Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2020-21
BEU Alm.del Bilag 180
Open access
Original research
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
Is hard physical work in the early
working life associated with back pain
later in life? A cross-sectional study
among 5700 older workers
Rúni Bláfoss
Sebastian Venge Skovlund,
Rubén López‐Bueno
Joaquin Calatayud,
Emil Sundstrup,
Lars L Andersen
To cite:
Bláfoss R, Skovlund SV,
López‐Bueno R,
et al.
Is hard
physical work in the early
working life associated with
back pain later in life? A cross-
sectional study among 5700
older workers.
BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history for
this paper is available online.
To view these files, please visit
the journal online (http://dx.doi.
Physically demanding work increases the risk
of developing musculoskeletal disorders during working
life, with low back pain (LBP) as the most prevalent and
debilitating musculoskeletal disorder worldwide. However,
a lack of knowledge exists about the role of early working
years on musculoskeletal health later in life. This study
investigated whether an exposure–response association
exists between physical demands in early working life and
risk of LBP in later working life.
Cross-sectional study.
Setting, participants and outcome measure
In the
SeniorWorkingLife study, 5909 wage earners aged
≥50 years with currently sedentary work replied to
a questionnaire survey in 2018 about physical work
demands during their first working years (exposure) and
current LBP (outcome). Associations between physical
work demands in the early working years and current LBP
were modelled using general linear models controlling
for various confounders, combined with model-assisted
weights based on national registers.
Hard physical work during early working life
was associated with more intense LBP later in life among
senior workers with currently sedentary jobs. In the fully
adjusted model, workers with ‘standing/walking work with
lifting/carrying’ and ‘heavy or fast work that is physically
strenuous’ during the first years of working life reported
higher LBP intensity than those with sedentary work
during their first working years (0.2 (95% CI, 0.0 to 0.4)
and 0.6 (95% CI, 0.4 to 0.9), respectively).
Work involving lifting/carrying or work that
is physically strenuous in early life is associated with
higher intensity of LBP among older workers with currently
sedentary employment. These findings suggest that early
working life may have an impact on later working years
and underscore the necessity for careful introduction
and instruction to the working environment for retaining
musculoskeletal health and prolonging working life.
Trial registration number
Strengths and limitations of this study
This is a cross-sectional study among currently
Received 06 May 2020
Revised 27 October 2020
Accepted 18 November 2020
sedentary workers aged ≥50 years, which does not
allow causal interpretations.
The workers retrospectively assessed the physical
work demands of their current work and their first
work in the early working years, entailing a risk of
recall bias.
However, the first job in working life usually leaves
an impression and it is therefore likely that most can
remember what they worked with.
The large sample size with all analyses performed
with model-assisted weights based on high-quality
national registers strengthens the study.
Using statistical weights reduces the effect of non-
response and ensures that the data are representa-
tive of Danish workers aged ≥50 years.
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2020. Re-use
permitted under CC BY-NC. No
commercial re-use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
For numbered affiliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Rúni Bláfoss; [email protected]
Many Western societies experience demo-
graphic changes in terms of growing older
populations, which has led to gradually
increasing retirement age to maintain a
sufficient number of active workers. In
Denmark, the retirement age is regulated
according to the current life expectancy
age minus 14.5 years.
Hence, in the future,
today’s 50-year-old workers are expected
to retire at the age of 69 years, whereas
30-year-old workers will work until the age
of 73 years.
To prolong their working lives
and work until the increasing state pension
age, the working population must preserve
good health, which may be challenging in
light of the well-known age-related physical
Physical capacity naturally declines
with ageing due to several physiological
for example, sarcopenia leads
to 1%–2% of muscle mass reduction per year
after the age of 50 and a paralleled decline
in muscle function.
This decline in physical
capacity may particularly affect workers with
physically demanding jobs, for example, by
lowering work ability and increasing the risk
of future low back pain (LBP).
Bláfoss R,
et al. BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 180: Orientering om publicering af NFA-artikel om, at fysisk krævende arbejde tidligt i arbejdslivet øger graden af lændesmerter senere i livet, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Open access
In Europe, about 60% of the working force are experi-
encing musculoskeletal disorders, with back pain being
the most prevalent.
Specifically, LBP is the most preva-
lent and debilitating musculoskeletal disorder worldwide,
affecting most individuals at some point during their life-
time and with increased prevalence rates with ageing.
