Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2020-21
BEU Alm.del Bilag 7
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
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Research paper
Onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms
and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce
Reiner Rugulies
, Kathrine Sørensen
, Per T. Aldrich
, Anna P. Folker
, Maria K. Friborg
Susie Kjær
, Maj Britt D. Nielsen
, Jeppe K. Sørensen
, Ida E.H. Madsen
National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Joblife, Allerød, Denmark
National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Anerkendende Psykologpraksis, Herlev, Denmark
Occupational Health
Psychosocial Work Environment
Offending Behaviours
We studied onset of workplace sexual harassment and subsequent risk of depressive symptoms and
depressive disorder.
We examined 9,981 individuals who participated in the Work Environment and Health in Denmark
survey in 2012 and 2014 and 6,647 individuals who also participated in 2016, all unexposed to sexual har-
assment in 2012. Depressive symptoms and disorder were assessed with the Major Depression Inventory. Using
linear regression, we estimated the associations between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months preceding
the 2014 survey and depressive symptoms in 2014 and 2016, respectively. Using logistic regression, we esti-
mated risk of incident depressive disorder in 2014.
Onset of sexual harassment was associated with elevated depressive symptoms in 2014, both for har-
assment by non-workplace personnel (e.g., patients, estimate (B): 1.61, 95% CI: 0.51–2.72,
= 0.004) and
workplace personnel (e.g., supervisors, B: 3.85, 95% CI: 2.51–5.20,
< 0.001), after adjustment for depressive
symptoms in 2012. Harassment by workplace personnel was further associated with elevated depressive
symptoms in 2016 after adjustment for symptoms in 2012, but not after adjustment for symptoms in 2014.
Harassment by workplace personnel was associated with incident depressive disorder in 2014 (odds ratio: 5.26,
95% CI: 2.68–10.31,
< 0.001).
Depressive symptoms and disorder were assessed with a validated self-administered rating scale but
not a clinical diagnostic interview. Participants reporting harassment in 2014 had elevated depressive symptoms
already in 2012 requiring future investigation.
Exposure to sexual harassments at the workplace may be a contributing factor in the aetiology of
depressive symptoms and disorder.
1. Introduction
Sexual harassment at work has become a topic of rapidly increasing
interest, not least because of the #MeToo debate, where well-known
individuals from the entertainment and professional sports industry and
from politics were accused of sexual harassment (Choo
et al., 2019;
Freischlag and Faria, 2018; Mendes et al., 2018).
While the debate
showed a broad societal consensus that workplace sexual harassment is
unacceptable and is thought to be psychological harmful for those ex-
posed to sexual harassment (O'Neil
et al., 2018),
studies of high quality quantifying the impact of workplace sexual
harassment on mental health outcomes are scarce (McDonald,
O'Neil et al., 2018; Quick and McFadyen, 2017; Sojo et al., 2016;
Spector et al., 2014; Willness et al., 2007).
Reviews of the literature have shown that the vast majority of stu-
dies examining the association of workplace sexual harassment and risk
of mental ill-health have been cross-sectional in design, severely lim-
iting any conclusion about the causal direction of the association
2012; Sojo et al., 2016; Spector et al., 2014; Willness et al.,
One of the few exceptions is a longitudinal study with 1775
Corresponding author at: National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lerso Parkalle 105, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
(R. Rugulies).
Received 20 January 2020; Received in revised form 16 May 2020; Accepted 16 June 2020
Available online 15 July 2020
0165-0327/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
Norwegian employees, reporting a two-fold higher risk of psychological
distress symptoms among women, but not among men, following ex-
posure to sexual harassment in a two-year follow-up study (Nielsen
Einarsen, 2012).
To the best of our knowledge, no longitudinal study
has examined yet, whether workplace sexual harassment predicts ele-
vated depressive symptoms or the incidence of a depressive disorder.
