clear distinction between the additional attributes
referred to in the previous paragraph (b) and the attributes exchanged using the electronic
identification means notified in accordance with Regulation (EU) 910/2014.
4. The level of assurance and the additional attributes referred to above should correspond to
the level of assurance and attributes required by the evidence provider from a national user
requesting this type of evidence directly from the evidence provider.
5. The Member States should be responsible for keeping the information in the data service
directory up to date.
6. The Commission should provide validation support for the Member States to verify the
compliance of the evidence with the data models.
Evidence broker
The Commission should establish, in cooperation with the Member States, an evidence broker
that allows an evidence requester in a Member State to determine which evidence type it can
request from an evidence provider in another Member State, in the context of a particular
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
Semantic repository and the data models
1. The Commission in cooperation with Member States should ensure that the semantic
repository provides access to data models, associated schemata and data formats for all
types of evidence that can be requested on the basis of Article 14 of Regulation (EU)
2. The evidence providers or intermediary platforms where applicable should apply all updates
and adaptations to the data models, associated schemata and data formats according to
schedules for updates and adaptations that are regularly announced and discussed in the
gateway coordination group. Such updates and adaptations should apply twelve months
after their publication in the semantic repository.
National registries and services
1. Member States that have national registries or services that are equivalent to the data
service directory or evidence broker should have the option to either use the data service
directory or the evidence broker or to:
a. connect their national registries or services to the data service directory or
evidence broker; or
b. replicate data in the national registries or services in the data service directory
or evidence broker.
2. In case a Member State chooses to connect a national registry or service to the common
services, the providers of national registries or services should comply with the technical
specifications set out in Annex [X] to ensure interoperability of their services.
Common user feedback tool
The common user feedback tool established by the Commission in accordance with Article 25
of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 should be used to enable users to provide feedback, such as to
specify why they decided not to use the evidence after previewing it. Articles 10(1) and 11 of
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1121 should apply to the collection and
transmission of such user feedback.
Chapter III
Obligations on evidence requesters
Explanation to users
Evidence requesters should ensure that their procedure portals contain explanations about the
possibility to use the OOTS and its features, including, in particular, the information that:
users have the option to preview the evidence and decide whether or not to use it for the
procedure; and that,
if the user decides not to use it for the procedure, the previewed evidence will be deleted
automatically from the separate preview space referred to in Section X below.
Evidence selection
1. Evidence requesters should give users the possibility to select and request the types of
evidence that they would accept in the same procedure by direct submission, provided that
evidence providers make these types of evidence available through the OOTS.
2. If multiple pieces of evidences can be retrieved, the evidence requester should ensure that
users can select all, a sub-set or a specific type of evidence.
User Authentication
1. Evidence requesters should rely on electronic identification means notified in accordance
with Regulation (EU) 910/2014 for authenticating the identity of the users.
2. Once the user has selected the evidence to be exchanged through the OOTS, and based
on the level of assurance of electronic identification means and, where applicable, the
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
additional attributes referred to in Section X(2)(a) and (b), the evidence requesters should
inform users about:
a. the electronic identification means available for authenticating its identity for the
purposes of evidence exchange through the OOTS; and
b. where applicable, any additional attributes that the user needs to provide.
3. Where a user has already identified and authenticated himself to access the procedural
portal using an electronic identification means notified in accordance with Regulation (EU)
910/2014, the user should only be required to identify and authenticate again for the
purpose of requesting the exchange of evidence where the level of assurance of the
electronic identification means required by the evidence provider and presented in the data
service directory is higher than the assurance level of the electronic identification means
used by a user to access the procedural portal.
4. The previous paragraph also applies in cases when the user requests multiple pieces of
evidence from different evidence providers in the same or different Member States.
Explicit request
In order for a user to be able to provide his/her explicit request to exchange the selected
evidence through the OOTS, the evidence requester should provide the user with:
the name(s) of the evidence provider(s);
the evidence type(s) or data fields that will be exchanged.
Evidence request
1. The evidence requester should ensure that the explicit request made by a user is
transmitted to the evidence provider with the following parameters:
a. the evidence type that is requested;
b. date and time when the explicit request was made;
identification of the procedure for which the evidence is required;
d. name of the evidence requester or intermediary platform, where applicable;
e. the personal identification data of a user;
the level of assurance of the electronic identification means used by the user;
g. the additional attributes provided by the user for the purpose of the request of
h. the identification of the evidence provider.
2. The evidence requester should ensure that the digital representation of that request,
including the parameters listed in paragraph 1, is provided in a format that makes it possible
to transmit electronically together with the evidence request, in accordance with the
technical specifications set out in Annex [X].
Preview of evidence
1. The Member States should ensure that the preview space where a user can preview the
evidence exchanged through the OOTS is available as part of the evidence requester’s
online procedure.
2. The Member States should ensure that the preview space is separate by equipping with
features that:
a. allow only the user to access it and only as long as the user is in the procedure
environment and until the user decides whether or not to use it in the
b. do not allow the evidence requester or any of its systems or any third parties to
access, view or copy the evidence which is in the preview space;
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
permanently delete the evidence and any cached data from the preview space
in case a user decides not to use the evidence for the procedure or when the
user leaves the preview space or the procedure portal not explicitly approving
the use of the evidence;
d. provide users the possibility to leave their feedback, including about why they
decided not to use the previewed evidence in the procedure.