In particular, workers with physically demanding jobs
are at elevated risk of developing LBP.
Among the
general working population in Denmark, the prevalence
of musculoskeletal pain also increases with age.
imately 24% of workers aged between 18 and 34 years are
experiencing pain several times per week, whereas this is
the case for approximately 40% of workers aged between
55 and 64 years. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that the
ongoing ageing of the workforce will lead to a larger
proportion of the workforce suffer from musculoskeletal
pain in the future, thereby constituting a larger societal
challenge that needs to be addressed.
Recent Scandinavian studies using technical measure-
ment methods to measure physical work demands during
work found that younger and older workers were exposed
to more or less the same physical demands at work.
19 20
However, in the 2018 round of the Danish Work Envi-
ronment and Health study, young workers in their initial
working life (18–24 years) reported their work to be more
physically demanding than older workers.
This can be
due to, for example, hierarchy, younger workers having
not adapted to the working life, lack of education and
unadjusted postures, or younger workers taking a bigger
share of the physically demanding work.
possible reason may be that a proportion of workers
cannot cope with the physical demands of their occu-
pations and have therefore changed to a less physically
demanding occupation or left the labour market (healthy
worker effect). Nevertheless, musculoskeletal pain seems
to develop over time, because older workers have more
pain without having higher physical work demands. A
longitudinal study from Finland found that young workers
(18–24 years at baseline) with physically demanding work
had an increased risk of both radiating and local LBP in
midlife (21 years later),
indicating that being exposed to
hard physical work at a young age may have long-lasting
effects on LBP. Furthermore, findings from our research
group observed that hard physical work throughout
the working life gradually increases the risk of sickness
absence and early retirement later in life.
This high-
lights the importance of early preventive initiatives for
young workers to postpone the occurrence of musculo-
skeletal disorders and thereby prolong their productive
working years and good health. However, there is a lack
of knowledge about the role of high physical demands at
work during the early working years on musculoskeletal
health later in the working life.
Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether an expo-
sure–response association exists between physical work
demands in early life and risk of LBP later in life among
currently sedentary senior workers (≥50 years). We
hypothesised that hard physical work during the first
working years would associate in an exposure–response
manner with more intense LBP in later working life
among currently sedentary workers aged
Study design
This study is a cross-sectional study among Danish workers
conducted between July and October 2018. The study
employs data from the SeniorWorkingLife study that is
registered as a cohort study in
tics Denmark drew a random sample of 30 000 Danes
years (18 000 employed, 7000 unemployed,
3000 on voluntary early retirement, 2000 on disability
pension), who received an invitation to participate with a
personal link to the web-based questionnaire via e-Boks,
an online digital mailbox linked to their Danish social
security number.
The response rate of the employed
workers replying to the entire questionnaire was 56%.
This study only included currently employed wage
earners with sedentary work who replied to the questions
about physical demands (current and at their first work)
and current pain intensity in the low back (N=5909). The
questions are specified below. All participants did not fill
in all the survey questions, resulting in a varying number
of participants for each analysis. The reporting of the
study followed the ‘Strengthening of the Reporting of
Observational Studies in Epidemiology’ guidelines.
Patient and public involvement
Because this study is a large cross-sectional survey study,
participants were not involved in the design of this study
or the design of the research question and selection of
outcome measures.
Physical activity at work (exposure)
Participants replied to questions about the physical
demands of their current work and their first work in
their early working career. The questions on their first
and current work were ‘How will you describe your phys-
ical activity in your profession during your first working
years?’ and ‘How will you describe your physical activity
in your current profession?’, respectively. The response
options to both questions were ‘(1) mostly sedentary
work that does not require physical exertion, (2) mostly
standing or walking work that otherwise is not physi-
cally strenuous, (3) standing or walking work with some
lifting or carrying and (4) heavy or fast work that is phys-
ically strenuous’.
28 29
Our research group has previously
demonstrated strong agreement between the grouping of
occupational physical activity from the questionnaire and
grouping based on the Danish International Standard
Classification of Occupations (DISCO).
In DISCO, the
workers are classified into occupational groups based on
high-quality national registers.