Although longitudinal studies have the obvious advantage over
cross-sectional studies that they allow examining the temporal order in
the association between the exposure to sexual harassment and sub-
sequent mental health, they also face important challenges. In a long-
itudinal study, researchers usually would examine if sexual harassment
at baseline predicts depressive symptom level at follow-up, after ad-
justment for baseline depressive symptom level. On the one hand, ad-
justing for baseline depressive symptom level is an appropriate ap-
proach, because baseline depressive symptom level may influence both
the reporting of baseline sexual harassment and depressive symptom
level at follow-up, causing spurious associations between baseline
sexual harassment and depressive symptom level at follow-up. On the
other hand, adjusting for baseline depressive symptom level would be
inappropriate if the effect of sexual harassment on depressive symptoms
is instantaneous, i.e. without any considerable latency period. In this
case, baseline sexual harassment would influence baseline depressive
symptom level and adjusting for baseline depressive symptom levels
would be an adjustment for an earlier manifestation of the effect,
leading to an underestimation of the association between baseline
sexual harassment and depressive symptom level at follow-up.
To address the challenge that baseline depressive symptoms might
be influenced by baseline sexual harassment, we constructed a cohort of
workers where no one was exposed to sexual harassment at baseline.
We then followed this cohort for two years and during this time some of
the participants reported being exposed to sexual harassment. We then
analysed both the association between the onset of exposure to sexual
harassment and subsequent depressive symptoms and incident depres-
sive disorder, while adjusting for participants’ depressive symptoms at
baseline, when they were unexposed.
We had previously reported cross-sectional results on sexual har-
assment and depressive symptoms in a subsample of our study popu-
lation (Friborg
et al., 2017).
These results indicated that the strengths of
the association between sexual harassment and mental health might
depend on the type of the perpetrator (Friborg
et al., 2017).
quently, we distinguished in the present study between harassment by
non-workplace personnel (customers, clients, patients, students) and by
workplace personnel (colleagues, supervisors, subordinates).
2. Methods
2.1. Study design and population
two study designs.
Fig. 2
shows the
for inclusion into the study and con-
structing the two cohorts. A detailed description of the WEHD study
design and recruitment process is published elsewhere (Johnsen
et al.,
Briefly, in 2012, Statistics Denmark drew a nationwide sample
of 35,039 employees, aged 18 to 64 years, of which 17,622 (50.3%)
responded to the WEHD 2012 questionnaire (t1). We excluded re-
spondents who were not in the workforce when they
in the
questionnaire (n = 950), had missing values on key variables (n = 865)
or were exposed to sexual harassment at t1 (n = 412), yielding a
sample of 15,435 individuals. Of those, 9981 responded to the follow-
up questionnaire in 2014 (t2), were at work at t2 and had no missing
values on key variables. These individuals constituted cohort I for
analysing the short-term association between onset of sexual harass-
ment in the 12 months before t2 and level of depressive symptoms at t2.
For analysing risk of incident depressive disorder at t2, we built a
subsample of cohort I by excluding 972 individuals who at t1 had signs
of a depressive disorder (n = 485), reported treatment for a depressive
disorder during the last year (n = 359), or both (n = 128), yielding a
subsample of 9009 individuals who were free of a depressive disorder at
Of the 9981 participants of cohort I, 6647
in the WEHD 2016
survey (t3) with no missing values on key variables. These individuals
constituted cohort II for analysing the long-term association between
onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and level of
depressive symptoms at t3.
2.2. Assessment of workplace sexual harassment
Workplace sexual harassment was assessed with one question:
you been exposed to sexual harassment at your workplace during
the last 12 months?”, with the response options
never”. For the purpose of
analysis, we collapsed all
options together, generating a binary
variable indicating presence or absence of sexual harassment.
Participants who selected one of the
options were then asked
exposed you to sexual harassment?”, with the response options
(non-workplace person-
(workplace personnel).
We constructed three exposure groups according to exposure in
2014 (t2): Group 1 was not exposed to sexual harassment, Group 2 was
exposed to sexual harassment by non-workplace personnel and Group 3
was exposed to sexual harassment by workplace personnel. If an in-
dividual was exposed to sexual harassment by both non-workplace
personnel and workplace personnel then this individual was assigned to
Group 3.
