Europaudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 27
Vice-Presidentof the European Commission
Enterprise and Industry
Member of the European Commission
Health and Consumer Protection
b -01- 2607
Cabinet NB/fv -D(2006) 1272
1001 JS-2.
Baron Paul De Keersmaeker ,
P .A. lntematio na1 Foundation,
Franklinstraat 106-108,
1000 Brussels.
Dear Sir,
"EU-China Trade and Investment Conference". As the issue falls under our
responsibility , Mr. Mandelson has transmitted your letter to us. Pleaseapologise the delay
in answering your letter which is due to the consultation of various Commission Services.
We share your views that it is the duty of the Commission and of the Member States to
ensure that all conditions are met to protect the European citizens in the field of health
through, notably, strict quality control of food and pharmaceuticals products. This is
particularly true when these are imported from third countries which do not necessarily
impose controls similar to those imposed within the EU .
In concrete terms, the Commission has, for years, been taking numerous measures which
meet your concerns, and will continue doing so in the future.
Over the past several years, the European Commission has put in place a robust and
comprehensive legal framework in order to ensure that Europe's food supply is the safest
in the world and that the same standardsof food safety apply to all products regardless of
origin. The pillars of the EU food safety system are an effective range of food safety
legislation, science-basedrisk assessmentand a harmonised, co-ordinated and effective
system of controls on imports of food and feed.
Furthemlore, as the world's biggest importer and exporter of foodstuffs, the European
Union works closely with international organisations and offers advice as well as
assistanceto third country trading partners. The EU has increasingly acquired a single
voice on food safety issues in the international arena. For example, the Commission
represents the EU in the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee of the WTO (SPS).
Similarly, we represent the EU in the CODEX Alimentarius which sets world standards
in relation to food safety.
Commission europeenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel -Belgien. Telefon: (32-2) 299.11.11
M. Verheugen Bureau: BERL 12/26. Telephone: ligne directe (32-2) 2981100.
Telecopieur: (32-2) 2991827.
M. KvDrianou
Bureau. BERL 10/106. Telephone: ligne directe (32-2) 298 87 00. Telecopieur: (32-2) 298.84 73.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 27: Brev til Folketingets formand fra Public Advice International Foundation vedr. oprettelse af EU-organ til håndtering af pandemier
In particular as regards China, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was agreed in
the beginning of 2006 between the European Commission Directorate General for Health
and Consumer Protection and the Chinese competent authorities. This MoU sets up a
consultation and cooperation mechanism with a view to deepenthe dialogue and enhance
China-EU cooperation on questions related to food safety, sanitary and phytosanitary
issuesand to safety of consumer goods.
In doing so, not only we ensure a high level of health and safety protection but we also
safeguardand promote sustainability , competitiveness and innovation.
The establishment of a level playing field with our main trading partners is the objective
pursued by the European Commission in any trade negotiations. However, the level of
~e~elopm~& Qf tbe Commission's trade J!~ers is taken into consideration and the
required support is given to them.
The European Commission intends to give a new impetus to its actions and to that end, it
has just adopted a Communication "EU-China: Closer Partners, Growing
Responsibilities" which gives an overview of the actions the Commission proposes to
undertake with a view to establishing a balanced and fair relationship with China. The
ambition of the European Commission is to stick to its policy of openness subject to a
similar and reciprocal attitude from China. The competitiveness of the European industry
vis-a-vis the fierce Chinese competition has been at the centre of the preparatory work for
this Communication. It is also at the centre of another Communication "Global Europe,
competing in the world" which was adopted by the Commission on 4 October and will be
discussedin the coming weeks and endorsedby the Council of Ministers in December.
In your letter you express concern on how to maintain within the EU, for the sake of
security, the supply of strategic products in relation to the health sector. The
pharmaceutical sector, for instance, is a global industry .Although most of the R&D
activities are pursued in Europe, the production is diversified and spread almost allover
the world and the sourcing of raw materials can take place anywhere. In our view, the key
question is the capability of our industry to continue to be in the lead in innovation and
whether industry has the means to protect itself against intellectual property violation and
counterfeiting. Both issues are at the top of our priorities.
Yours sincerely,