8. december 2020
Danish response to Commission’s roadmap on the revision of the
Communication on important projects of common European Interest
The Danish Government appreciates the opportunity to comment on the
European Commission’s roadmap on revision of Communication on im-
portant projects of common European Interest (IPCEI).
The Danish Government strongly welcomes the intention of the Commis-
sion to limit the scope of the revision to the three main adjustments foreseen
in the roadmap on 1) providing further guidance on criteria in the commu-
nication, including the Green Deal, 2) facilitating the involvement for
SME’s and
3) ensuring that the process is genuinely transparent and inclu-
In general, we see a benefit in reviewing and updating the state aid guide-
lines, in order to take into account the above-mentioned three priorities in
order to support the Union’s objectives, especially including the green and
digital transition. The Danish Government finds that the current communi-
cation on IPCEI (2014/C 188/02) has contributed in a positive way to pro-
vide helpful guidelines for Member States when preparing schemes for an
approval process that is as smooth and quick as possible, while ensuring a
strict use and application of IPCEI. The upcoming revision should not lead
to a general relaxation of the rules or an undermining of the Commissions
objective assessment of notified projects.
Indicatives in the roadmap
Further guidance
contributing to the green transition
We believe that the Communication on IPCEI can play a role in relation to
fulfil and meet EU’s energy and climate targets. Therefore, a key priority
should be to maintain its supporting role, also in the context of the Euro-
pean Green Deal and the objective to decarbonize the EU energy systems
as a mean to combat climate change and to promote a more sustainable
economy and society as a whole. We therefore support further guidance
and clarification on the application of the criteria for environmental, energy
and transport projects.