2.3. Measurement of depressive symptoms and disorder
We used data from the Work Environment and Health in Denmark
(WEHD) study, a bi-annual survey on working conditions and health
established in 2012. We examined the association between onset of
workplace sexual harassment and subsequent level of depressive
symptoms and incident depressive disorder in the Danish workforce
with measurements in 2012 (t1), 2014 (t2) and 2016 (t3). All partici-
pants were free of sexual harassment at t1 and the 12 months preceding
t1. At t2, some participants reported the onset of at least one episode of
sexual harassment during the last 12 months. Based on this information
we constructed two cohorts. In
cohort I
(participants with measure-
ments in 2012 and 2014) we analysed the association between onset of
sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and depressive symptoms
and disorder at t2 (short-term association).
In cohort II
with measurements in 2012, 2014, and 2016) we analysed the asso-
ciation between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2
and depressive symptoms at t3 (long-term association). In both cohorts
we adjusted the analyses for depressive symptom level at t1 when all
participants were unexposed to sexual harassment.
Fig. 1
illustrates the
We measured depressive symptoms and disorder by the Major
Depression Inventory (MDI), a clinically validated self-administered
rating scale (Bech
et al., 2001, 2015; Olsen et al., 2003).
consists of 12 items assessing the presence of depressive symptoms
during the last two weeks in accordance with the ICD-10 symptom list
of depression (Bech
et al., 2001).
Each item is responded on a scale
ranging from 0 (the symptom has not been present at all) to 5 (the
symptom has been present all of the time). Two pairs of items are
combined (i.e. only the item with the higher score is included), yielding
an MDI-score with a possible range of 0 to 50 points. We used this score
for assessing the level of depressive symptoms in our study. As an in-
dicator for the presence of a depressive disorder we used a MDI-score of
points as recommended in a recent validation study of the MDI
et al., 2015).
In addition to the MDI, the survey included also a question whether
the respondent was currently or in the last year in treatment for a de-
pressive disorder, with the response options
We used this
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
Fig. 1.
Illustration of the design and measurement points of the two cohort studies.
response as further information for identifying a prevalent depressive
disorder at baseline.
2.4. Measurement of covariates
As covariates we included age (continuous, in years), sex, cohabi-
tation (yes/no), education (“low” (≤10 years of education),
low” (10–12 years),
high” (13–15 years) and
years)), and occupational status (“senior manager”,
in a job
requiring high skill level”,
in a job requiring intermediate skill
in occupation requiring basic skill level”,
not classified”). All these covariates were derived from national regis-
ters maintained by Statistics Denmark, using the participants’ unique
civil registration number (Pedersen,
We further included a
variable indicating the occupational sector, by using the codes of the
Danish version of the EU's nomenclature (NACE, Statistical classifica-
tion of economic activities in the European Community) from Statistics
Denmark (Torma
et al., 2007).
We used
standard industrial
grouping for publishing purposes” that aggregates the 726 possible
industries into 10 groups (Torma
et al., 2007).
2.5. Statistical analysis
Using linear regression and logistic regression, respectively, we
compared the level of depressive symptoms and the proportion of in-
dividuals with incident depressive disorder at follow-up in the two
exposed groups (onset of sexual harassment by non-workplace per-
sonnel; onset of sexual harassment by workplace personnel) to the level
and proportion in the reference group (no onset of sexual harassment).
In cohort I, we compared levels of depressive symptom scores at t2
in the three groups, yielding estimates for the mean differences with
95% confidence intervals (CI) for the short-term association between
onset of exposure to sexual harassment during the last 12 months before
t2 and level of depressive symptoms at t2.
In the subsample of cohort I that was free of a depressive disorder at
t1, we compared the proportion of individuals with incident depressive
disorder at t2 in the three groups, yielding odds ratios (OR) with 95% CI
for the short-term association between onset of sexual harassment
during the last 12 months before t2 and risk of incident depressive
disorder at t2.
All estimates from cohort I were adjusted for age, sex, cohabitation,
education, occupational status, occupational sector and depressive
symptom level at t1.