LBP (outcome)
Pain intensity in the low back was assessed by the following
question: ‘Rate your level of pain during the past 3 months
Bláfoss R,
et al. BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 180: Orientering om publicering af NFA-artikel om, at fysisk krævende arbejde tidligt i arbejdslivet øger graden af lændesmerter senere i livet, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Open access
in each of the following body regions, where 0 is no pain
and 10 is the worst imaginable pain: low back (lower
part of the back)’. The 11-point Numerical Rating Scale
(NRS) was used with the following response options: ‘0
(no pain), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (worst imaginable
pain)’. The NRS has previously demonstrated excellent
test–retest reliability.
Control variables
The analyses were controlled for possible confounders
that previously have been associated with LBP.
9 12 14 31–34
The confounders included age (categorical), gender
(categorical), education (categorical), physical exercise
during leisure (categorical), smoking (categorical), diag-
nosed depression (categorical), psychosocial work factors
(single items on influence and recognition at work
from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire
(continuous, 0–100 (0 worst, 100 best)) and body mass
index (BMI) (continuous). Diagnosed depression was
determined by the question ‘Have you within the past
year been treated or medicated for one or more of the
following diseases?’, with the response option ‘Depres-
sion’ confirmed. Data on confounders were collected
from registers (age, gender and education) and from
the SeniorWorkingLife questionnaire (physical exercise
during leisure, smoking, diagnosed depression, psychoso-
cial work factors and BMI) (questions specified below).
The question about leisure-time physical activity was:
‘Within the past year, what describes best your physical
activity during leisure?’, with the following response
options: ‘(1) reading, watching television or other seden-
tary activity; (2) walking, cycling or other low-intensity
activity at least 4 hours per week (eg, Sunday walk, light
gardening and cycling/walking to work); (3) exercise
sports, heavy gardening or similar at least 4 hours per
week; and (4) vigorous exercise and competitive sports
several times per week’.
Smoking was evaluated by asking ‘Do you smoke? (apart
from electronic cigarettes)’, with the following response
options: ‘(1) yes, every day, (2) yes, but not every day, (3)
no, I have quit and (4) no, I have never smoked’.
Psychosocial work factors were evaluated by questions
about influence at work and recognition from colleagues.
Two questions were asked to evaluate influence at work:
‘How often … (1) do you have any influence on how you
carry out your work tasks? and (2) Do you have influence
on the order in which you carry out your work tasks?’,
with the following response options to both questions:
‘(1) always, (2) often, (3) sometimes, (4) rarely and (5)
never’. The question about recognition from colleagues
was the following: ‘How often … do you and your
colleagues recognise each other’s work?’, with the same
response options as to influence at work.
Data on BMI were collected by asking about the partici-
pants’ height and weight, where they responded in centi-
metres and kilograms, respectively. Subsequently, BMI
was calculated for the data analyses (BMI=kg/m
Bláfoss R,
et al. BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
Statistical analyses
The analyses were performed using the SAS statistical
software for Windows (SAS V.9.4; SAS Institute). Asso-
ciations were modelled using the general linear model
(Proc GLM, SAS V.9.4) controlling for confounders
and weighted based on information from high-quality
national registers at Statistics Denmark, which included
gender, age, occupation, highest completed education,
family income, family type and origin.
The residuals of
the outcome variable (LBP) were normally distributed
through visual inspection. Because a strong correlation
exists between a 0–10 NRS and a 0–10 Visual Analogue
the 0–10 (11 point) ordinal NRS in this study is
treated as a continuous scale. Estimates are reported as
least square means pain intensity (NRS) and 95% CIs
and between-group least square means differences and
95% CI. An alpha level of <0.05 was chosen as statistically
significant differences.
The proportion of men and women included in this study
was 54% and 46%, respectively, with a mean age of 56.6
years (table
The majority of workers had sedentary
work during their first years at the labour market (62%);
14%, standing or walking work; 16%, standing or walking
work with lifting/carrying; and 8%, physically strenuous
We found an association between physically demanding
occupations during the first working years and higher
intensity of LBP among currently sedentary workers
Specifically, in model 1, workers having
‘standing/walking work with lifting/carrying and ‘heavy
or fast work that is physically strenuous’ during their first
working years had higher pain intensity in the low back,
with differences in pain intensity of 0.3 (95% CI, 0.1 to
0.5) and 0.8 (95% CI, 0.5 to 1.1), respectively. In the fully
adjusted model 2, workers having ‘standing/walking work
with lifting/carrying’ and ‘heavy or fast work that is phys-
ically strenuous’ had higher pain in the low back, with
differences in pain intensity of 0.2 (95% CI, 0.0 to 0.4)
and 0.6 (95% CI, 0.4 to 0.9), respectively. Using physical
exposure as a continuous variable, the exposure–response
association was highly significant (trend test p<0.0001).
