Erhvervsudvalget 2020-21
ERU Alm.del Bilag 351
7. juni 2021
Response to the European Commission’s public consultation regard-
ing the Delegated Act on Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation
The Danish Government welcomes the work of the Commission to clarify
the content and presentation of the information to be disclosed by financial
and non-financial undertakings in order to comply with the requirements
in Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation (EU 2020/852).
The Danish Government supports the Action Plan on Sustainable Finance
and is committed to work with the Commission and stakeholders to ensure
a market-based transition to a sustainable economy through improved
transparency. We strongly support the Taxonomy Regulation adopted by
the Council and European Parliament establishing a common classification
system for sustainable economic activities. The Taxonomy Regulation can
contribute to facilitate the necessary sustainable investments needed to de-
liver on the EU's commitments towards climate neutrality by 2050.
In that perspective, the Danish Government welcomes the Commission’s
proposal for a delegated act on Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation, as
it will provide important data that several other regulations depend on.
Thus, the delegated act will aim at creating a flow of sustainability infor-
mation from the real economy to the financial sector, thereby increasing
transparency and help preventing greenwashing.
The Taxonomy Regulation entails that the companies concerned will dis-
close the proportion of their turnover, capital expenditure (CapEx) and op-
erating expenditure (OpEx) associated with economic activities that qual-
ify as environmentally sustainable. The Danish Government recognizes the
comprehensive advice provided by the European Supervisory Authorities
(ESA's) on how to specify the Article 8 reporting requirements. We believe
this advice constitutes a good basis for the delegated act.
The delegated act should in particular establish a clear and comparable
methodology for the three KPI’s of Article 8 (turnover/CapEx/OpEx) to be
disclosed. This should minimize the need to provide further description of
the accounting policy and reduce complexity for both reporting undertak-
ings and for users of the information. We do however recognize the need
to allow some flexibility to account for diverse business models.
ERU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 351: Orienteringsnotat samt høringssvar vedr. virksomheders rapportering under taksonomiforordningen, fra erhvervsministeren
The delegated act should ensure that the reported information to a high
degree fulfills the needs of the users of the information, while not impos-
ing disproportionate costs for the reporting undertakings. Therefore, with
a view to ease the considerable challenge for companies to provide very
comprehensive information on sustainability for the first time within a
tight deadline, we support a phased entry into force of the delegated act
that allows companies to get used to the new requirements. In this regard
we find it important that the delegated is clear on the requirements for the
first year, as we find it unclear at this point. We suggest that a separate
annex is made that clearly explains which information should be included
in the first year. This should be accompanied by a specific template for
the first year in tabular form.
As the reporting requirements will be very detailed, it is of paramount im-
portance to help companies to apply the rules by ensuring easy access to
guidance regarding the interpretation of the complicated provisions of the
delegated act. This would help ensure the full potential of the regulation
and correct reporting. We therefore encourage the Commission to establish
a Q/A on the Commission website as known from other regulations and
would welcome illustrative examples to help companies understand how
to practically apply the rules. Further guidance especially regarding the in-
formation to be reported for the first year would help companies in the
Considering the very detailed reporting required, we believe there is a need
to carefully consider whether it is possible to include a threshold for when
reporting on individual economic activities is required. We recommend
that the Commission is looking towards the thresholds for reportable seg-
ments in IFRS 8 Operating Segments for inspiration. This will contribute
to alignment with the accounting regulation and protect companies from
being obliged to publish information they consider business sensitive.
Companies should still be able to publish information that is even more
granular voluntarily, and could be encouraged to do so. As the reporting
after the Taxonomy Regulation Article 8 is part of the non-financial report-
ing after NFRD, it should in the delegated act be clearly stated which kind
of materiality should be applied. It is unclear whether the double material-
ity perspective as applicable for NFRD also applies to the information re-
garding the Taxonomy.
According to Article 9.3, the undertakings shall provide the key perfor-
mance indicators covering the previous five reporting periods. We believe
including a transitional provision is needed to clarify that undertakings
should not report for previous years, e.g. before the Regulation was
adopted. This would be a very burdensome exercise and in some cases im-
possible and would be in contradiction with fundamental legal principles.
ERU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 351: Orienteringsnotat samt høringssvar vedr. virksomheders rapportering under taksonomiforordningen, fra erhvervsministeren
The Danish Government supports the inclusion of a review clause to assess
the functioning of the delegated act and to consider future policy develop-
ments. In particular, the Danish Government stress the importance of en-
suring alignment and coherence between the Reporting Directive
(2013/34/EU), the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and the
Taxonomy Regulation. The Commission has published a proposal to re-
place NFRD with a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
The CSRD proposal extends the current scope from approximately 11.600
companies to approximately 49.000 companies, including listed SMEs.
The companies that will become subject to the CSRD will also become
subject to Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation, since this Article refers
to companies that are obliged to report after the NFRD/future CSRD. If the
CSRD is adopted with a much wider scope than the existing NFRD, as the
Commission has proposed, the Commission should assess the impacts this
will have for the reporting requirements under Article 8 in the Taxonomy
Regulation, as it would be expected to have a considerable impact, and
clarify whether new simplified and more proportionate requirements
should be introduced. Further, the cumulative requirements from sustain-
ability related EU-regulation should be assessed for the full policy areas,
in order to ensure coherence and proportionality
As regards the wording of the proposed delegated act, the Danish Govern-
ment, having consulted with Danish business organizations, points out that
some of the requirements should be further clarified, e.g. the definitions of
CapEx and OpEx, the requirements for the CapEx plan and how companies
not using the calendar year as their financial year should report.
We are at your disposal for further discussion and elaboration on these
As recently acknowledged in COM (2021) 219: Better regulation: Joining forces to
make better laws