Mairead McGuinness
Commissioner of Financial Stability, Financial Services and
Capital Markets Union
European Commission
Response from the Danish Government to the
Commission’s targeted
consultation on the supervisory convergence and the single rulebook
Dear Commissioner McGuinness,
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Commission’s public con-
sultation on the supervisory convergence and the single rulebook.
Since the establishment of the ESAs in the aftermath of the financial crisis,
the ESAs have played a significant role in making the European financial
system more resilient.
The Danish Government fully supports the ESAs and believes they have a
proper framework and structure, allowing them to effectively develop the
Single Rulebook and work towards more consistency in regulatory and su-
pervisory matters across the European Union.
We appreciate the Commission's inclusive approach reflected by this con-
sultation and recognize the legal obligation for the Commission to conduct
and present a status report on the most recent changes from the 2019 ESA-
review by the end of 2021. However, the recent revision only came into
effect in 2020 and experiences with the changes introduced are therefore
limited. Moreover, the changes setting out direct supervisory competencies
at ESMA still have to enter into force at the beginning of 2022. Therefore,
it is premature to fully assess the effectiveness of all the changes.
It is also premature to contemplate broad or far-reaching changes to the
framework. The European Parliament and Council only recently agreed on
the ESA’s competencies, including a limited
transfer of powers from the
national level to the community level. We should not expect a very differ-
ent outcome from any new revision already at this point. Therefore, we
currently see no need for further major reforms of the ESAs.
In light of the many initiatives already undertaken and yet to come, in par-
ticular the coming new supervisory competencies with ESMA, considera-
tion of further allocation of direct supervisory competencies with the ESAs
should be based on a clear, evidence-based rationale. Consideration of fur-
ther initiatives should be based on a thorough analysis including i) evi-
dence of significant cross-border activity that cannot be adequately ad-
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