The main finding of this study is that an exposure–response
association existed between physically demanding work
in early life and LBP intensity in later working life among
currently employed sedentary workers aged
Interpretation of findings
The findings of this study suggest that the level of phys-
ical activity in the early working life influences musculo-
skeletal health later in life. Compared with hard physical
work in early life, less physically demanding work showed
less intense LBP in later life in an exposure–response
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 180: Orientering om publicering af NFA-artikel om, at fysisk krævende arbejde tidligt i arbejdslivet øger graden af lændesmerter senere i livet, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Open access
Table 1
Demographics, lifestyle and physical activity at the
first work
Age, years
Yes, every day
Yes, but not every day
Never smoked
Physical activity at the first work
Standing or walking
Standing or walking with lifting/
Heavy or fast work that is
physically demanding
Physical activity during leisure
Light exercise at least 4 hours
per week
Sports or heavy physical
activity at least 4 hours per
Vigorous exercise or
competitive sports several
times per week
Low back pain (0–10)
Psychosocial work factors (0–100)
Influence at work
Recognition from colleagues
BMI, body mass index.
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
Mean (SD) %
5909 56.6 (5.5)
5721 26.3 (5.0)
2.4 (2.9)
5875 76.6 (21.7)
5879 79.8 (21.5)
fashion. Specifically, workers with ‘standing/walking work
comprising lifting/carrying’ and ‘heavy or fast work that is
physically strenuous’ during early working years reported
on average 0.2 and 0.6 points higher on the 0–10 NRS in
the fully adjusted model, respectively. A mean difference
of 0.6 points (from 2.6 to 3.2) in a large study popula-
tion should not be neglected. The present difference of
25% is regarded as clinically significant.
37 38
such higher pain intensity provides knowledge that the
first working years may play an important role in muscu-
loskeletal health in later working years. Notably, this study
only included sedentary workers, whereas the inclusion
of workers with physically demanding work, who are at
a higher risk of developing musculoskeletal pain,
13–15 17
could have resulted in even higher pain intensities. In
fact, a recent systematic review found increased sitting
time at work to associate with less intense LBP among
physical workers.
Besides, hard physical work during
early life is bringing workers closer to a musculoskeletal
pain threshold that is associated with an increased risk
of sickness absence due to LBP. Andersen and coworkers
found female eldercare workers to be at elevated risk of
sickness absence due to LBP when their pain intensity was
5.0 on the 0–9 NRS.
In this study, the average NRS score
for those with heavy and fast work in early working years
was 3.2 in the fully adjusted model, but the CI ranged
from 2.3 to 4.2. Thus, the included sedentary workers with
hard physical work in early life, especially heavy and fast
work, experienced pain in the low back that may impair
work ability and eventually challenge work participation.
These data can be valuable knowledge for work environ-
ment professionals and authorities when introducing
young workers. As LBP is the most prevalent musculoskel-
etal disorder and a major cost for societies around the
8 9 11 12 21
the present results should instigate promo-
tion of early preventive measures at the workplace and
assist work environment professionals and authorities in
their decision-making.
Previous studies have reported associations between
physical work exposures during early working years and
increased risk of LBP, sickness absence and early retire-
16 23 24
Sundstrup and coworkers assessed the physical
exposures during the entire working life retrospectively
and found hard physical work during working life to asso-
ciate with increased risk of long-term sickness absence,
disability pension and early retirement.
Furthermore, a
prospective cohort study reported physically demanding
work during early working life to associate with increased
risk of LBP in midlife.
In sum, this study elaborates on
these previous findings, showing that early exposure to
hard physical work increases the risk of poor musculoskel-
etal health later in life.
