Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2019-20
KEF Alm.del
Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed
om, at der ikke er behov for genanmeldelse af
statsstøtteordninger for biogas efter nye regler vedtaget i 2018
Nicholas Harild Ayotte
Metadata for id nr. 1795079
MEMO state aid for biogas-2
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes
for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1795079)
Metadata for id nr. 1798583
MEMO state aid for biogas-2
Metadata for id nr. 1798630
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes
for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1798583)
MEMO state aid for biogas-2
Metadata for id nr. 1798960
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1798583)
Metadata for id nr. 1809903
MEMO state aid for biogas-2
Metadata for id nr. 1814341
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1809903)
Metadata for id nr. 1819074
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1809903)
Metadata for id nr. 1820708
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1809903)
Metadata for id nr. 1821934
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1820708)
Metadata for id nr. 1823115
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1820708)
Metadata for id nr. 1825567
RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr. 1823115)
Metadata for id nr. 1839611
Follow up on meeting concerning state aid for biogas in
MEMO with further information concerning aid for biogas in
Nicholas Harild Ayotte (Sagsbehandler, LIOL)
Vedlagte dokumenter
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Dokumenter uden PDF-
version (ikke vedlagt)
10. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 1 -- [ Aktdokument ] --
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 2 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er … ==
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
[email protected]
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes
for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 3 -- [ Aktdokument ] --
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]),
Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
MEMO state aid for biogas-2.docx;
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European Commission -
DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for
biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018 concerning the Danish
aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was
the Danish government’s proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out the existing aid schemes
for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas
projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion with DG
COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate
guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in
compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will require a
formal notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal
discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 4 -- [ MEMO state aid for biogas-2 ] --
Memo on state aid and support schemes for biogas
Centre for Renewables
5. March 2019
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The
European Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes
to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485
2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and
biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s
proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out
the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to
introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other
types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general
discussion with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support
schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that
changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in compliance with
state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will
require a formal notification.
On June 29, 2018 all parties in the Danish Parliament agreed on a new
comprehensive energy agreement which has measures aiming at increasing the
production of renewable energy to app. 55 % by 2030. Further a new long term
target has been agreed upon aiming at net-zero emissions of greenhouses gases
by 2050.
The energy agreement introduces a new tender based support scheme for
renewable gases and a phase out of the existing support schemes for biogas. Thus
the current national support schemes for biogas will be changed during 2019. The
changes to the support schemes will be a transitional arrangement that will ensure
that the existing support schemes can be phased out in a way that does not have
retroactive effect on investors.
Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
DK-1577 Copenhagen V
P: +45 3392 6700
E: [email protected]
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Support for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded biogas is covered
by the state aid case SA.35485 2012/N approved under EAG 2008. Support for
biogas for other purposes such as transport, industry and heat is covered by state
aid case SA.36659 2013/N approved under EEAG 2014.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.35485 2012/N
The current aid scheme for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded
biogas injected into the natural gas grid was approved in 2013 under EAG 2008.
This scheme has been successful in achieving the overall aim of extending the use
of biogas. There has been a significant rise especially in the use of biogas for
upgrading for injection into the natural gas grid. There are approximately 40 plants
that upgrade biogas and several new projects are currently under construction. It is
expected that around 8.5 PJ upgraded biogas will be injected into the natural gas
grid annually in 2019.
The DEA has monitored the developments in market prices of natural gas and
electricity and in the costs of using biogas for energy production. On the basis of
this monitoring the DEA has annually assessed whether the current prices and
costs is leading to overcompensation. The costs relating energy production from
the use of biogas significantly exceeds the market price of both electricity and
natural gas.
All plants for upgrading biogas have been established in the years after 2013,
therefore no plants are so far fully depreciated. The same is the case for plants
producing electricity from the use of biogas, where the majority of the plants have
been in production for less than 10 years.
The parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on a detailed measure that will
close and phase out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas for upgrading
and electricity:
1. No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas after
January 1, 2020, with exception of projects where all major investments
have been made before February 2019.
2. Aid for existing beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount by introducing a ceiling.
3. The support granted to existing projects should be limited to 20 years
reflecting the depreciation period for a biogas project.
The details of the measure are described more thoroughly in Annex A.
In 2017 the DEA and DG COMP agreed on a set of criteria for phasing out aid for
electricity produced by existing non-depreciated biomass plants covered by state
aid case N359/2008. As was the case with N359/2008 the aid scheme for the use
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
of biogas for electricity and upgrading were approved under the EAG 2008 and has
been functioning without formal limitations to the aid period. Like N359/2008 the
beneficiaries covered by SA.35485 2012/N are non-depreciated plants that produce
energy from the use of biomass.
Due to the similarities of the cases the DEA is proposing that the handling of
N359/2008 serves as a reference case for the proposed changes and phasing out
of the aid for the use of biogas for electricity and upgrading.