In cohort II, we compared levels of depressive symptom scores at t3
in the three groups, yielding estimates for the mean differences with
95% CI for the long-term association between onset of sexual harass-
ment during the last 12 months before t2 and level of depressive
symptoms at t3. In model 1, estimates were adjusted for age, sex, co-
habitation, education, occupational status, occupational sector, de-
pressive symptom level at t1 and treatment for a depressive disorder at
t1. In model 2, estimates were further adjusted for depressive symptom
level at t2 and treatment for a depressive disorder at t2. Because some
individuals who were free of sexual harassment at t2 became exposed to
harassment in the 12 months before t3, we conducted an additional
analyses of cohort II, in which we excluded those newly exposed par-
3. Results
Table 1
shows the characteristics of the participants of the two co-
horts. Mean age was 46 years in cohort I and 47 years in cohort II.
Women and men were almost equally represented in the study (53%
women in both cohorts). Most participants worked in public adminis-
tration, education and health (41 and 42% in cohort I and II, respec-
tively), followed by trade and transport (17% in both cohorts).
Onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 was reported
by 175 participants in cohort I (1.75%) and 103 individuals in cohort II
(1.55%). The majority of the participants reported that the exposure
(146 out of 175 (83.43%) and 87 out of 103 (84.47%) in
cohorts I and II, respectively). The perpetrator came more often from
non-workplace personnel than from workplace personnel (105 out of
175 (60.00%) and 67 out of 103 cases (65.05%) in cohorts I and II
Women reported more sexual harassment than men. In cohort I,
harassment from non-workplace personnel was reported by 1.80% of
women (95 out of 5281) and 0.21% of men (10 out of 4700).
Harassment from workplace personnel was reported by 0.78% of
women (41 out of 5281) and 0.62% of men (29 out of 4700). In cohort
II, harassment from non-workplace personnel was reported by 1.69% of
women (60 out of 3543) and 0.23% of men (7 out of 3104). Harassment
from workplace personnel was reported by 0.73% of women (26 out of
3543) and 0.32% of men (10 out of 3104).
3.1. Onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and depressive
symptoms at t2 (short-term association)
Fig. 3
shows changes in depressive symptom levels from t1 to t2 in
the three groups from cohort I. Groups 2 and 3 consisting of partici-
pants who later became exposed to sexual harassment had already at t1
higher depressive symptom levels than the reference group that not
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
Fig. 2.
Flow-chart of the construction of cohort I and cohort II.
became exposed.
From t1 to t2, depressive symptom levels remained stable among
those who remained unexposed to sexual harassment (Group 1, change
points) and increased among those who became exposed to
sexual harassment by non-workplace personnel (Group 2, +0.94
points) and workplace personnel (Group 3, +2.49 points).
Consequently, at t2, depressive symptom levels were statistically sig-
nificantly higher among participants exposed to sexual harassment by
both non-workplace personnel (Group 2, mean: 11.17, SD: 7.98, esti-
mate (B): 1.61, 95% CI: 0.51 to 2.72,
= 0.004) and workplace per-
sonnel (Group 3, mean: 14.49, SD: 9.97, B: 3.85, 95% CI: 2.51 to 5.20,
< 0.001) compared to participants that were not exposed (Group 1,
mean: 7.64, SD: 7.25) after adjustment for all covariates, including
depressive symptom level at t1.
When we stratified the analyses by sex, there was no clear indication
that the short-term association between sexual harassment and de-
pressive symptoms may be different for women and men (see
Online appendix).
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
Table 1
Characteristics of the two cohorts in 2014.
