Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2019-20
MOF Alm.del
Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
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Environmental Pollution
Elevated mercury concentrations in biota despite reduced sediment concentrations in a
contaminated coastal area, Harboøre Tange, Denmark
Poul Bjerregaard
, Torben Grau Schmidt, Maria Pedersen Mose
Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense, Denmark
Article history:
Received 7 October 2019
Received in revised form 8 January 2020
Accepted 13 January 2020
Available online xxx
Metals sequestered in coastal sediments are normally considered to be stable, but this investigation shows
somewhat surprisingly
that mercury concentrations in a previously contaminated area, Harboøre Tange, Den-
mark, have decreased since the 1980s. Mercury concentrations were determined in sediment and benthic biota
and present values were compared to values in the 1980s and values from areas without known; history of mer-
cury contamination. Concentrations in both the upper 20 cm of the sediments and; biota are considerably lower
now compared to latest monitoring (1980s). Sediment.concentrations at most locations have decreased from the
100–300 ng Hg g
dry weight (dw) level to levels below the Background Concentration (BC) of 50 ng Hg g
dw defined by Oslo-Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic;
some stations are at the 2–10 ng Hg g
dw level characteristic of Danish coastal sediments with no known
history of mercury contamination. Concentrations of mercury in the benthic biota along Harboøre Tange have
also decreased since the 1980s but despite the lowered mercury concentrations in the sediments, concentrations
in most samples of benthic invertebrate fauna still exceed those in uncontaminated coastal areas and also the
Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of 20 ng Hg g
wet weight (≈100 ng Hg g
dry weight) defined by
the European Union's Water Framework Directive. Concentration ranges in selected organisms are: (Harboøre
Tange l980s/Harboøre Tange now/uncontaminated areas - given in ng Hg g
dw): Periwinkles
Littorina littorea
9000/150–450/55-77, blue mussels
Mytilus edulis
up to 9000/300–500/40–170, cockles
Cerastoderma edule
to 8000/400–1200/200, brown shrimp
Crangon crangon
700–2200/150-450/47, eelgrass
Zostera marina
up to
330/25–70/12. The present results - together with a literature review - show that a simple and straight forward
relationship between the concentrations of mercury in sediment and benthic organisms does not necessarily exist.
© 2020
1. Introduction
Coastal and estuarine sediments have long been recognized as sinks
for pollutants, and once buried in the sediments, metals and non-degrad-
able, organic contaminants may persist for years or decades (e.g.
Baeyens et al., 2005; Ridgway and Shimmield, 2002). Due to its ca-
pacity to be methylated and accumulate to harmful concentrations along
aquatic food chains (Grandjean et al., 1997; Scheuhammer et al.,
2008), releases of mercury to the environment from point sources and
on a more global scale have been a major concern for decades (UNEP,
The western part of Limfjorden, Denmark, Nissum Broad along
Harboøre Tange (Fig. 1) was heavily contaminated with mercury dur-
ing the 1950s and 1960s - mainly due to discharges from the pesti-
cide-producing factory, Cheminova (Lyngby and Brix, 1987). It is esti
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Prof. Wen-Xiong Wang.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Bjerregaard)
mated that approximately 30 tonnes of mercury were discharged into
the Nissum Broad with process waste water, lost by production mistakes
and deposited in the vicinity of the factory (Kiorboe et al., 1983).
Thresholds and quality criteria for mercury in sediment and biota
have been defined by various organizations. The Background Concen-
tration (BC) and Background Assessment Concentration (BAC) for mer-
cury in sediment are 50 and 70 ng Hg g
dw, respectively, defined
by the Oslo-Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Envi-
ronment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR, 2009). The threshold be-
low which there is a low risk of adverse effects towards the biota (Ef-
fects Range Low
ERL) is 150 ng Hg g
dw sediment (Long et al.,
1998; Long et al., 1995; OSPAR, 2009). The Environmental Qual-
ity Standard (EQS) of 20 ng Hg g
wet weight (corresponding to ap-
proximately 100 ng Hg g
dw) in invertebrates and fish defined in the
European Union Water Framework Directive (EC, 2008; EU, 2008) is
supposed to protect the marine food chains from biomagnifying mer-
cury to harmful concentrations in top predators; the potential toxic-
ity associated with elevated levels of mercury in aquatic food chains
is well documented (reviewed by Driscoll et al., 2013). Until 2013
0269-7491/© 2020.
journal homepage:
MOF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 781: Spm. om, hvilke undersøgelser af sediment og biota der er foretaget i det område, som påvirkes af forureningen af farlige stoffer fra Rønland (Cheminova-jordforurening) med henblik på at konstatere forureningens udbredelse i Limfjorden, til miljøministeren
P. Bjerregaard et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
Fig. 1.
