The Danish Government’s response to the European Commission’s In-
ception Impact Assessment on the White Paper on levelling the playing
field as regards foreign subsidies
The Danish Government welcomes the opportunity to comment on the In-
ception Impact Assessment (IIA) on the White Paper on levelling the play-
ing field as regards foreign subsidies.
As stated in our response to the public consultation on the White Paper, the
Danish Government welcomes the initiative from the Commission to ad-
dress distortions from foreign subsidies since such subsidies are currently
not under the same scrutiny as state aid originating from EU countries. Un-
regulated foreign subsidies risk distorting competition in the single market
leading to unfair competition between subsidized and non-subsidized com-
panies. This is not fair. Therefore, the Danish Government agree that we
need the right tools to ensure that foreign subsidies do not distort our mar-
ket, just as we do with our European subsidies.
A well-functioning Single Market that ensures effective competition be-
tween companies
foreign as well as European
is essential for prosperity,
competitiveness, growth and consumer welfare in the European Union.
Consequently, it is paramount for the Danish Government that new instru-
ments respects the principles of open and effective competition and avoids
fencing out competition from foreign companies that would otherwise be
active in the single market on equal terms. The objective should indeed be
to ensure a level playing field to the benefit of consumers without creating
an instrument fostering protectionism.
We also mention in our response to the White Paper that we suggest the
Commission to introduce a general instrument as described in Module 1 in
the White Paper and a specific instrument as described in Module 2. We
find that these instruments will be able to address distortions of the Single
Market appropriately. In order to ensure that the instruments will detect all
distortive foreign subsidies and that enforcement is efficient, the Danish
Government suggests evaluating the instruments within a short time frame.
However, the Danish Government cannot support a specific instrument ad-
dressing foreign subsidies in public procurement. We elaborated on our
specific remarks in our response to the White Paper to which we refer.
Against this background, the Danish Government recommends the Com-
mission to take legislative action at EU level and develop new legal instru-
ments in regards to Module 1 and Module 2 in the White Paper to comple-
ment existing EU acquis (as presented in Option 2 "Take legislative action
at EU level" in the IIA). In relation to the possible instruments described
14 October 2020
2020 - 4054