Cohort I (2012–2014)
= 9981
mean (SD)
Medium high,
Medium low,
Not known,
Occupational Status
Senior manager,
Job requiring high skill level,
Job requiring intermediate skill level,
Job requiring basic skill level,
Other/not classified,
Occupational Sector
Agriculture, forestry and
Manufacturing, mining, quarrying, utility services,
Trade and transport,
Information and communication,
Financial and insurance,
Real estate,
Other business services,
Public administration, education and health,
Arts, entertainment, other services,
Sexual harassment
Monthly or more often,
Perpetrator for sexual harassment
Group 1: No harassment
Group 2: Harassment by non-workplace personnel,
(%) (Client, Customer, Patient, Student)
Group 3: Harassment by workplace personnel,
(%) (Colleague, Supervisor, Subordinate)
46.26 (10.23)
5281 (52.91)
4700 (47.09)
7985 (80.00)
1375 (13.78)
3196 (32.02)
4225 (42.33)
1134 (11.36)
51 (0.51)
483 (4.84)
2312 (23.16)
2458 (24.63)
3078 (30.84)
1650 (16.53)
100 (1.00)
1369 (13.72)
368 (3.69)
1718 (17.21)
379 (3.80)
406 (4.07)
160 (1.60)
953 (9.55)
4124 (41.32)
404 (4.05)
9806 (98.25)
146 (1.46)
29 (0.29)
9806 (98.25)
105 (1.05)
70 (0.70)
Cohort II (2012–2014–2016)
= 6647
46.69 (9.38)
3543 (53.30)
3104 (46.70)
5414 (81.45)
937 (14.10)
2170 (32.65)
2792 (42.00)
721 (10.85)
27 (0.41)
301 (4.53)
1587 (23.88)
1704 (25.64)
2018 (30.36)
1037 (15.60)
67 (1.01)
918 (13.81)
229 (3.45)
1128 (16.97)
260 (3.91)
261 (3.93)
98 (1.47)
629 (9.46)
2771 (41.69)
286 (4.30)
6544 (98.45)
87 (1.31)
16 (0.24)
6544 (98.45)
67 (1.01)
36 (0.54)
3.2. Onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and incident
depressive disorder at t2 (short-term association)
Of the 9009 participants who were free of a depressive disorder in
2012, 355 (3.9%) were classified with a depressive disorder in 2014.
The incidence rate of depressive disorder was 3.8%, 9.8% and 25.0% in
Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
Table 2
shows the odds ratios and 95%
CI for the association between onset of sexual harassment and incident
depressive disorder. Compared to the reference group with no exposure
to sexual harassment (Group 1), the odds ratio for incident depressive
disorder was 1.92 (95% CI: 0.88 to 4.19,
= 0.10) among participants
exposed to sexual harassment by non-workplace personnel (Group 2),
and 5.26 (95% CI: 2.68 to 10.31,
< 0.001) among participants ex-
posed to sexual harassment by workplace personnel (Group 3) after
adjustment for all covariates, including depressive symptom level at t1.
3.3. Onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and depressive
symptoms at t3 (long-term association)
Fig. 4
shows changes in depressive symptom levels from t1 to t2 to
t3 for the three groups from cohort II. As in cohort I, also cohort II
participants who later became exposed to sexual harassment (Group 2
and 3) had already at t1 higher depressive symptom levels than parti-
cipants who not later became exposed (Group 1).
From t1 to t3, depressive symptom levels remained stable in the
non-exposed group (Group 1, +0.04 points) and increased for partici-
pants who became exposed to sexual harassment by non-workplace
personnel (Group 2, +0.24 points) and workplace personnel (Group 3,
+1.80 points). At t3, depressive symptom levels were statistically
significantly higher among participants exposed to sexual harassment
by workplace personnel (Group 3, mean: 12.22, SD: 9.92, B: 2.54, 95%
CI: 0.62 to 4.46,
= 0.01) compared to participants that were not
exposed (Group 1, mean: 7.64, SD: 7.25) after adjustment for covari-
ates, including depressive symptom level at t1 and treatment for de-
pressive disorder at t1 (model 1). After further adjustment for depres-
sive symptom level at t2 and treatment for a depressive disorder at t2,
the estimate attenuated and statistical significance was lost (model 2,
= 0.22). Group 2 did not differ statistical significantly in depressive
symptom levels at t3 from Group 1, neither in the analyses in model 1
(p = 0.29) nor in model 2 (p = 0.93).
When we stratified the analyses by sex, there was no clear indication
that the long-term association between sexual harassment and depres-
sive symptoms may be different for women and men (see
Online appendix).
When we excluded participants, who were not exposed to sexual
harassment in the 12 months preceding t2 (Group 1) but became ex-
posed in the 12 months preceding t3, results were similar to the main
analyses (data available upon request).