Maps showing the sampling sites. The left insert shows Harboøre Tange with the sampling stations 1–10 and N and S. The positions of the old, demolished and the present chemical
factories are indicated with a grey dot and circle, respectively. The right insert shows the island of Funen with the reference stations.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Field sampling
Sediment samples were collected at the 10 stations along Harboøre
Tange indicated in Fig. 1 on October 30, 2014. Stations 1 to 9 are sit-
uated at open, coastal locations whereas station 10 is located in a se-
cluded cove with less water exchange and wave action than at the other
stations. Triplicate cores were taken at each station by means of Kajak
samplers (50 cm polystyrene tube with a diameter of 5.2 cm) except at
station 10 where 6 cores were taken because of the expected higher di-
versity of the sediment in the secluded cove; depth of the individual
cores varied between 10 and 24 cm. At station 4, the stony character
of the sediment prevented sampling of cores. Further details on the sed-
iment sampling are given in Supplementary Material, Table S1. The
method of sediment sampling was the same as used by Lyngby and
Brix (1987) with which comparisons are made.
Specimens of the biota in an area up to 15 m from the site of the sed-
iment sample were collected by hand and net; a radius up to 15
the Danish environmental authorities used a Norwegian Environmental
Classification System (NECS) to assess conditions regarding mercury in
the coastal areas (Bakke et al., 2007); NECS focusses on data from sed-
iment, blue mussels
Mytilus edulis,
Littorina littorea
and rock
Fucus vesiculosus.
Investigations during the 1980s documented highly elevated concen-
trations of Hg in sediment and biota along Harboøre Tange (Andersen,
1992; Brix and Lyngby, 1984; Kiorboe et al., 1983; Lyngby and
Brix, 1987; Riisgard, 1984); concentrations in sediment with up to
Hg g
dw exceeded the ERL and natural background concentra-
tions by more than 3 orders of magnitude at the most contaminated site;
eelgrass (up to 1130 ng Hg g
dw) and blue mussels (up to 15
dw) exceeded natural background concentrations by up to two or-
ders of magnitude (Lyngby and Brix, 1987). Since then, mercury con-
centrations in sediments and biota in the area have not been monitored.
With the hypothesis that mercury concentrations had remained con-
stant since the 1980s, the main purpose of this investigation was to as-
sess mercury concentrations in sediment and benthic biota in the pre-
viously contaminated area and compare these values to previous values
from the area and to determine mercury concentrations in areas without
known history of mercury contamination. Both sets of data are evalu-
ated against the various thresholds defined in legislations and conven-
m was used to secure enough organisms. If abundant, 5 specimens of
each species were collected
otherwise 1 to 4 specimens were collected.
Leaves were taken from eelgrass,
Zostera marina,
and top shoots were
taken from the macroalgae; the benthic fauna was collected as intact or-
On February 4, 2015 similar sampling was carried out at the two ref-
erence sites Enebærodde, Funen, Denmark (indicated in Fig. 1, R1 &
without any known history of mercury contamination.
Because the NECS focus species (blue mussels, periwinkles and rock
weed) were sparsely abundant at the two reference sites (R1 and R2) it
was decided to further characterise background concentrations of mer-
cury in the in areas with no known history of mercury contamination.
Benthic biota was sampled twice at 4 reference sites (B: Ballen, F: Fald-
sled K: Kerteminde and N: Nyborg) around the island of Funen (Fig. 1)
during May (B1, F1, K1, N1) and September–October (B2, F2, K2, N2)
2016. Five and approximately 20 specimens of each species were col-
lected from each site in May and September–October, respectively. One
further reference site (Bo: Bogense, Fig. 1) was sampled June 3, 2016.
Biota was further collected at two sites along Harboøre Tange (S:
Harboøre South and N: Harboøre North, Fig. 1) on June 11, 2016. Ref-
erence shrimps were collected at Kerteminde, July 17, 2017 (K3).