16 22–24
A reason for this might be
that young workers in physically demanding occupations,
who may take a bigger share of the heavy work and possess
unadjusted work postures,
may initiate an early build-up
of microdamage or fatigue in the tissue that may increase
the risk of LBP even further later in life. This is valuable
information for policy-makers, work environment profes-
sionals and authorities. As young workers in Denmark rate
their work to be more physically demanding than older
there is potential for more qualified introduc-
tion and instruction of young workers entering the labour
market to reduce the physical demands, especially in phys-
ically demanding occupations. Specifically, more focus
could be targeted on instructing young workers entering
the labour market in working postures, ergonomics, the
use of assistive devices and so on. If the young workers
learn good practice within their physical working envi-
ronment, presumably they will carry it into their working
life. This can improve the general health among workers
and thereby lower the risk of musculoskeletal disorders
in later life, sickness absence and early retirement. This
should be a high priority for societies taken into account
the growing proportion of older workers and the gradually
Bláfoss R,
et al. BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 180: Orientering om publicering af NFA-artikel om, at fysisk krævende arbejde tidligt i arbejdslivet øger graden af lændesmerter senere i livet, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Open access
Table 2
Associations between physical work demands in the early working years and low back pain intensity among currently
sedentary workers
Work types in early working years
Model 1: controlled for age and gender
Sedentary work (reference)
Standing/walking work that otherwise is not physically strenuous
Standing/walking work with lifting/carrying
Heavy or fast work that is physically strenuous
N (Total=5907) %
NRS (95% CI)
2.3 (2.2 to 2.4)
2.3 (2.1 to 2.5)
2.6 (2.4 to 2.8)
3.1 (2.9 to 3.4)
0.0 (0.2 to −0.2)
0.3 (0.1 to 0.5)
0.8 (0.5 to 1.1)
(95% CI)
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
Model 2: model 1+education, physical exercise, smoking, BMI, psychosocial factors (influence and recognition) and diagnosed
Sedentary work (reference)
Standing/walking work that otherwise is not physically strenuous
Standing/walking work with lifting/carrying
Heavy or fast work that is physically strenuous
Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) from reference are marked in bold.
NRS, LBP intensity rated on Numerical Rating Scale (0–10).
2.6 (1.8 to 3.5)
2.7 (1.8 to 3.6)
2.8 (1.9 to 3.7)
3.2 (2.3 to 4.2)
0.0 (-0.2 to 0.1)
0.2 (0.0 to 0.4)
0.6 (0.4 to 0.9)
increasing retirement age. Although recent studies from
Norway and Denmark using more objective measurement
methods did not find younger workers to be exposed to
higher physical demands at work,
19 20
the physical work
environment should still be of high priority because pain
becomes more prevalent with ageing.
9 12 18
Oakman and coworkers found some older workers to
stand for a longer time during the working day compared
with younger workers.
However, more standing time
does not necessarily equal a highly physically demanding
work. Moreover, Merkus and coworkers defined young
workers to be aged <45 years,
which makes the compar-
ison with the present study less applicable. In the Danish
Work Environment and Health study, workers aged
18–24 years workers in their initial working life perceived
their work to be more physically demanding than older
In sum, these studies indicate that younger
workers may not have higher physical work demands
than older workers, but younger workers may experience
the work to be more physically demanding. These data
suggest that young workers in their very initial working
life need careful introduction and instruction to adapt to
the working life and/or that younger workers may take a
bigger share of the heavy work.
Also, because physical
capacity and function decline with ageing,
2–6 41
it is of vital
importance for workers to diminish risk factors for poor
health and to preserve good health throughout an entire
working career. Knowledge about risk factors during early
working life is therefore imperative to provide optimal
work environment throughout a prolonged working life.
