Europaudvalget 2020-21, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21, Udenrigsudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 129, UPN Alm.del Bilag 71, URU Alm.del Bilag 57
Ankara, 24 November 2020
Dear President,
I’ve learned with dismay that
resolution titled “Situation of
EU-Turkey Relations in
the aftermath of the killing of a teacher in France” was approved by the Danish Parliament on
12 November 2020. I would like to bring to your attention our following views regarding the
different components of this odd resolution.
Firstly, it is incomprehensible that Denmark falls into the error of positioning Turkey,
her NATO Ally, a partner in European institutions and a country that is cooperating in fighting
terrorism, as an opponent while expressing solidarity with France for the terrorist attacks in this
country. Turkey is also stricken by attacks of terrorist groups such as DAESH and Al-Qaeda
which claim acting in the name of religion. Turkey is the leading country in the fight against
these organizations as well as a member of the “Global
Coalition Against DAESH”
with Denmark. As a country struggling with different forms of terrorism for decades, Turkey
has also condemned the recent and past terrorist attacks in France and expressed solidarity with
French people.
On the other hand, I would like to emphasize that we reject all kinds of rhetoric such as
“militant Islamist terrorist attacks” mentioned in the resolution which
establishes link between
Islam or any other religion and terrorism. Likewise, it is not acceptable that freedom of
expression is used, such as in France and in some other European countries, as a reason to attack
Islam, its symbols or any other sacred values or believes.
Using freedom of expression irresponsibly will only cause polarization of societies,
radicalization, tendency to violence and serve for the purpose of far-right and radical fractions.
Turkey, a founding member of the Council of Europe, is in solidarity with France in
protecting the freedom of expression and in fighting all kinds of terrorism. However, Turkey
has reacted to offensive, provocative and irresponsible approaches of some government
officials and circles in France, with a view to responsible understanding of freedom of
expression and considering the Turkish community living in that country.
H.E. Henrik Dam Kristensen
President of the Danish Parliament