Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2019-20
SUU Alm.del
Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet
Sagsbeh.: DEPANKH
Koordineret med:
Sagsnr.: 2002669
Dok. nr.: 1149958
Dato: 10-03-2020
Det talte ord gælder
[Ekstraordinært EPSCO-rådsmøde den 6. marts 2020]
Tale til ekstraordinært EPSCO rådsmøde 6. marts 2020
Thank you, Mr. President.
First, I would like to thank the Presidency, the Commission
and all involved partners for their efforts in regards to
In line with international recommendations, the Danish
strategy at the moment is to contain and delay the spread of
COVID-19 through fast diagnosis, isolation of patients and
contact tracing. But we are ready if the situation evolves
with more COVID-19 positive cases at the same time.
So far, the confirmed cases in Denmark can be traced to
areas with wide spread of COVID-19, but we are preparing
for local spread and look at various risk scenarios.
This morning, the Danish Government announced a number
of new measures, including a call on organizers of events
with more than 1000 participants to postpone or cancel the
events in question. For the time being, the call applies to
events planned to take place in March.
It is also a priority to take measures to protect the groups in
our society that are particularly vulnerable if they fall ill with
SUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 741: Spm., om oversendelse af en kopi af ministerens tale på rådsmødet den 6/3-20, til sundheds- og ældreministeren
Therefore, the Danish Health Authority has decided that all
health care professionals in direct contact with patients must
stay at home for two weeks, if they return from areas with
wide spread of COVID-19.
All other citizens are advised to stay at home for two weeks
after they return from areas with wide spread.
I would also like to address the question of the potential
impact of COVID-19 on the supply of medicines and
medical devices.
In Denmark we have still not seen medicine supply failures.
As regards medical devices and supplies, the situation seems
to be more vulnerable.
We must take this potential challenge very seriously. I
would like to ask the European Medicines Agency about
their view and encourage EMA and the Commission to take
the necessary steps to prevent shortages as a consequence of
the COVID-19 outbreak.
Last but not least, I would like to draw your attention to the
importance of having access to up-to-date information from
Member States about the national response to COVID-19.
I would again strongly encourage that information about
national measures to contain COVID-19 – and the reasons
behind such measures – are shared quickly through the
relevant EU systems in place. I also encourage the
Commission to ensure that the information is systematized
and shared with Member States.
Thank you.
Side 2