The changes to the national legislation will be implemented through amendments to
the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and the Act on the Natural Gas
Supply. The DEA is planning on introducing the changes before Parliament in the
fall of 2019.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.36659 2013/N
The aid schemes for biogas used in transport (3), industrial processes (4) and other
forms of biogas use (5) was approved by the Commission in December 2015 under
case number SA.36659 - Aid for all forms of biogas use - B. These schemes are
approved under EEAG 2014.
Beneficiaries must apply for a granting letter before they start the project and apply
on the basis of an application form stating relevant information concerning the
project such as the purpose of use of the biogas, and the price of biogas obtainable
on the market and the market price of natural gas showing that the costs of using
biogas are still higher than the market price of natural gas.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that the existing aid schemes
will be closed for new beneficiaries from January 1, 2020. Therefore, no new
granting letters will be issued after this date. The continued aid for the existing
beneficiaries after January 1, 2020 will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount (ceiling).
All beneficiaries will apply for a new granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
The DEA is interested in understanding if the changes to the aid scheme will
require a formal notification or whether the changes made to the support for
biomass in Denmark could serve as a reference case.
New aid scheme for biogas projects
The main purpose of the Danish energy agreement from 2018 is to deliver a
market-driven green transition in Denmark and the use of tenders is an important
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
measure to achieve this. With the Danish energy agreement it is the intention that a
future support scheme for renewable gasses including biogas should be tender
based with the purpose of increasing the use of renewable gases for transport,
industry and upgrading. The DEA will be interested in opening a dialogue with DG
COMP on how the new aid scheme for biogas and other green gases will be
assessed under the EEAG 2014.
Questions for DG COMP:
1. Will the proposed changes which will phase out the existing aid schemes for
biogas require a formal renotification or can the necessary changes to the
national legislation be implemented under a set of criteria for which the
handling of N359/2008 could serve as a reference?
2. How will a new tender based support scheme for renewable gasses be
assessed under EEAG 2014? The new support scheme should cover biogas
and other renewable energy gasses such as renewable hydrogen and gasified
biomass used for upgrading, transport and industry. The main purpose of
changing the support for biogas is to introduce a cost effective competitive
bidding procedure and ensure a diverse renewable energy mix in Denmark.
3. How will mature biogas projects be assessed in terms of incentive effect if they
want to apply for support from a new support scheme? The phase out of
existing support schemes for biogas will have the consequence that a number
of mature biogas projects will have to stop the development since they are
unable to meet the deadline. The DEA would like to discuss how the incentive
effect (paragraph 27d) should be interpreted under these specific
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Annex A
This part of the document describes the detailed measures agreed upon by the
parties behind the energy agreement on February 8, 2019 on how to phase out the
aid for the use of biogas on existing plants:
Deadline after which no new beneficiaries can enter the schemes:
No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas for electricity
and upgrading after January 1, 2020. No new granting letters will be issued by the
DEA for the use of biogas for industrial purposes, transportation and heating after
January 1, 2020.
The aid schemes covered by SA.35485 2012/N (biogas for electricity generation
from biogas and biogas for upgrading) functions without a formal granting
procedure which means that new projects are under development for an extended
time period before the project owner applies for aid from the DEA.
Therefore it is necessary to establish a specific procedure for new projects that are
under construction, but is unable to meet the deadline on January 1, 2020. Projects
that are under development, where all major investments have been made before 8
February, 2019 and which has obtained all necessary permits from the local
authorities will be eligible for a dispensation from the deadline after meeting certain
requirements for documentation. These projects must be finished and connected to
the grid before the end of 2021.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that aid for existing
beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual amount by introducing a
ceiling. The ceiling will be determined differently for plants that upgrade biogas,
plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Upgrading of biogas:
Annual maximum amount will be determined by:
The minimum of:
Capacity of connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019, and
Technical capacity of the upgrading plant on 8 February 2019.
Existing plants that are connected to the natural gas grid, but where an
expansion of the production is planned can apply for an extended annual
maximum if these requirements are met:
Existing plants
connected to the
natural gas grid by 8
Feb. 2019
Planned expansions
of existing plants
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
New plants
Documented binding investment in an expansion made before 8 February
Documentation that the planned expansion has carried out an
environmental impact assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by 8 February 2019.
Capacity of planned connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019
(formal agreement with the relevant gas DSO or TSO)
If no agreement has been made with the relevant gas DSO or TSO by 8
February 2019, the annual amount will be based on the technical capacity of
the upgrading plant that is the part of the investment.