Limitations and strengths
A limitation of this study is that workers had to recall the
physical demands in their first working years, which always
bears a risk of recall bias. Nevertheless, as the first job in
working life usually leaves an impression, it is likely that
most can remember what they worked with. Another risk
Bláfoss R,
et al. BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158
of recall bias is that participants might refer to different
individual time intervals when reading the question about
their ‘first working years’. Moreover, there are no data
on what work the participants have held between their
first job and their current job, that is, we do not know
whether participants have changed occupation after the
first working years or recently. The inclusion of sedentary
workers may also imply the possibility of a selection bias
because some workers may have changed from a physi-
cally demanding occupation to a sedentary occupation
as a consequence of their health. In addition, the results
may be biased due to the healthy worker effect where
some workers unable to cope with their work may have
left the labour market before the age of 50 years. Thus,
the estimates may be rather conservative because workers
with the most intense pain may have left the labour
market or changed occupation to a more sedentary job
before the age of 50 years, that is, the associations could
have been even stronger. The narrow CIs and the clear
findings that hard physical work demands in early life are
associated with higher intensity of LBP in later life in both
models indicate trustworthy findings. A further limitation
is the cross-sectional design, which does not allow causal
interpretations. Furthermore, a bidirectional relation-
ship between pain and psychological factors exists. Thus,
simply adjusting for such factors as confounders may not
mean that the observed associations are causal. Although
the present associations—for obvious reasons—cannot
be tested in a randomised controlled trial, longitudinal
studies including young healthy people entering the
labour market, followed until retirement age, are neces-
sary to truly test the hypothesis of this study. Finally, self-
reporting can lead to common method variance where,
for example, the participant’s general health, mood and
socioeconomic status can affect the answers.
At last, a
limitation of the study is that analyses were not adjusted
BEU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 180: Orientering om publicering af NFA-artikel om, at fysisk krævende arbejde tidligt i arbejdslivet øger graden af lændesmerter senere i livet, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Open access
for other comorbidities than depression. Poor health
has previously been associated with work limitations,
and not accounting for this could have led to residual
confounding. On the contrary, the analyses were adjusted
for both lifestyle factors (ie, smoking and BMI) and educa-
tional attainment, which also associate with poor health.
Thus, adjusting for multimorbidity could potentially
have led to an overadjustment. A strength of the study in
terms of generalisability is that Statistics Denmark drew
a probability sample among all eligible Danish residents
years, where all analyses were performed with
statistical weights based on high-quality national regis-
ters. Performing all analyses with these statistical weights
reduces the effect of non-response and ensures that the
data are representative of Danish workers aged
Competing interests
None declared.
Patient and public involvement
Patients and/or the public were not involved in
the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
Patient consent for publication
Not required.
Provenance and peer review
Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement
Data are available upon reasonable request. The
authors encourage collaboration and use of the data by other researchers. Data are
stored on the server of Statistics Denmark, and researchers interested in using the
data for scientific purposes should contact the project leader Prof. Lars L. Andersen,
[email protected], who is responsible for the study design, questionnaire development,
definition of population and data collection.
Open access
This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
is non-commercial. See:
Rúni Bláfoss
Rubén López‐Bueno
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
Workers with high physical work demands during early
life experience higher intensity of LBP later in life in an
exposure–response manner. This finding was observed
among currently employed sedentary workers aged
years, which indicates that early work exposure may
matter for musculoskeletal health in later working years.
This underscores the importance of careful introduction
and instruction to the labour market for retaining muscu-
loskeletal health and prolonging working life. Future
longitudinal studies should investigate this association
with continuous follow-up rounds.
Ethical approval
The Danish law does not require approval by ethical and
scientific committees, nor informed consents, in ques-
tionnaire and register-based studies. Statistics Denmark
deidentified all data, and data are stored on the server
of Statistics Denmark where the analyses are performed
through remote access by the project leader.
Author affiliations
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Physical Workload, National Research Centre for
the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Research Unit for Muscle
Physiology and Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Department of Physical Medicine and Nursing, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza,
Exercise Intervention for Health Research Group (EXINH-RG), Department of
Physiotherapy, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Sport Sciences, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University,
Aalborg, Denmark
The authors are grateful for important discussions and
input during the development of the study to many people from Aalborg University,
Team Arbejdsliv, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Statistics
Denmark and the members of the Advisory Board. The study participants replied to
the questionnaire and were not involved in the development of the study.
LLA received the funding for this study. LLA and RB designed the
present study aim and LLA performed the analyses. RB wrote the draft of the
manuscript before SS, RL-B, JC, ES and LLA critically read and reviewed the
manuscript. Thus, all authors have read and approved the manuscript.
This study was supported by a grant from the Danish Foundation
TrygFonden. Award/Grant number is not applicable.
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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158 on 7 December 2020. Downloaded from
on December 18, 2020 at National Institute of Occupational
Health - DNLA. Protected by copyright.
Bláfoss R,
et al. BMJ Open
2020;10:e040158. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040158