Erhvervsudvalget 2020-21
ERU Alm.del Bilag 111
19 November 2020
2020 - 5495
The Danish Government's response to the public consultation on a
roadmap on evaluation of certain aspects of the New Legislative
Denmark welcomes the opportunity to comment
on the Commission’s
roadmap on evaluation of certain aspects of the New Legislative Frame-
work (NLF).
The Danish Government strongly supports the NLF and its core principle
of a public-private partnership between legislators and industry. The NLF
has proven a successful tool to improve the single market for goods to the
benefit of consumers, businesses, authorities and the European economy as
a whole. The Danish Government welcomes the Commission’s initiative
of evaluating the NLF in order to future-proof and further improve upon
the framework. Overall, the Danish Government believes the Commission
should approach the evaluation of the NLF as a timely fine-tuning of an
already successful machinery. The Danish Government encourages the
Commission to make use of the NLF as the framework for any future prod-
uct regulation across DGs in order to avoid unnecessary burdens for busi-
Harmonized standards
A key pillar of the NLF is the system for harmonized standards, in which
legislators define essential requirements for consumer- and environmental
protection, while European Standardization Organizations define the cor-
responding detailed technical requirements for products and services. Har-
monized standards are particularly important for SMEs that might not oth-
erwise have the resources or technical know-how to demonstrate conform-
ity with Union legislation. The Danish Government believes that an evalu-
ation of the NLF should also consider the functioning of the system for
harmonized standards.
The Danish Government is concerned about a number of challenges cur-
rently facing the European system for harmonized standards, as expressed
in a joint non-paper signed by 18 member states
. The Danish Government
”Time to put harmonized standards back on track”,
joint position non-paper signed by 18 member
states and sent to Kerstin Jorna and Céline Gauer on July 1
ERU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 111: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. køreplan for kommende evaluering af den nye lovgivningsmæssige ramme for produktregler, fra erhvervsministeren
believes that a robust and efficient system for harmonized standards is vital
to a) the green and digital transitions, b) Europe’s competitiveness on the
global market, and c) influence on future international standardization, es-
pecially regarding new digital technologies.
The Danish Government is committed to participating in finding joint so-
lutions to the current challenges and urges the Commission to take into ac-
count stakeholders’ concerns on this issue and to ensure that the evaluation
of the NLF is coordinated with existing and upcoming initiatives on har-
monized standards, such as the Commission’s upcoming standardization
Green and digital economy
The Danish Government strongly supports the green and digital transition
of the European economy. The twin transitions pose new challenges in
terms of product requirements, as new types of products are placed on the
market. The Danish Government agrees with the Commission that the NLF
should be able to accommodate products that undergo changes during their
life cycle, such as updates, upgrades or remanufacturing. This also requires
a sufficiently agile and efficient system for harmonized standards. Further-
more, it may be necessary to clarify roles and responsibilities across the
value chain. These are all important steps to encourage consumer and B2B
trust in new products and business models that are aligned with European
policy goals.
The Danish Government urges the Commission to consider that efforts to
ensure that e.g. remanufactured products meet the relevant product require-
ments for safety and security do not impose disproportionate burdens on
sustainable business models. Rather, it is important that the NLF makes it
easy and attractive for innovative businesses, including SMEs, to place safe
and secure sustainable products on the Single market without imposing un-
necessary burdens. Also, the NLF should not create a burden for new and
innovative business models.
The green and circular transition of the economy is a key priority to the
Danish government. Accordingly, the Danish Government has set an am-
bitious target to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 pct. in 2030. In short, the
Danish Government supports efforts to promote a well-functioning single
market for circular products and business models, such as reuse and reman-
Notified bodies and conformity assessment procedures
The Danish Government acknowledges with appreciation the Commis-
sion’s intentions to ensure the quality of conformity assessment
and the competencies of notified bodies. Harmonized product regulation is
contingent on mutual trust across the system. In order to safeguard the NLF,
ERU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 111: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. køreplan for kommende evaluering af den nye lovgivningsmæssige ramme for produktregler, fra erhvervsministeren
it is vital that authorities, businesses and consumers can rely on the con-
formity assessments that are carried out under the NLF.
CE marking
Overall, the Danish Government believes that CE marking and accredita-
tion work well, and that most problems in these areas can be attributed to
lack of efficient and aligned implementation and enforcement. In addition,
it can be confusing, even for professionals, to understand which elements
are covered by the CE marking. For businesses, particularly SMEs, it is
problematic when new legislation enters into force without any correspond-
ing state-of-the-art harmonized standards referenced in the OJEU. Rather
than looking into alternatives to CE marking, The Danish Government en-
courages the Commission to focus on implementation and enforcement as
well as information about the rules related to CE marking.
Crisis resilience
The Danish Government appreciates the Commission’s intention to ensure
that the NLF is adequate to perform in urgency situations such as the cur-
rent COVID-19 crisis. The Danish Government notes that the NLF per-
formed well during the first wave of coronavirus in Europe in the spring of
2020, where the parties in the system for harmonized standards managed
to cooperate and deliver relevant harmonized standards for personal pro-
tective equipment and medical devices within a very short timeframe. The
Danish Business Authority referred other government authorities and rele-
vant business organizations to the guidance documents published on the
Commission’s website, which assisted manufacturers in getting acquainted
with the standards and conformity assessment procedures required to
launch a production of e.g. personal protective equipment. The Danish
Government recognizes the extraordinary efforts made by both the Euro-
pean Standardization Organizations and the European Commission in this
regard. The Danish Government hopes that this experience can serve as an
inspiration for joint efforts to make the European system for harmonized
standards more agile on a whole
– preferably as part of the Commission’s
upcoming standardization strategy.