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The Contracting States,
that the free exchange of ideas and knowledge and, in general, the widest possible dissemination
of the diverse forms of self-expression used by civilizations are vitally important both for intellectual progress
and inlernational understanding, and consequently for the maintenance of world peace;
CONSIDERING that this interchange is accomplished primarily by means of books, publications and edu-
cational, scientific and cultural materials;
that the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
urges co-operation between nations in all branches of intellectual activity, including “the exchange of
publications, objects of artistic and scientific interest and other materials of information” and provides
further that the Organization shall “collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and under-
standing of peoples, through all means of mass communications and to that end recommend such inter-
national agreements as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word and image”;
that these aims will be effectively furthered by an international agreement facilitating the free
flow of books, publications and educational, scientific and cultural materials; and
to the following provisions:
1. The Contracting Slates undertake not to apply customs duties or other charges on, or in connexion with,
the importation of:
(a) Books, publications and documents, listed in Annex A to this Agreement;
(b) Educational, scientific and cultural materials, listed in Annexes B, C, D and E. to this Agreement;
which are the products of another Contractin g State, subject to the conditions laid down in those Annexes.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not prevent any Contracting State from levying on
imported materials:
(a) Internal taxes or any other internal charges of any kind, imposed at the time of importation or
subsequently, not exceeding those applied directly or indirectly to like domestic products;
(b) Fees and charges, other than customs duties, imposed by governmental authorities on, or in
connexion with, importation, limited in amount to the approximate cost of the services rendered,
and representing neither an indirect protection to domestic products nor a taxation of imports for
revenue purposes.
1. The Contracting States undertake to grant the necessary licences and/or foreign exchange for the
importation of the following articles:
(a) Books and publications consigned to public libraries and collections and to the libraries and collections
of public educational, research or cultural institutions;
(b) Official government publications, that is, official, parliamentary and administrative documents
published in their country of origin;
(c) Books and publications of the United Nations or any of its Specialized Agencies;
(d) Books and publications received by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organ-
ization and distributed free of charge by it or under its supervision;
(e) Publications intended to promote tourist travel outside the country of importation, sent and dis-
tributed free of charge;
(f) Articles for the blind:
I. Books. publications and documents of all kinds in raised characters for the blind;