4. Discussion
4.1. Interpretation of the results
The results of this study of the Danish workforce show that onset of
workplace sexual harassment, particularly from workplace personnel,
was associated with elevated depressive symptoms and risk of incident
depressive disorder. Particularly striking was the
higher risk of
incident depressive disorder among participants exposed to onset of
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
Fig. 3.
Short-term association between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and depressive symptom level at t2 among 9981 women and men who
were not exposed to sexual harassment at t1.
sexual harassment by workplace personnel compared to those who re-
mained unexposed, after adjustment for baseline depressive symptom
level (short-term association analysis).
That the association between sexual harassment and depressive
symptoms and disorder was stronger when the harassment came from
workplace personnel, such as a colleague or supervisor, and weaker
when harassment came from non-workplace personnel, such as a cus-
tomer, client or patient, is in agreement with results from an earlier
cross-sectional analysis conducted in a subsample of our study popu-
lation (Friborg
et al., 2017).
Sexual harassment by colleagues or su-
pervisors may be experienced as particularly adverse as it is often ne-
cessary to collaborate with the perpetrator on a daily basis, which may
be emotionally taxing. Further, revealing the sexual harassment at the
workplace may sometimes negatively change the social relations to
other colleagues and supervisors, which could be a further source of
emotional strain.
Sexual harassment by non-workplace personnel often includes har-
assment by individuals who may not be responsible for their behavior,
such as eldercare home residents with dementia or institutionalized
individuals with severe mental health conditions (Nielsen
et al., 2017).
A recent qualitative interview study showed that care workers often
consider handling sexual harassment by patients and clients as a mark
of professionalism (Nielsen
et al., 2017).
Further, at workplaces with a
relatively high prevalence of sexual harassment by non-workplace
personnel, employees might get habituated to the exposure to a certain
extent, and those employees who
it difficult to get habituated
Table 2
Short-term association between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and risk of incident depressive disorder at t2 among 9009 women and men who
were at t1 both free of a depressive disorder and not exposed to sexual harassment.
Group 1; No sexual harassment
Group 2; Sexual harassment by non-workplace personnel
Group 3; Sexual harassment by workplace personnel
Cases (%)
333 (3.75%)
8 (9.76%)
14 (25.00%)
OR (95%CI)
1 Reference
2.77 (1.33–5.80)
8.55 (4.62–15.80)
OR (95%CI)
1 Reference
1.92 (0.88–4.19)
5.26 (2.68–10.31)
Logistic regression analysis. Estimates are adjusted for age, sex cohabitation, education, occupational status, occupational sector and, depressive symptom score at t1.
Individuals with indications of depressive disorder at t1 (either MDI-score
or self-reported treatment of depressive disorder at t1 or the year before t1) were
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
Fig. 4.
Long-term association between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before t2 and depressive symptom level at t3 among 6647 women and men who
were not exposed to sexual harassment at t1.
might not last long at the workplace and in the profession
et al., 2017).
That all said, it is important to note that although
the association of sexual harassment with depressive symptoms was
weaker for harassment by non-workplace personnel than by workplace
personnel, also harassment by non-workplace personnel predicted an
elevated level of depressive symptoms that was statistically significant.
Thus, sexual harassment by non-workplace personnel is by no mean
harmless, but it is likely qualitatively different and maybe harmful to a
lesser extent compared to sexual harassment by workplace personnel.
We adjusted all estimates for depressive symptoms in 2012 (t1)
when all participants were unexposed to sexual harassment. Exposure
to sexual harassment between 2012 and 2014 was assessed in 2014 (t2)
by asking participants if they had been exposed to sexual harassment
during the last 12 months. Thus, our analyses showed the association
between a relatively recent onset of exposure to sexual harassment and
subsequent depressive symptoms and disorder, while adjusting for de-
pressive symptom level before onset of exposure. We believe that this
approach, adjusting for baseline depressive symptom level before the
onset of exposure had occurred, is superior to a traditional longitudinal
design that would have adjusted for baseline depressive symptoms
measured concurrently with the measurement of exposure, as it is
plausible that in the traditional design the baseline depressive symp-
toms already had been impacted by the prevalent exposure.