Biogas for electricity generation:
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly electricity production from
biogas in 2018, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has received all necessary environmental
permits from local authorities by 8 February
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
Plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly use of biogas in 2018,
multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has carried out an environmental impact
assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by
8 February 2019.
All beneficiaries will apply for a granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 5 -- [ Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: … --
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected] (Jane Glindvad Kristensen), [email protected] (Nanna Alberti),
[email protected] (Lars Martin Jensen)
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1795079)
20-03-2019 11:15
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 6 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er … ==
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
Edward Alexander James-Smith ([email protected])
Vs: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 7 -- [ Aktdokument ] --
Edward Alexander James-Smith ([email protected])
Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Marie
Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Vs: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
25-03-2019 16:26
MEMO state aid for biogas-2.docx;
Kære Edward
Endnu en henvendelse herfra om teknisk hjælp til afsendelse - og tak for den :-)
Jeg vil høre, om du har mulighed for at sende nedenstående hastende henvendelse videre til
[email protected]
med kopi til
[email protected]
- og med følgende ledsagetekst:
On Wednesday last, we tried to send you a memo regarding the proposed changes to the existing Danish
support schemes for biogas (see email below). Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing technical
problems in connection with email correspondance and have now received a message saying that the email
was not delivered. Therefore, we have asked our attaché in Bruxelles to forward the email to you.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]),
Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European Commission -
DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for
biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018 concerning the Danish
aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was
the Danish government’s proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out the existing aid schemes
for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas
projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion with DG
COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate
guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in
compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will require a
formal notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal
discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 8 -- [ MEMO state aid for biogas-2 ] --
Memo on state aid and support schemes for biogas
Centre for Renewables
5. March 2019
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The
European Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes
to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485
2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and
biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s
proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out
the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to
introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other
types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general
discussion with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support
schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that
changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in compliance with
state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will
require a formal notification.
On June 29, 2018 all parties in the Danish Parliament agreed on a new
comprehensive energy agreement which has measures aiming at increasing the
production of renewable energy to app. 55 % by 2030. Further a new long term
target has been agreed upon aiming at net-zero emissions of greenhouses gases
by 2050.
The energy agreement introduces a new tender based support scheme for
renewable gases and a phase out of the existing support schemes for biogas. Thus
the current national support schemes for biogas will be changed during 2019. The
changes to the support schemes will be a transitional arrangement that will ensure
that the existing support schemes can be phased out in a way that does not have
retroactive effect on investors.
Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
DK-1577 Copenhagen V
P: +45 3392 6700
E: [email protected]
Page 1/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Support for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded biogas is covered
by the state aid case SA.35485 2012/N approved under EAG 2008. Support for
biogas for other purposes such as transport, industry and heat is covered by state
aid case SA.36659 2013/N approved under EEAG 2014.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.35485 2012/N
The current aid scheme for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded
biogas injected into the natural gas grid was approved in 2013 under EAG 2008.
This scheme has been successful in achieving the overall aim of extending the use
of biogas. There has been a significant rise especially in the use of biogas for
upgrading for injection into the natural gas grid. There are approximately 40 plants
that upgrade biogas and several new projects are currently under construction. It is
expected that around 8.5 PJ upgraded biogas will be injected into the natural gas
grid annually in 2019.
The DEA has monitored the developments in market prices of natural gas and
electricity and in the costs of using biogas for energy production. On the basis of
this monitoring the DEA has annually assessed whether the current prices and
costs is leading to overcompensation. The costs relating energy production from
the use of biogas significantly exceeds the market price of both electricity and
natural gas.
All plants for upgrading biogas have been established in the years after 2013,
therefore no plants are so far fully depreciated. The same is the case for plants
producing electricity from the use of biogas, where the majority of the plants have
been in production for less than 10 years.
The parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on a detailed measure that will
close and phase out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas for upgrading
and electricity:
1. No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas after
January 1, 2020, with exception of projects where all major investments
have been made before February 2019.
2. Aid for existing beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount by introducing a ceiling.
3. The support granted to existing projects should be limited to 20 years
reflecting the depreciation period for a biogas project.
The details of the measure are described more thoroughly in Annex A.
In 2017 the DEA and DG COMP agreed on a set of criteria for phasing out aid for
electricity produced by existing non-depreciated biomass plants covered by state
aid case N359/2008. As was the case with N359/2008 the aid scheme for the use
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
of biogas for electricity and upgrading were approved under the EAG 2008 and has
been functioning without formal limitations to the aid period. Like N359/2008 the
beneficiaries covered by SA.35485 2012/N are non-depreciated plants that produce
energy from the use of biomass.
Due to the similarities of the cases the DEA is proposing that the handling of
N359/2008 serves as a reference case for the proposed changes and phasing out
of the aid for the use of biogas for electricity and upgrading.
The changes to the national legislation will be implemented through amendments to
the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and the Act on the Natural Gas
Supply. The DEA is planning on introducing the changes before Parliament in the
fall of 2019.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.36659 2013/N
The aid schemes for biogas used in transport (3), industrial processes (4) and other
forms of biogas use (5) was approved by the Commission in December 2015 under
case number SA.36659 - Aid for all forms of biogas use - B. These schemes are
approved under EEAG 2014.
