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W sum.dk
Minister for Health
European Commission
DG Health and Food Safety
Date: 24-02-2021
Section: MEDINT
Case Officer: DEPJAR
Case: 2018337
Doc.: 1601386
Consultation response on Inception Impact Assessment on
European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
The Danish Government would like to thank the European Commission (EC) for the
opportunity to comment on the HERA inception impact assessment.
We acknowledge that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed
vulnerabilities in European health preparedness and crisis response for serious cross-
border threats to health and that action needs to be taken at EU level. In this regard,
we are pleased that the Commission with the pharmaceutical strategy and the EU
Health Union proposals has started the process towards possible solutions.
The current COVID-19 crisis has amplified the need for permanent structures in order
to prevent and respond to threats in an agile, comprehensive and timely manner.
Common strategic investments can potentially ensure better value for money and
shared responsibility in
today’s reality ith a glo al life s ie e se tor hara terized
by increasing complexity and a high innovation rate.
Therefore, HERA could become a critical entity in terms of safeguarding public health.
Ho e er, a u er of issues eed further larifi atio . These i lude HERA’s
proposed tasks as well as any interfaces with existing agencies and bodies. If
established, HERA will have many interfaces with existing agencies such as the EMA
and the ECDC, but these interfaces are not fully mapped in the inception impact
assessment. Member States have not received a detailed description of the Agency
and thus there are still uncertainties with regards to overlapping tasks. First, the
proposed regulations on the strengthening of the mandates of the EMA and the ECDC
as well as the proposal on serious cross-border threats to health are still under
discussion in the Council and the European Parliament. Secondly, the interface
between other initiatives such as rescEU and the Civil Protection Mechanism are
currently also lacking in transparency.
Due to these uncertainties, The Danish Government currently refrains from pointing
to a particular preferred choice among the various policy options described in the
inception document. However, having taken note of the proposed timeline, we
would like to use this opportunity to further stress the need for a swift and timely
response to address the current challenges of vaccine delivery.
We would like to highlight some observations that we deem vital for the further
planning of HERA.