A disadvantage of our approach, though, is that we asked the par-
ticipants to recall the occurrence of sexual harassment during the last
12 months at the same time in 2014 when we also assessed depressive
symptoms and disorder. We cannot rule out that an unknown number of
study participants developed elevated depressive symptoms from 2012
to 2014 for other reasons than onset of workplace sexual harassment
and that these elevated depressive symptoms in 2014 had led them to
overestimate exposure to sexual harassment during the last 12 months.
We followed participants further until 2016 (t3), analyzing the as-
sociation between onset of sexual harassment in the 12 months before
2014 (t2) with depressive symptoms in 2016 (t3). For participants re-
porting harassment by workplace personnel, we still found an associa-
tion between harassment and depressive symptoms in 2016 (t3) after
adjustment for depressive symptoms in 2012 (t1). However, the asso-
ciation, was attenuated and lost statistical significance after adjustment
for depressive symptoms in 2014 (t2). This was unsurprising, as we had
expected that the impact of exposure to sexual harassment in the 12
months preceding the 2014 (t2) survey on depressive symptoms would
be mainly seen in higher depressive symptoms in 2014 (t2) and that a
further increase in depressive symptoms from 2014 (t2) to 2016 (t3)
was unlikely.
An unexpected result of our study was that individuals who reported
onset of sexual harassment in the 2014 survey, already in 2012, when
they were unexposed, had higher depressive symptom levels compared
to participants who were unexposed in both 2012 and 2014. Different
explanations for this result are conceivable. First, individuals with
elevated depressive symptoms may, for reasons unknown, be at higher
risk for becoming exposed to sexual harassment, suggesting that the
association between sexual harassment and depressive may be bi-
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
directional. Second, elevated depressive symptoms may make in-
dividuals more likely to perceive certain behaviors as sexual harass-
ment. Third, some individuals may have been exposed to sexual har-
assment in the more distant past, i.e. longer than the 12 months before
t1 that we assessed with our questionnaire and this history of previous
sexual harassment may have influenced both the level of depressive
symptoms at t1 and the risk of onset of sexual harassment at t2. Fourth,
specific adverse working conditions, e.g., conflicts at work or poor so-
cial relations among employees and between employees and manage-
ment, may contribute to a higher risk of both onset of sexual harass-
ment and elevated depressive symptoms. These potential explanations
are important topics to be examined in future studies. For the present
study, it was key that we had the data on depressive symptoms in 2012
(t1) available, and that we therefore were able to adjust all analyses for
depressive symptoms prior onset of exposure.
4.2. Comparison with earlier studies
To the best of our knowledge, our study is the
one that ex-
amined the longitudinal association between onset of workplace sexual
harassment and risk of elevated depressive symptoms and disorder.
Further, we believe that our study is also the
to examine sexual
harassment and depressive symptoms and disorder in a large cross-oc-
cupational sample of a national workforce, with repeated measure-
ments of both exposures and outcomes.
Cross-sectional associations between sexual harassment and symp-
toms of mental-ill health and reduced psychological well-being have
been documented in several previous studies (McDonald,
Sojo et al., 2016).
Recently, a cross-sectional study showed a dose-re-
sponse association between frequency of sexual harassment and pre-
valent depressive disorder among US and Canada based
dants (Gale
et al., 2019).
Nielsen and Einarsen (2012)
reported in a Norwe-
gian study, that women exposed to sexual harassment had a two-fold
higher risk of psychological distress, measured with the Hopkins
Symptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) a screening instrument for common
psychiatric problems, including but not limited to depressive symptoms
et al., 1993).
Thus, the outcome was broader and less
specific than the outcome in our study. Nielsen and Einarsen used a
more comprehensive assessment of sexual harassment than the present
study, applying the 11 item Bergen Sexual Harassment scale
et al., 2010),
whereas our measurement of sexual harassment
was limited to a single item.
4.3. Strengths and limitations
Strengths of the study include the longitudinal design, the large
study population comprising a wide range of occupations in the Danish
workforce, and the measurement of depressive symptoms and disorder
with a clinically validated rating scale. To our knowledge, this is the
cohort study demonstrating an association between onset of ex-
posure to workplace sexual harassment and subsequent risk of elevated
depressive symptoms and incident depressive disorder.
