Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
Centralbahnplatz 2
4051 Basel
Dear chairman Stefan Ingves
The Danish government appreciates the opportunity to comment on the
second consultative document on revisions to the standardised approach
for credit risk.
In the attached annex the views of the Danish government are specified in
more detail. For Denmark, the key issues are as follows.
First of all, we support the Basel Committee’s overall objective of en-
hancing risk sensitivity and comparability between institutions while at
the same time maintaining simplicity. However, this overall objective is
difficult to achieve in practice. In order to ensure risk sensitivity and
comparability in a way that reflects the underlying risks, differences be-
tween jurisdictions must be taken into account.
By way of example, the current Basel standard approach and the consulta-
tive document does not give covered bonds a specific treatment. Thereby
the legal and economic characteristics of covered bonds are not taken into
account. If this implies that covered bonds are bundled with other expo-
sures to institutions, the risk embedded in covered bonds could be over-
stated. In Europe, covered bonds have a specific treatment reflecting the
lower risk in these exposures. This specific treatment achieves a better
risk sensitivity and ensures that the risk weights reflect the underlying risk
of the exposures. It is in our view of utmost importance that we can keep
this specific treatment and we therefore find that the Basel Committee
should take this issue into account.
Secondly, the Danish government supports the Basel Committee’s view
that the objective of the revised standardised approach should be to ensure
that the capital requirement reflects the underlying risks and not to in-
crease the overall capital requirements as such. In this regard, however,
the calibration should not only take the global level into account. In our
view, it is equally important that the calibration does not impose an un-
warranted capital requirement increase for certain jurisdictions or specific
low risk portfolios where such an increase is not related to the underlying
risks of the exposures.
Slotsholmsgade 10-12
1015 Copenhagen K
+45 33 92 33 50
+45 33 12 37 78
CVR-nr. 10092485
EAN nr. 5798000026001