Further details on sampling dates, numbers and sizes of specimens
collected at the various sampling sites are given in Supplementary Ma-
terial, Tables S2–S5.
All samples
biota and sediment cores
were collected at walking
depths close to the shore at water depths of 20–100 cm. Coordinates for
the sampling locations are given in Table S6.
2.2. Treatment of samples
2.2.1. Sediment
The sediment cores were split into 2 cm fractions that were weighed,
frozen, freeze dried and weighed again to determine the water content.
A subsample of the freeze-dried sediment was heated to 500 °C for 5 h
to determine the organic content (Loss on Ignition
Another sub-
sample of the freeze-dried sediment was used for mercury analysis.
2.2.2. Biota
The biota was transported the 250 km to the laboratory in buck-
ets with aerated water and processed the day after the sampling. The
size of the mollusks and shore crabs was determined by measuring
the height, width or length of their shell or carapace. The other ani
MOF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 781: Spm. om, hvilke undersøgelser af sediment og biota der er foretaget i det område, som påvirkes af forureningen af farlige stoffer fra Rønland (Cheminova-jordforurening) med henblik på at konstatere forureningens udbredelse i Limfjorden, til miljøministeren
P. Bjerregaard et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
mals were weighed. No size estimate was made for plants and macro
algae since only the top shoots were collected. The soft parts were dis-
sected from the mollusks and the shore crabs; shrimps and other animals
were treated as whole organisms. The samples were frozen and subse-
quently freeze dried.
2.3. Mercury analysis
Total mercury was determined by means of a Milestone DMA-80 Di-
rect Mercury Analyser. The quality of the determinations was validated
by the use of PACS-1 and PACS-3 sediment standards and TORT-stan-
dards (lobster hepatopancreas) with certified mercury contents; blanks
were included. Values were within ±10% of the certified values. Up to
50 mg dry weight sample was used in the analysis. The mercury concen-
tration was determined in each individual specimen. All concentrations
are given on dry weight (dw) basis; sediment concentrations are not nor-
malised with regard to organic content (but data on this are available
in Supplementary material, Table S1). This method detects HgS in the
anaerobic compartment of the sediment; HgS decomposes at tempera-
tures of 3–400 °C (Azzaria and Aftabi, 1991) - well below the 650 °C
the samples are heated to during the analysis.
2.4. Data handling and statistics
Analyses of variance were used to identify differences between sam-
pling sites and times; a few data sets had to be log
-transformed to ob-
tain normal distributions. Tukey's posttest was used for pairwise com-
parisons. The results of the statistical analyses are indicated in the fig-
ures; data points with no common lower-case letter are significantly dif-
ferent. Pearson correlation analyses were used to identify relations be-
tween parameters. 0.05 was used as significance level. SYSTAT© ver. 13
was used in the statistical analyses. Because raw data from the 1980s′
investigations were not available it was not possible to perform a formal
statistical comparison.
3. Results
3.1. Sediments
Mercury concentrations in the sediment at each station are reported
to the depth of the shortest of the individual cores in Fig. 2; the content
of water and organic material (LOI) is given in Supplementary Mater-
ial Table S1 together with the mercury concentration based on the or-
ganic content.
Most of mercury concentrations in the sediment at the reference sites
are in the range 2–5 ng Hg g
dw with no apparent trends in the depth
profile except for an unusually high value at R2 in 4 cm's depth (Fig.
2). At Harboøre Tange stations 1, 6, 7, and 8, Hg concentrations in the
sediment were close to background levels and generally below 10 ng Hg
dw. Stations 2, 3, 5, and 9 had sediment concentrations between 20
and 40 ng Hg g
dw while sediment concentrations at station 10 were
highly variable with values in individual core sections ranging between
5 and 10,800 ng Hg g
dw and an average of 592 ng Hg g
in all of the
core sections. For all of the stations with elevated mercury concentra-
tions, mercury appeared to be almost evenly distributed along the depth
profiles (Fig. 2).
At most of the stations where comparisons with earlier reported val-
ues were possible, mercury concentrations in the upper 5–6 cm of the
sediment had decreased considerably since the 1980s (Fig. 3).
3.2. Biota
Besides the 3 NECS focus species (blue mussels, periwinkles and
rock weed), 6 additional species were present at a sufficiently high
number of sampling stations to allow meaningful comparisons.