Beneficiaries must apply for a granting letter before they start the project and apply
on the basis of an application form stating relevant information concerning the
project such as the purpose of use of the biogas, and the price of biogas obtainable
on the market and the market price of natural gas showing that the costs of using
biogas are still higher than the market price of natural gas.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that the existing aid schemes
will be closed for new beneficiaries from January 1, 2020. Therefore, no new
granting letters will be issued after this date. The continued aid for the existing
beneficiaries after January 1, 2020 will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount (ceiling).
All beneficiaries will apply for a new granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
The DEA is interested in understanding if the changes to the aid scheme will
require a formal notification or whether the changes made to the support for
biomass in Denmark could serve as a reference case.
New aid scheme for biogas projects
The main purpose of the Danish energy agreement from 2018 is to deliver a
market-driven green transition in Denmark and the use of tenders is an important
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
measure to achieve this. With the Danish energy agreement it is the intention that a
future support scheme for renewable gasses including biogas should be tender
based with the purpose of increasing the use of renewable gases for transport,
industry and upgrading. The DEA will be interested in opening a dialogue with DG
COMP on how the new aid scheme for biogas and other green gases will be
assessed under the EEAG 2014.
Questions for DG COMP:
1. Will the proposed changes which will phase out the existing aid schemes for
biogas require a formal renotification or can the necessary changes to the
national legislation be implemented under a set of criteria for which the
handling of N359/2008 could serve as a reference?
2. How will a new tender based support scheme for renewable gasses be
assessed under EEAG 2014? The new support scheme should cover biogas
and other renewable energy gasses such as renewable hydrogen and gasified
biomass used for upgrading, transport and industry. The main purpose of
changing the support for biogas is to introduce a cost effective competitive
bidding procedure and ensure a diverse renewable energy mix in Denmark.
3. How will mature biogas projects be assessed in terms of incentive effect if they
want to apply for support from a new support scheme? The phase out of
existing support schemes for biogas will have the consequence that a number
of mature biogas projects will have to stop the development since they are
unable to meet the deadline. The DEA would like to discuss how the incentive
effect (paragraph 27d) should be interpreted under these specific
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Annex A
This part of the document describes the detailed measures agreed upon by the
parties behind the energy agreement on February 8, 2019 on how to phase out the
aid for the use of biogas on existing plants:
Deadline after which no new beneficiaries can enter the schemes:
No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas for electricity
and upgrading after January 1, 2020. No new granting letters will be issued by the
DEA for the use of biogas for industrial purposes, transportation and heating after
January 1, 2020.
The aid schemes covered by SA.35485 2012/N (biogas for electricity generation
from biogas and biogas for upgrading) functions without a formal granting
procedure which means that new projects are under development for an extended
time period before the project owner applies for aid from the DEA.
Therefore it is necessary to establish a specific procedure for new projects that are
under construction, but is unable to meet the deadline on January 1, 2020. Projects
that are under development, where all major investments have been made before 8
February, 2019 and which has obtained all necessary permits from the local
authorities will be eligible for a dispensation from the deadline after meeting certain
requirements for documentation. These projects must be finished and connected to
the grid before the end of 2021.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that aid for existing
beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual amount by introducing a
ceiling. The ceiling will be determined differently for plants that upgrade biogas,
plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Upgrading of biogas:
Annual maximum amount will be determined by:
The minimum of:
Capacity of connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019, and
Technical capacity of the upgrading plant on 8 February 2019.
Existing plants that are connected to the natural gas grid, but where an
expansion of the production is planned can apply for an extended annual
maximum if these requirements are met:
Existing plants
connected to the
natural gas grid by 8
Feb. 2019
Planned expansions
of existing plants
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
New plants
Documented binding investment in an expansion made before 8 February
Documentation that the planned expansion has carried out an
environmental impact assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by 8 February 2019.
Capacity of planned connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019
(formal agreement with the relevant gas DSO or TSO)
If no agreement has been made with the relevant gas DSO or TSO by 8
February 2019, the annual amount will be based on the technical capacity of
the upgrading plant that is the part of the investment.
Biogas for electricity generation:
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly electricity production from
biogas in 2018, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has received all necessary environmental
permits from local authorities by 8 February
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
Plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly use of biogas in 2018,
multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has carried out an environmental impact
assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by
8 February 2019.
All beneficiaries will apply for a granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 9 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er … ==
Edward Alexander James-Smith ([email protected])
[email protected]
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes
for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 10 -- [ Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.… --
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen
([email protected])
Edward Alexander James-Smith ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1798583)
25-03-2019 16:52
MEMO state aid for biogas-2.docx;
Dear Ms. Jarosz-Friis,
On Wednesday last, we tried to send you a memo regarding the proposed changes to the existing
Danish support schemes for biogas (see email below). Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing
technical problems in connection with email correspondance and have now received a message saying
that the email was not delivered. Therefore, we have asked our attaché in Bruxelles to forward the
email to you.