Several important limitations should be noted. First, we measured
sexual harassment with a single global item, which might have caused
an underestimation of the prevalence of sexual harassment. Using a
scale providing specific examples of sexual harassment e.g., about un-
wanted touching or verbal sexual suggestions, might have resulted in
the reporting of higher number of events of harassment, particularly of
events that may have been regarded by the study participants as less
severe (Nielsen
et al., 2010).
Second, we measured depressive disorder with the MDI, an instru-
ment that has previously been validated in clinical studies (Bech
et al.,
2001, 2015; Olsen et al., 2003).
The strong association between onset of
sexual harassment and a
higher risk of incident depressive
disorder is an important result of this study, as it indicates that sexual
harassment not only affects individuals’ well-being but may also con-
tribute to the development of a clinical disorder. However, caution is
needed in the interpretation of the result, as the gold standard measure
for assessing a depressive disorder in research studies is a clinical di-
agnostic interview, which was not available in this large population-
based study. The MDI is focused on the frequency and duration of
symptoms of clinical depression, but, unlike a clinical diagnostic in-
terview, does not assess impairment in different areas of living.
Therefore, the results on incident depressive disorder need to be re-
plicated in further clinical studies.
Third, individuals who later experienced onset of sexual harassment
had already at baseline higher levels of depressive symptoms than in-
dividuals who later did not experience sexual harassment. As we ad-
justed all estimates for baseline depressive symptoms, our results were
not biased by this unexpected
However, as described in detail
above, further research on explanations for this
is needed.
Fourth, as delineated in the section
of the results”,
we measured onset of exposure to sexual harassment during the last 12
months retrospectively in the 2014 (t2) survey and we cannot rule out
that elevated depressive symptoms in 2014 that had other reasons than
exposure to sexual harassment, may have led participants to over-
estimate the occurrence of harassment. We attempted to mitigate this
potential bias by adjusting for depressive symptoms in 2012 (t1).
Fifth, although we analyzed data of almost 10,000 individuals with
two measures (cohort I) and more than 6600 individuals with three
measures (cohort II), the study sample was still not large enough for
performing a number of desirable subgroup analyses, as both onset of
exposure to sexual harassment and incident depressive disorder was
rare. For example, we could not analyze whether the frequency of the
harassment or the status of the perpetrator within the group of work-
place personnel (colleague, supervisor or subordinate) were related to
the subsequent level of depressive symptoms and risk of depressive
disorder. When further waves of WEHD with more study participants
become available in the future, we may be able to perform some of
these subgroup analyses.
Sixth, because of the low number of individuals with onset of sexual
harassment, the results from the sex-stratified analyses need to be
viewed with caution. In these subgroup analyses, the exposure groups
were small, particularly among men, and although we did not
evidence for that pattern of associations were different for women and
for men, we cannot rule out that such different patterns may have
emerged in a larger study sample.
5. Conclusion
Onset of workplace sexual harassment is associated with elevated
depressive symptoms and higher risk of incident depressive disorder in
the Danish workforce. A particularly strong association was found for
the association of onset of sexual harassment from workplace personal
and incident depressive disorder, with an odds ratio of more than
Workplace sexual harassment may be a potential contributing factor in
the aetiology of depressive symptoms and disorder.
Declaration of Competing Interest
All authors declare no conflict of interest.
The study was supported by the Danish Working Environment
Research Fund (Grant no. 37-2014-09). The funding source had no in-
volvement in the study design, the data collection, the analysis, the
interpretation of data, the writing of the paper, or the decision to
submit the paper for publication.
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 7: Orientering om artikel fra NFA om sammenhængen mellem seksuel chikane på arbejdet og efterfølgende øget risiko for depressive lidelser, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
R. Rugulies, et al.
Journal of Affective Disorders 277 (2020) 21–29
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RR and IEHM conceived the study. RR, IEHM and KS designed the
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the data analysis. All authors interpreted the data and discussed the
results. RR wrote the
draft of the manuscript and all authors re-
vised the draft critically for important intellectual content. All authors
read and approved the
version for submission.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
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