Fig. 2.
Depth profiles for mercury from the 2014 sampling. Sampling locations 1–3, 5–10,
R1 and R2 are shown in Fig. 1.
These were the cockle
Cerastoderma edule,
three decapod crustaceans
(the shore crab
Carcinus maenas,
the brown shrimp
Crangon crangon
the grass prawn
Palaemon elegans),
Zostera marina
and the slimy
whip weed
Chordaria flagelliformis.
These 9 species are termed the main
species of the present investigation.
3.2.1. Mollusks
At the 2016 Funen reference sites, mercury concentrations in blue
mussels and periwinkles did not differ significantly between the May
and September–October samplings and the combined results are shown
in Fig. 4AB.
Mercury concentrations in the mussels from the Funen reference
sites correlated positively with the size of the animal (length: r = 0.53,
p < 0.001). Average mercury concentrations in blue mussels at B, Bo,
K and N were in the range 39–65 ng Hg g
dw whereas average con-
centrations at F and R1 were in the range 122–170 ng Hg g
dw and
significantly higher (Fig. 4A); mussels collected at F were larger than at
the other sites, explaining the statistically significant difference in mer-
cury concentrations; however, this did not explain the higher values at
R1. At the Harboøre Tange sites average mercury concentrations in the
range 315–499 ng Hg g
dw were all significantly higher than at the
Funen reference sites (Fig. 4A).
Average mercury concentrations in the periwinkles at the reference
sites ranged between 55 and 77 ng Hg g
dw with no significant dif-
ference between the stations (Fig. 4B). There was no statistically sig-
nificant correlation between the size of the periwinkles and their mer-
cury concentration. Concentrations along Harboøre Tange were signifi
MOF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 781: Spm. om, hvilke undersøgelser af sediment og biota der er foretaget i det område, som påvirkes af forureningen af farlige stoffer fra Rønland (Cheminova-jordforurening) med henblik på at konstatere forureningens udbredelse i Limfjorden, til miljøministeren
P. Bjerregaard et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
Fig. 3.
Mercury concentrations in the upper 5–6 cm of the sediments from Harbøre Tange
( ) and reference ( ) stations from the 2014 sampling; mean ± SEM, n = 3. Stations
with no common lower-case letter show statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences. For
comparison, mercury concentrations at the same locations in 1983 (Brix and Lyngby,
1984) are shown ( ). Sampling locations are shown in Fig. 1. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this
cantly higher at all sites than at the reference sites with average values
ranging between 155 and 443 ng Hg g
Cockles at the reference site generally showed higher mercury con-
centrations (201 ng Hg g
dw) than the other two mollusc species and
the concentrations at stations
especially along the southern part of
- Harboøre Tange were generally higher than at the reference station
(Fig. 4C).
No statistically significant correlations were found between the mer-
cury concentrations in the surface (upper 6 cm) sediments at the indi-
vidual sampling stations along Harboøre Tange and the concentrations
in the mollusks; this was true both when the sediment mercury concen-
trations were expressed on basis of dry weight and organic content.
3.2.2. Decapod crustaceans
C. maenas
at the reference site had mercury concentrations of
48 ± 3 ng Hg g
dw in their soft parts (Fig. 5A) and average val-
ues for
C. crangon
P. elegans
at reference site K3 were 47 ± 3 and
66 ± 23 ng Hg g
dw, respectively (Fig. 5BC) with
P. elegans
a high variability compared to
C. crangon.
Average concentrations at the
sites along Harboøre Tange were up to an order of magnitude higher
than at the reference stations but for the shrimps, the difference was not
statistically significant at all of the stations (Fig. 5BC)
probably due to
the low number of individuals.
No statistically significant correlations were found between the mer-
cury concentrations in the surface (upper 6 cm) sediments at the indi-
vidual sampling stations along Harboøre Tange and the concentrations
in the crustaceans.
3.2.3. Plants
Eelgrass was not found at any of the Funen reference stations. Mer-
cury concentrations in the eelgrass leaves at the Harboøre Tange sites
appeared higher (Fig. 6A) than the background values of 12 ng Hg g
dw for the Limfjord generally (Lyngby and Brix, 1987).
4. Discussion
Fig. 4.