[email protected]
DIRECT +32 (2) 233 0889 / MOBILE +32 478 601 953
PHONE +32 (2) 233 0811 /
On behalf of
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
Danish Energy Agency
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 11 -- [ MEMO state aid for biogas-2 ] --
Memo on state aid and support schemes for biogas
Centre for Renewables
5. March 2019
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The
European Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes
to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485
2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and
biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s
proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out
the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to
introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other
types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general
discussion with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support
schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that
changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in compliance with
state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will
require a formal notification.
On June 29, 2018 all parties in the Danish Parliament agreed on a new
comprehensive energy agreement which has measures aiming at increasing the
production of renewable energy to app. 55 % by 2030. Further a new long term
target has been agreed upon aiming at net-zero emissions of greenhouses gases
by 2050.
The energy agreement introduces a new tender based support scheme for
renewable gases and a phase out of the existing support schemes for biogas. Thus
the current national support schemes for biogas will be changed during 2019. The
changes to the support schemes will be a transitional arrangement that will ensure
that the existing support schemes can be phased out in a way that does not have
retroactive effect on investors.
Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
DK-1577 Copenhagen V
P: +45 3392 6700
E: [email protected]
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Support for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded biogas is covered
by the state aid case SA.35485 2012/N approved under EAG 2008. Support for
biogas for other purposes such as transport, industry and heat is covered by state
aid case SA.36659 2013/N approved under EEAG 2014.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.35485 2012/N
The current aid scheme for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded
biogas injected into the natural gas grid was approved in 2013 under EAG 2008.
This scheme has been successful in achieving the overall aim of extending the use
of biogas. There has been a significant rise especially in the use of biogas for
upgrading for injection into the natural gas grid. There are approximately 40 plants
that upgrade biogas and several new projects are currently under construction. It is
expected that around 8.5 PJ upgraded biogas will be injected into the natural gas
grid annually in 2019.
The DEA has monitored the developments in market prices of natural gas and
electricity and in the costs of using biogas for energy production. On the basis of
this monitoring the DEA has annually assessed whether the current prices and
costs is leading to overcompensation. The costs relating energy production from
the use of biogas significantly exceeds the market price of both electricity and
natural gas.
All plants for upgrading biogas have been established in the years after 2013,
therefore no plants are so far fully depreciated. The same is the case for plants
producing electricity from the use of biogas, where the majority of the plants have
been in production for less than 10 years.
The parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on a detailed measure that will
close and phase out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas for upgrading
and electricity:
1. No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas after
January 1, 2020, with exception of projects where all major investments
have been made before February 2019.
2. Aid for existing beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount by introducing a ceiling.
3. The support granted to existing projects should be limited to 20 years
reflecting the depreciation period for a biogas project.
The details of the measure are described more thoroughly in Annex A.
In 2017 the DEA and DG COMP agreed on a set of criteria for phasing out aid for
electricity produced by existing non-depreciated biomass plants covered by state
aid case N359/2008. As was the case with N359/2008 the aid scheme for the use
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
of biogas for electricity and upgrading were approved under the EAG 2008 and has
been functioning without formal limitations to the aid period. Like N359/2008 the
beneficiaries covered by SA.35485 2012/N are non-depreciated plants that produce
energy from the use of biomass.
Due to the similarities of the cases the DEA is proposing that the handling of
N359/2008 serves as a reference case for the proposed changes and phasing out
of the aid for the use of biogas for electricity and upgrading.
The changes to the national legislation will be implemented through amendments to
the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and the Act on the Natural Gas
Supply. The DEA is planning on introducing the changes before Parliament in the
fall of 2019.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.36659 2013/N
The aid schemes for biogas used in transport (3), industrial processes (4) and other
forms of biogas use (5) was approved by the Commission in December 2015 under
case number SA.36659 - Aid for all forms of biogas use - B. These schemes are
approved under EEAG 2014.
Beneficiaries must apply for a granting letter before they start the project and apply
on the basis of an application form stating relevant information concerning the
project such as the purpose of use of the biogas, and the price of biogas obtainable
on the market and the market price of natural gas showing that the costs of using
biogas are still higher than the market price of natural gas.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that the existing aid schemes
will be closed for new beneficiaries from January 1, 2020. Therefore, no new
granting letters will be issued after this date. The continued aid for the existing
beneficiaries after January 1, 2020 will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount (ceiling).
All beneficiaries will apply for a new granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
The DEA is interested in understanding if the changes to the aid scheme will
require a formal notification or whether the changes made to the support for
biomass in Denmark could serve as a reference case.
New aid scheme for biogas projects
The main purpose of the Danish energy agreement from 2018 is to deliver a
market-driven green transition in Denmark and the use of tenders is an important
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
measure to achieve this. With the Danish energy agreement it is the intention that a
future support scheme for renewable gasses including biogas should be tender
based with the purpose of increasing the use of renewable gases for transport,
industry and upgrading. The DEA will be interested in opening a dialogue with DG
COMP on how the new aid scheme for biogas and other green gases will be
assessed under the EEAG 2014.
Questions for DG COMP:
1. Will the proposed changes which will phase out the existing aid schemes for
biogas require a formal renotification or can the necessary changes to the
national legislation be implemented under a set of criteria for which the
handling of N359/2008 could serve as a reference?