Chapter IV
Obligations on evidence providers
Role in the exchange of evidence
The Member States should ensure that for the purpose of the evidence exchange through the
OOTS, the evidence providers or intermediary platforms should, where applicable, implement
application services allowing in particular to:
receive and interpret evidence requests delivered by an eDelivery Access Point. Such
requests should be considered as the input to the “Evidence Query Service”;
retrieve any pieces of evidence or evidence references, matching the request, subject to
successful authorisation;
return evidence responses, including possible errors, and submit them to an eDelivery
Access Point for transmission to the evidence requester;
include in the response evidence references instead of actual evidence, where an evidence
reference is requested instead of evidence.
Identity matching
1. Evidence providers or intermediary platforms where applicable should be responsible for
ensuring that evidence is only exchanged through the OOTS if the identification data held
by them unambiguously matches the identification data of the user in the evidence request
referred to in Section X(1)(e) above.
2. Where process of identity record matching does not result in an unambiguous match
enabling the attribution of the evidence to the user in the evidence request, the requested
evidence should not be exchanged. In such a situation:
a. the user should receive an automated message explaining that the evidence
cannot be provided and be redirected to the evidence requester’s procedure
portal; and
b. an error message should be sent to the evidence requester.
Evidence entering eDelivery Access Point
The evidence providers should be responsible for the quality and integrity of the evidence
entering the eDelivery Access Points.
Chapter V
Governance of the technical system and ensuring
the functioning of the ‘once-only’ technical system
Gateway coordination group
The Commission, in cooperation with Member States in the framework of the gateway
coordination group established by Article 29 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1724, should:
oversee the establishment and launch of the OOTS;
set priorities for further developments and improvements to the OOTS;
define and adapt where necessary the high-level principles of the technical specifications to
the extent that these are not yet set out in this Implementing Regulation and its Annexes;
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
determine the indicative schedule for regular updates and adaptations of the technical
determine criteria for conformance testing to ensure correct implementation of the technical
specification and the correct functioning of the OOTS;
review and adopt risk management plans to identify risks, assess their potential impact and
plan responses with appropriate technical and organisational measures in case of incidents.
Single points of contact
1. The Commission and each of the Member States should designate a single point of contact
to ensure a coordinated development, operation and maintenance of the relevant parts of
the OOTS for which they are responsible pursuant to Chapter VI.
2. The single points of contact should, in particular, each in its area of responsibility:
a. provide expertise and advice to evidence providers and evidence requesters for
all technical problems encountered in relation to the operation of the OOTS;
b. handle any possible downtimes of the eDelivery Access Points or possible
security breaches;
investigate and solve any other incidents.
3. The Member States and the Commission should ensure that their respective single points
of contact ensure business continuity and are able to provide assistance at short notice.
4. The single points of contact should report any substantial incidents to their SDG national
coordinators and should support them in exercising their tasks related to the OOTS in the
gateway coordination group.
5. The Member States and the Commission should communicate the contact details of these
contact points to each other and inform each other immediately of any changes thereof.
Cooperation with other governance structures
The Commission should inform the gateway coordination group about discussions and
decisions of different relevant governance structures, including those established under
Regulation (EU) No 910/214, relevant for the functioning of the OOTS.
Chapter VI
Responsibility for the maintenance, operation and
security of the components of the OOTS
Commission responsibilities
The Commission should be the owner of and responsible for the common services referred to in
Section X(1). This responsibility includes in particular:
the development, availability, monitoring, updating, maintenance and hosting of the
common services;
ensuring the security of the common services by preventing any unauthorised access, entry
of data and consultation, modification or deletion of data and detecting any security
establishing security plans concerning the common services.
Member States responsibilities
The Member States should be the owners of and responsible for the respective national
components of the OOTS referred to in Article 2(2)(a)-(d) and (f). This responsibility includes in
their establishment where applicable, maintenance and management, including deploying
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19
ensuring the security of those components by preventing any unauthorised access, entry of
data and consultation, modification or deletion of data and detecting any security breaches.
Uninterrupted operation of the OOTS
1. The Commission and the Member States should ensure uninterrupted operation of the
components of the OOTS for which they are responsible.
2. The Commission should inform the Member States of changes and updates to the common
3. The Member States should inform the Commission of changes and updates to the
components under their responsibility that may have repercussions on the functioning of the
Assessment of the electronic systems
1. The Commission and the Member States should conduct regular assessments of the
components of the OOTS for which they are responsible.
2. The Commission and the Member States should inform each other of any activities that
might result in a breach or a suspected breach of the security of the OOTS.
Chapter VII - Final provisions
Onboarding to the OOTS
The Member States and the Commission should test the functioning of the OOTS before it is
put into operation. Only when the tests yield positive results, the OOTS should be made
available to users.
Processing of personal data
In relation to the processing of personal data occurring in the system components that they own
and are responsible for pursuant to Section X above, the Member States act as controllers as
defined in Article 4(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and comply with the obligations laid down in
that Regulation.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 412: Samlenotat vedr. gennemførelsesretsakt om det tekniske system til understøttelse af grænseoverskridende automatisk udveksling af dokumentation og anvendelsen af engangsprincippet
SDG Once-Only Collaborative Space
Version 2021-03-19