Mercury concentrations (mean ± SEM; n shown in Tables S2 and S3) in three
molluscs along Harboøre Tange ( : 2014; crosshatched: 2016) and at the Funen reference
sites (
). Stations with no common lower-case letter show statistically significant
(p < 0.05) differences. Literature values from the 1980s are indicated on the Y axis to the
right. Blue mussels: (Brix and Lyngby, 1984) ( ) and (Riisgard, 1984) ( ); periwin-
kles: (Kiorboe et al., 1983) ( ); Cockles (Kiorboe et al., 1983) ( ) and (Mohlenberg
and Riisgard, 1988) ( ). The Environmental Quality Standard is indicated by the dot-
ted line. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)
Mercury concentrations in the eelgrass leaves at Harboøre Tange
showed a positive correlation (p = 0.005) with sediment mercury con-
centrations; the positive correlation was mainly driven by the high con-
centrations at station 10.
Average background concentrations of mercury in the seaweeds were
approximately 10 ng Hg g
dw with little variability (Fig. 6BC). The
concentrations at the Harboøre Tange sites were generally two-to
five-fold higher (Fig. 6BC).
3.2.4. Less abundant organisms
Concentrations of mercury in less abundant species are presented in
Tables S4 & S5 and in Figs. S1–3. For these organisms, the limited
overlap between presence at reference and Harboøre Tange sites does
not allow firm conclusions to be drawn; however, judged from back-
ground concentrations extracted from the scientific literature (Table
S7), concentrations in some of these organisms along Harboøre Tange
do appear to be elevated.
The overall conclusion from this investigation is that mercury con-
centrations in the sediment along Harboøre Tange have decreased con-
siderably since the 1980s, but also that the mercury concentrations
in the benthic invertebrates are higher than background levels and
MOF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 781: Spm. om, hvilke undersøgelser af sediment og biota der er foretaget i det område, som påvirkes af forureningen af farlige stoffer fra Rønland (Cheminova-jordforurening) med henblik på at konstatere forureningens udbredelse i Limfjorden, til miljøministeren
P. Bjerregaard et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
Fig. 5.
Mercury concentrations in three species of decapod crustaceans along Harboøre
Tange ( : 2014; crosshatched: 2016) and at a Funen reference site ( ). Literature val-
ues from the 1980s are indicated on the Y axis to the right for
C. crangon
(Riisgard and
Famme, 1986) (■) and (Kiorboe et al., 1983) ( ). Symbols as in Fig. 4. (For inter-
pretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)
still exceed the EQS, despite sediment concentrations generally being be-
low the BAC and BC values defined by OSPAR.
4.1. Mercury in sediment
Sediment mercury concentrations determined at the reference sta-
tions (generally < 10 ng g
) agreed well with literature values
(6–13 ng g
) obtained in the Baltic area (e.g. Beldowski et al., 2014)
as such generally much lower than OSPAR's BC/BAC values of 50/
70 ng g
(OSPAR, 2009).
At Harboøre Tange, mercury concentrations in the sediment only ex-
ceed the ERL value in the secluded cove at station 10, indicating that at
the other stations along the coast there is little risk that the remaining
mercury might lead to adverse effects in the biota.
Several investigations have shown that mercury deposited in coastal
sediments due to discharges from point sources has the potential to
After dredging of the most polluted sediment (>25
Hg g
) in
the Minamata Bay in 1990, the concentrations of total mercury in the
surface sediments of the highly polluted bay were reported by the Ku-
mamoto Prefecture (2010) (cited by Matsuyama et al., 2016) to
average 4.1
Hg g
. An investigation in 2012 showed that the con-
centrations changed somewhat during the preceding 25 years where
the average concentration of total mercury was determined to 3.0
Hg g
in the total sediment and 2.3
Hg g
in the surface of
Fig. 6.
Mercury concentrations in eelgrass and two seaweeds along Harboøre Tange ( :
2014; crosshatched: 2016) and at Funen reference sites ( & ). Literature values from
the 1980s are indicated on the Y axis to the right for eelgrass ( ) (Brix and Lyngby,
1984). BG is background values from Brix and Lyngby (1984). Symbols as in Fig. 4.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the Web version of this article.)
the sediment (Akito et al., 2014). Tomiyasu et al. (2014) found no
significant variation in sediment samples from 2002, 2006, 2008 and
2010 with values in the range of 2.47 and 3.34
Hg g
each of the
years. Although a relatively small change of the sediment concentrations
have been seen after the dredging, transport of mercury from the Mina-
mata Bay to the Yatsushiro Sea has been documented (Balogh et al.,
2015). The transport was suggested to be caused by a slow (~110 m/y)
migration of mercury-bearing sediment particles (Kudo et al., 2000).