2. How will a new tender based support scheme for renewable gasses be
assessed under EEAG 2014? The new support scheme should cover biogas
and other renewable energy gasses such as renewable hydrogen and gasified
biomass used for upgrading, transport and industry. The main purpose of
changing the support for biogas is to introduce a cost effective competitive
bidding procedure and ensure a diverse renewable energy mix in Denmark.
3. How will mature biogas projects be assessed in terms of incentive effect if they
want to apply for support from a new support scheme? The phase out of
existing support schemes for biogas will have the consequence that a number
of mature biogas projects will have to stop the development since they are
unable to meet the deadline. The DEA would like to discuss how the incentive
effect (paragraph 27d) should be interpreted under these specific
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Annex A
This part of the document describes the detailed measures agreed upon by the
parties behind the energy agreement on February 8, 2019 on how to phase out the
aid for the use of biogas on existing plants:
Deadline after which no new beneficiaries can enter the schemes:
No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas for electricity
and upgrading after January 1, 2020. No new granting letters will be issued by the
DEA for the use of biogas for industrial purposes, transportation and heating after
January 1, 2020.
The aid schemes covered by SA.35485 2012/N (biogas for electricity generation
from biogas and biogas for upgrading) functions without a formal granting
procedure which means that new projects are under development for an extended
time period before the project owner applies for aid from the DEA.
Therefore it is necessary to establish a specific procedure for new projects that are
under construction, but is unable to meet the deadline on January 1, 2020. Projects
that are under development, where all major investments have been made before 8
February, 2019 and which has obtained all necessary permits from the local
authorities will be eligible for a dispensation from the deadline after meeting certain
requirements for documentation. These projects must be finished and connected to
the grid before the end of 2021.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that aid for existing
beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual amount by introducing a
ceiling. The ceiling will be determined differently for plants that upgrade biogas,
plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Upgrading of biogas:
Annual maximum amount will be determined by:
The minimum of:
Capacity of connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019, and
Technical capacity of the upgrading plant on 8 February 2019.
Existing plants that are connected to the natural gas grid, but where an
expansion of the production is planned can apply for an extended annual
maximum if these requirements are met:
Existing plants
connected to the
natural gas grid by 8
Feb. 2019
Planned expansions
of existing plants
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
New plants
Documented binding investment in an expansion made before 8 February
Documentation that the planned expansion has carried out an
environmental impact assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by 8 February 2019.
Capacity of planned connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019
(formal agreement with the relevant gas DSO or TSO)
If no agreement has been made with the relevant gas DSO or TSO by 8
February 2019, the annual amount will be based on the technical capacity of
the upgrading plant that is the part of the investment.
Biogas for electricity generation:
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly electricity production from
biogas in 2018, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has received all necessary environmental
permits from local authorities by 8 February
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
Plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly use of biogas in 2018,
multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has carried out an environmental impact
assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by
8 February 2019.
All beneficiaries will apply for a granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 12 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
[email protected]
Edward Alexander James-Smith ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 13 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
Edward Alexander James-Smith ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected]),
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1798583)
26-03-2019 08:51
Dear Mr James-Smith,
Thank you for your message, I confirm the receipt of the memo.
Kind regards,
Anna Jarosz-Friis
Dr. Anna Jarosz-Friis
Head of Unit
European Commission
DG Competition
Unit B2 –State aids I – Energy
MADO 24/69
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 299 37 33 / +32 498 99 37 33
[email protected]
Edward Alexander James-Smith <[email protected]>
Monday, March 25, 2019 4:53 PM
JAROSZ-FRIIS Anna (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>;
Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>; Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1798583)
Dear Ms. Jarosz-Friis,
On Wednesday last, we tried to send you a memo regarding the proposed changes to the
existing Danish support schemes for biogas (see email below). Unfortunately, we are currently
experiencing technical problems in connection with email correspondance and have now received
a message saying that the email was not delivered. Therefore, we have asked our attaché in
Bruxelles to forward the email to you.
[email protected]
DIRECT +32 (2) 233 0889 / MOBILE +32 478 601 953
PHONE +32 (2) 233 0811 /
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
On behalf of
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
Danish Energy Agency
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 14 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
[email protected]
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes
for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 15 -- [ Aktdokument ] --
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]),
Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
09-04-2019 13:24
MEMO state aid for biogas-2.docx;
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis (see below) about the
possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal discussion of proposed
changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas.
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon and hope that this is
possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]),
Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European Commission -
DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for
biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018 concerning the Danish
aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
the Danish government’s proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out the existing aid schemes
for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas
projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion with DG
COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate
guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in
compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will require a
formal notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal
discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 16 -- [ MEMO state aid for biogas-2 ] --
Memo on state aid and support schemes for biogas
Centre for Renewables
5. March 2019
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The
European Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes
to the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485
2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and
biogas. A subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s
proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties
in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out
the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to
introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other
types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general
discussion with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support
schemes for biogas. The DEA would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that
changes to the current national support schemes for biogas are in compliance with
state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will
require a formal notification.
