1. According to Article 8 of Council Directive 92/85 /EEC of 19 October 1992 on the introduction of
measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and
workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding the Member States shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that workers within the meaning of Article 2 are entitled to a
continuous period of maternity leave of a least 14 weeks allocated before and / or after
confinement in accordance with national legislation and / or practice. At least two of those weeks
are compulsory maternity leave allocated before and / or after confinement in accordance with
national legislation and/or practice.
QA: Is it possible within Article 8 on a national level to give the opportunity to postpone part of
the maternity leave to a later time, so that as an example, the two compulsory weeks are held just
after the birth of the child and then the last 12 weeks is to be used at a later time?
Maternity leave under
Article 8 of
Council Directive 92/85 /EEC
p o ides fo a o ti uous pe iod
of a
least 14 weeks allocated before and / or after confinement in accordance with national legislation and /
o p a ti e. Si ila ly, e ital
states that Whe eas the ul e a ility of p eg a
t workers, workers
who have recently given birth or who are breastfeeding makes it necessary for them to be granted the
right to maternity leave of at least 14
eeks, allo ated efo e a d/o afte o fi e e t… .
The terminology suggests that the weeks cannot be separated and part of the leave postponed to a later
ti e. Fu the o e, a o di g to the ECJ’s judg e t i ase
Mo tull . INSS, pa a. , the
o a ’s ight to suspe d he e ploy e t du i g that li ited pe iod of at least
eeks … ay ot
e alled i to uestio , i hate e ay, y the pu li autho ities o y the e ploye .
QB: If so, is it possible for the mother to transfer those postponed weeks of non-mandatory
maternity leave to the father?
According to the ECJ judgment in case C-5/12, Montull v. INSS, it is possible for the (working) mother to
consent to a transfer of her maternity leave rights falling outside of the compulsory maternity leave of
two weeks to the (working) father as long as her health is not at risk. However, as also clarified in this
ase, the ate ity lea e p o ided fo u de Di e ti e /
ay ot e ithd a
f o the othe
agai st he ill so as to e assig ed, i hole o i pa t, to the hild’s fathe pa a.
. Thus,
States can allow mothers to transfer the 12 weeks falling outside of the scope of the compulsory
ate ity lea e of t o eeks u de a t.
, as lo g as this is i li e ith the Cou t’s uli g.
2. According to Article 5 of Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers Member States shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that each worker has an individual right to parental leave of four
months that is to be taken before the child reaches a specified age, up to the age of eight. Further
Member States shall ensure that two months of parental leave cannot be transferred.
QA: Is it possible within Article 5 to decide on a national level that more than two months should
not be transferrable, so that as an example 3 months for both parents cannot be transferred?
QB: Is it possible within the directive and other relevant instruments of EU law to decide on a
national level that the father
in light of the leave granted to the mother under directive