The annual particulate transport of total mercury from the Minamata
Bay to Yatsushiro Sea has been estimated to 6 kg (Yano, 2013) and
modelled to150 kg (Rajar et al., 2004) hereof 16 kg under normal
and 132 kg under storm conditions. For comparison the total amount
of total mercury mobilized from the sediment in the Minamata Bay to
the water column was estimated to 0.7 kg (Akito et al., 2014). This
agrees with results on mercury transport in the contaminated Gulf of
Trieste where model considerations and actual measurements showed
that most mercury is transported adsorbed on suspended particles and
that transport of dissolved total mercury is almost negligible (Rajar et
al., 2004). Similarly, mercury discharged to the Bay of Kuwait during
1963–1985 appears to be spreading towards the northern part of the
Bay (Al-Zamel et al., 2010). Mercury concentrations in the top 2 cm
of the sediments outside a former chlor-alkali plant in Chaleur Bay, New
Brunswick, Canada have decreased considerably after the plant closed
in 2008 (Walker, 2016) and the author ascribes this decrease to burial
by recent sediment deposition.
MOF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 781: Spm. om, hvilke undersøgelser af sediment og biota der er foretaget i det område, som påvirkes af forureningen af farlige stoffer fra Rønland (Cheminova-jordforurening) med henblik på at konstatere forureningens udbredelse i Limfjorden, til miljøministeren
P. Bjerregaard et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
Mercury concentrations in the sediment along Harboøre Tange ap-
pear to have decreased at a faster rate and to lower concentrations than
seen in the examples mentioned above. It is not known with certainty
which process underlies the decrease in mercury concentrations and
where the mercury has gone but 3 explanations have been considered:
Firstly, the mercury might now be buried deeper in the sediment
than our Kajak samplers reached. Mercury in the Minamata Bay does not
appear to move downwards in the sediments (Tomiyasu et al., 2006)
and there is nothing in the depth profiles we have seen at Harboøre
Tange suggesting that higher mercury concentrations should be found
below our greatest depths for sampling, but the possibility cannot be
completely rejected.
Secondly, there might be a possibility that the divalent mercury has
been reduced to elemental mercury and evaporated as such. It is known
from studies on River Elbe's mercury-contaminated floodplains that di-
valent mercury is reduced to elemental mercury that may evaporate to
the atmosphere (During et al., 2009; Rinklebe et al., 2010; Rin-
klebe et al., 2009; Rinklebe et al., 2013). Reduction of Hg
to Hg°
- mediated by microorganisms - takes place in the free water phase in
the marine environment (Monperrus et al., 2007) and this process has
also been demonstrated to take place in the sediment in shallow, coastal
areas. The values found for the release of elemental mercury from sed-
iment water to the atmosphere range from 0.04 pg Hg m
the St. Lawrence River, Canada (Poissant et al., 2007), to over 80 ng
Hg m
in a mercury contaminated lagoon in Italy (Covelli et
al., 2008; Emili et al., 2012). In the tidal environment in Arcachon
Bay, France, Bouchet et al. (2011) reported sediment-water fluxes up
to 5.1 ng Hg m
, sediment-atmosphere fluxes up to 40 ng Hg
and water-atmosphere fluxes up to 14.5 ng Hg m
Sharif et al. (2013) and Conaway et al. (2003) reported fluxes up to
15 ng Hg m
in the Gironde Estuary, France, and up to 45 ng Hg
in the San Francisco Bay, respectively. It has also been found
that e.g. eelgrass can absorb mercury from the sediment and release it to
the atmosphere as elemental mercury; rates of 10–40 ng Hg m
have been reported (Lindberg et al., 2005; Lindberg et al., 2002)
and Bouchet et al. (2011) observed that the presence of eelgrass in
the Arcachon Bay increased the mercury fluxes under light conditions.