On June 29, 2018 all parties in the Danish Parliament agreed on a new
comprehensive energy agreement which has measures aiming at increasing the
production of renewable energy to app. 55 % by 2030. Further a new long term
target has been agreed upon aiming at net-zero emissions of greenhouses gases
by 2050.
The energy agreement introduces a new tender based support scheme for
renewable gases and a phase out of the existing support schemes for biogas. Thus
the current national support schemes for biogas will be changed during 2019. The
changes to the support schemes will be a transitional arrangement that will ensure
that the existing support schemes can be phased out in a way that does not have
retroactive effect on investors.
Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
DK-1577 Copenhagen V
P: +45 3392 6700
E: [email protected]
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Support for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded biogas is covered
by the state aid case SA.35485 2012/N approved under EAG 2008. Support for
biogas for other purposes such as transport, industry and heat is covered by state
aid case SA.36659 2013/N approved under EEAG 2014.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.35485 2012/N
The current aid scheme for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded
biogas injected into the natural gas grid was approved in 2013 under EAG 2008.
This scheme has been successful in achieving the overall aim of extending the use
of biogas. There has been a significant rise especially in the use of biogas for
upgrading for injection into the natural gas grid. There are approximately 40 plants
that upgrade biogas and several new projects are currently under construction. It is
expected that around 8.5 PJ upgraded biogas will be injected into the natural gas
grid annually in 2019.
The DEA has monitored the developments in market prices of natural gas and
electricity and in the costs of using biogas for energy production. On the basis of
this monitoring the DEA has annually assessed whether the current prices and
costs is leading to overcompensation. The costs relating energy production from
the use of biogas significantly exceeds the market price of both electricity and
natural gas.
All plants for upgrading biogas have been established in the years after 2013,
therefore no plants are so far fully depreciated. The same is the case for plants
producing electricity from the use of biogas, where the majority of the plants have
been in production for less than 10 years.
The parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on a detailed measure that will
close and phase out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas for upgrading
and electricity:
1. No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas after
January 1, 2020, with exception of projects where all major investments
have been made before February 2019.
2. Aid for existing beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount by introducing a ceiling.
3. The support granted to existing projects should be limited to 20 years
reflecting the depreciation period for a biogas project.
The details of the measure are described more thoroughly in Annex A.
In 2017 the DEA and DG COMP agreed on a set of criteria for phasing out aid for
electricity produced by existing non-depreciated biomass plants covered by state
aid case N359/2008. As was the case with N359/2008 the aid scheme for the use
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
of biogas for electricity and upgrading were approved under the EAG 2008 and has
been functioning without formal limitations to the aid period. Like N359/2008 the
beneficiaries covered by SA.35485 2012/N are non-depreciated plants that produce
energy from the use of biomass.
Due to the similarities of the cases the DEA is proposing that the handling of
N359/2008 serves as a reference case for the proposed changes and phasing out
of the aid for the use of biogas for electricity and upgrading.
The changes to the national legislation will be implemented through amendments to
the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and the Act on the Natural Gas
Supply. The DEA is planning on introducing the changes before Parliament in the
fall of 2019.
Proposed changes to the existing biogas aid scheme
case SA.36659 2013/N
The aid schemes for biogas used in transport (3), industrial processes (4) and other
forms of biogas use (5) was approved by the Commission in December 2015 under
case number SA.36659 - Aid for all forms of biogas use - B. These schemes are
approved under EEAG 2014.
Beneficiaries must apply for a granting letter before they start the project and apply
on the basis of an application form stating relevant information concerning the
project such as the purpose of use of the biogas, and the price of biogas obtainable
on the market and the market price of natural gas showing that the costs of using
biogas are still higher than the market price of natural gas.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that the existing aid schemes
will be closed for new beneficiaries from January 1, 2020. Therefore, no new
granting letters will be issued after this date. The continued aid for the existing
beneficiaries after January 1, 2020 will be limited to a certain maximum annual
amount (ceiling).
All beneficiaries will apply for a new granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
The DEA is interested in understanding if the changes to the aid scheme will
require a formal notification or whether the changes made to the support for
biomass in Denmark could serve as a reference case.
New aid scheme for biogas projects
The main purpose of the Danish energy agreement from 2018 is to deliver a
market-driven green transition in Denmark and the use of tenders is an important
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
measure to achieve this. With the Danish energy agreement it is the intention that a
future support scheme for renewable gasses including biogas should be tender
based with the purpose of increasing the use of renewable gases for transport,
industry and upgrading. The DEA will be interested in opening a dialogue with DG
COMP on how the new aid scheme for biogas and other green gases will be
assessed under the EEAG 2014.