For reduction and evaporation of divalent mercury to explain the de-
crease in sediment concentrations along Harboøre Tange, calculations
show that a flux rate of at least 200 ng Hg m
over the 32 years
between 1982 (Lyngby and Brix, 1987) and 2014 would have been re-
quired. Preliminary experiments with sediment cores from station 10 of
the present experiment showed that the flux (with 2–4 cm water phase)
to the atmosphere was around 3.4 ng Hg m
(Schultz, 2017)
or far less than needed to explain the reduction in the sediment mercury
concentrations over the 3 decades.
The third possibility is that mercury has been removed with trans-
port of sediment and water. The water currents in Nissum Broad are
mainly driven by the 30–40 cm tidal changes in the North Sea at this
location and there is a net flow in the Limfjord from west to east of
300–400 m
but the actual inflow and outflow from and to the
North Sea are approximately 10 times higher (DTU-Aqua, 2017). All
of the sampling stations of the present investigation were situated in
areas with shallow water affected by wave action. It is possible that
wave action may bring especially the minor organic particulates with
the highest mercury content (Kudo et al., 2000; Rajar et al., 2004;
Yano, 2013) into suspension whereby the water currents may have
transported the mercury both to the North Sea and eastward in the
Limfjord. This is probably the most plausible explanation for the de-
crease in the sediment concentrations along Harboøre Tange; this hy-
pothesis also appears to be corroborated by the fact that sediment mer-
cury concentrations have remained high at station 10, situated in a se-
cluded cove with less wave action than at the other stations. Confirma
tion of this hypothesis would, however, require an intensive monitoring
4.2. Mercury in biota
At most of the reference stations, the mercury concentrations in the
soft parts of the blue mussels are in the range of
(50 ng Hg g
dw) defined by OSPAR (2009) and they rarely exceed
OSPAR's (2009) BAC (90 ng Hg g
dw). Judged from the average Hg
concentrations in soft parts of blue mussels, the NECS classification sys-
tem (Bakke et al., 2007) would characterise the area along Harboøre
Tange as
contaminated’ (values between 200 and 500 ng
Hg g
dw), whereas the values for periwinkles and rock weed would
result in a characterisation as
(below 500 and 50 ng
Hg g
dw for the periwinkles and rock weed, respectively). It is obvi-
ous that the NECS thresholds for the classification
well above the background levels at the Danish reference sites for all of
these 3 focus species. It is also apparent that all of the benthic inverte-
brates collected along Harboøre Tange have mercury concentrations ex-
ceeding the EQS of approximately 100 ng Hg g
and thereby also
exceeding the blue mussels BC and BAC values of 50 and 90 ng Hg g
dw. Although mercury concentrations in the present-day benthic fauna
along Harboøre Tange still exceed the EQS, BC and BAC values it is ap-
parent that a major decrease has taken place since the 1980s.
4.3. Relationship between concentrations of mercury in sediment and biota
Although mercury concentrations in the surface sediments at 9 out
of the 10 stations along Harboøre Tange can be characterized as back-
ground according to both OSPAR and NECS, the benthic fauna in the
area show elevated mercury levels.
Most data on the relationship between concentrations of mercury in
sediment and benthic organisms exists for various species of blue mus-
sp. Both inorganic and organic mercury in the sediments
have been shown in laboratory experiments to be available for uptake in
blue mussels (Gagnon and Fisher, 1997) but field investigations show
variable results.
Clear correlations between sediment mercury concentrations in the
Limfjord area and mercury concentrations in blue mussels were identi-
fied by Lyngby and Brix (1987) and statistically significant correla-
tions were also found in investigations in Galicia, Spain (Beiras et al.,
2003; Beiras et al., 2002) and Narragansett Bay, New England, USA
for bivalves (including
M. edulis)
(Taylor et al., 2012) whereas Spada
et al. (2012) only saw a trend (p = 0.067
calculated from data in
their Table 2) in the Taranto Bay, Italy. Correlation was not found for
blue mussels in the present investigation
probably caused by the low
number of sites where blue mussels were found; failure to demonstrate
statistically significant correlations in areas in which such is actually
present may be caused by too limited sample size or too low variability
in the mercury levels.
Also for the other benthic animals no such correlations were found
in the present investigation and judged from the information present in
the scientific literature presented below, the relationship between sedi-
ment and animal concentrations does not appear to be straight forward.
Periwinkles were obtained from 9 sampling stations in the present
investigation with surface sediment concentrations in the top 2 cm be-
tween 4 and 251 ng Hg g
dw and it is slightly surprising that not
even a trend of correlation is seen
indicating that the concentration
in the periwinkles is not dependent solely on the sediment concentra-
tion. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the investigation of mer-
cury in sediment and periwinkles of the contaminated Stour and Orwell
UK estuaries (Wright and Mason, 1999): mercury concentrations in
the upper 10 cm of the sediment at 29 sampling stations ranged from 60
MOF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 781: Spm. om, hvilke undersøgelser af sediment og biota der er foretaget i det område, som påvirkes af forureningen af farlige stoffer fra Rønland (Cheminova-jordforurening) med henblik på at konstatere forureningens udbredelse i Limfjorden, til miljøministeren
P. Bjerregaard et al. / Environmental Pollution xxx (xxxx) 113985
5. Conclusion
Mercury concentrations in sediments and biota along Harboøre
Tange are considerably lower now than at the latest monitoring dur-
ing the 1980s with most sediment concentrations being below the Back-
ground Concentration (BC) of 50 ng Hg g
dw defined by OSPAR. De-
spite the fact that some stations now have sediment concentrations at
the 2–10 ng Hg g
dw level, characteristic of Danish coastal sediments
with no known history of mercury contamination, concentrations in
most samples of benthic biota along Harboøre Tange still exceed those in
uncontaminated coastal areas and also the Environmental Quality Stan-
dard (EQS) of 20 ng Hg g
wet weight (~100 ng Hg g
dry weight)
defined by the European Union's Water Framework Directive.
The slightly surprising observation that the mercury concentrations
in the benthic fauna exceed the EQS value despite sediment mercury
concentrations generally falling below the OSPAR BC and BAC thresh-
olds should be interpreted with care
especially in the light of our in-
complete understanding of the precise relation between mercury con-
centrations in sediment and organisms.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Poul Bjerregaard:
Investigation, Writing - original draft.
Grau Schmidt:
Data curation, Formal analysis.
Maria Pedersen Mose:
Data curation, Formal analysis.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare no conflict of interests.
to 840 ng Hg g
dw and average mercury concentrations in the peri-
winkles at 17 of the stations ranged between 60 and 990 ng Hg g
and there is no correlation between the concentrations in sediment and
periwinkles (r = 0.33; p = 0.17 [calculated from data read from Figs.
2–4, 6 in Wright and Mason (1999)]). Also for the polychaete
the data from Wright and Mason (1999) reveals no cor-
relation between the mercury concentrations in sediment and animal.
Contrary to this, Taylor et al. (2012) found clear correlations between
the total mercury (normalised with regard to organic content) in sedi-
ment and both polychates (Nereis sp.), gastropods (L.
sarius obsoletus)
and shrimps (Crangon
Palaemontes pu-
in Narragansett Bay with total mercury concentrations ranging be-
tween 35 and 2629 ng Hg g
dw. Casado-Martinez et al. (2008)
found mercury concentrations in lugworms
Arenicola marina
from Span-
ish ports between 10 and 140 ng Hg g
dw at sediment concentrations
between 50 and 32,000 ng Hg g
dw without any clear correlation be-
tween the two. Correlation becomes apparent only at higher sediment
and lugworm
concentrations when expressed on a dry weight basis
(Casado-Martinez et al., 2008). However, if mercury concentrations
in the sediment are expressed on the basis of organic content, a correla-
tion (p = 0.002; data read from Casado-Martinez, Fig. 2b) becomes ap-
parent in the entire concentration range. Chen et al. (2009) found that
mercury concentrations in
C. maenas, M.edulis
L. littorea
varied no
more than a factor 2 to 4 among sites in the Gulf of Maine where sedi-
ment concentrations varied from 8 to 1135 ng Hg g
dw and concluded
that sediment concentration is a poor predictor for concentrations in the
benthic biota.
Clear correlations between sediment mercury concentrations in the
Limfjord area and mercury concentrations in eelgrass leaves and roots
were identified by Lyngby and Brix (1987); mercury concentrations
in the leaves also showed a correlation with sediment mercury concen-
trations in the present investigation.
We thank Annette Duus, Anna-Katharina Semmler and Bente Frost
Holbech for assistance with the 2014-sampling. The investigation was
supported by a 50,000 D.Kr. grant (95-306-73551) from Lemvig Kom-
mune, Denmark, which holds the legal responsibility for the environ-
mental management of the area.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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