Questions for DG COMP:
1. Will the proposed changes which will phase out the existing aid schemes for
biogas require a formal renotification or can the necessary changes to the
national legislation be implemented under a set of criteria for which the
handling of N359/2008 could serve as a reference?
2. How will a new tender based support scheme for renewable gasses be
assessed under EEAG 2014? The new support scheme should cover biogas
and other renewable energy gasses such as renewable hydrogen and gasified
biomass used for upgrading, transport and industry. The main purpose of
changing the support for biogas is to introduce a cost effective competitive
bidding procedure and ensure a diverse renewable energy mix in Denmark.
3. How will mature biogas projects be assessed in terms of incentive effect if they
want to apply for support from a new support scheme? The phase out of
existing support schemes for biogas will have the consequence that a number
of mature biogas projects will have to stop the development since they are
unable to meet the deadline. The DEA would like to discuss how the incentive
effect (paragraph 27d) should be interpreted under these specific
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Annex A
This part of the document describes the detailed measures agreed upon by the
parties behind the energy agreement on February 8, 2019 on how to phase out the
aid for the use of biogas on existing plants:
Deadline after which no new beneficiaries can enter the schemes:
No new projects can enter the current support schemes for biogas for electricity
and upgrading after January 1, 2020. No new granting letters will be issued by the
DEA for the use of biogas for industrial purposes, transportation and heating after
January 1, 2020.
The aid schemes covered by SA.35485 2012/N (biogas for electricity generation
from biogas and biogas for upgrading) functions without a formal granting
procedure which means that new projects are under development for an extended
time period before the project owner applies for aid from the DEA.
Therefore it is necessary to establish a specific procedure for new projects that are
under construction, but is unable to meet the deadline on January 1, 2020. Projects
that are under development, where all major investments have been made before 8
February, 2019 and which has obtained all necessary permits from the local
authorities will be eligible for a dispensation from the deadline after meeting certain
requirements for documentation. These projects must be finished and connected to
the grid before the end of 2021.
As part of the energy agreement it has been decided that aid for existing
beneficiaries will be limited to a certain maximum annual amount by introducing a
ceiling. The ceiling will be determined differently for plants that upgrade biogas,
plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Upgrading of biogas:
Annual maximum amount will be determined by:
The minimum of:
Capacity of connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019, and
Technical capacity of the upgrading plant on 8 February 2019.
Existing plants that are connected to the natural gas grid, but where an
expansion of the production is planned can apply for an extended annual
maximum if these requirements are met:
Existing plants
connected to the
natural gas grid by 8
Feb. 2019
Planned expansions
of existing plants
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
New plants
Documented binding investment in an expansion made before 8 February
Documentation that the planned expansion has carried out an
environmental impact assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by 8 February 2019.
Capacity of planned connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February 2019
(formal agreement with the relevant gas DSO or TSO)
If no agreement has been made with the relevant gas DSO or TSO by 8
February 2019, the annual amount will be based on the technical capacity of
the upgrading plant that is the part of the investment.
Biogas for electricity generation:
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly electricity production from
biogas in 2018, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has received all necessary environmental
permits from local authorities by 8 February
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
Plants that use biogas for electricity generation, and plants that use biogas for
industrial purposes, sell biogas for transportation or use biogas for heating
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly use of biogas in 2018,
multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has carried out an environmental impact
assessment and received all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities by
8 February 2019.
All beneficiaries will apply for a granting letter after the deadline on January 1,
2020. The granting letter will specify the maximum annual amount of production
that can receive support and will establish the individual aid period. The aid period
will be 20 years reflecting the depreciation period for biogas projects.
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KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 17 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 18 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
12-04-2019 18:52
Dear Ms Høeg,
Thank you very much for your email and information submitted.
We propose organising a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels on 6 or 7 May. Please let us know if any of
those dates is suitable for you and a proposed timeslot.
Best regards,
Violeta, for the team
Case Handler
Unit B2 – State aid I – Energy
Directorate-General for Competition
European Commission
MADO 24/053 | B-1049, Brussels, Belgium
+32-(0)2- 29 - 64077
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM
SCHOSER Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>;
Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis (see below)
about the possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal discussion
of proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas.
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon and hope that
this is possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European
Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid schemes
for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018 concerning the
Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A subject touched upon in this
meeting was the Danish government’s proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas.
Since then the parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase
out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new
tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion with
DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA would
appreciate guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support schemes for
biogas are in compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support
schemes will require a formal notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the
enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an
informal discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 19 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
[email protected]
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 20 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars
Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
25-04-2019 13:28
Dear Violeta,
Thanks for your email.
We would very much like to have a meeting with you in Brussels regarding the aid schemes for biogas. If
possible we would prefer to schedule the meeting on May 6 at a time between the hours of 10 and 15
which will allow us to travel from Copenhagen and back on the same day.
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Nanna Alberti, Special advisor
Please inform us of a convenient meeting time for you and of the participants from DG Competition.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
+45 51 67 43 98
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
12-04-2019 18:52
Dear Ms Høeg,
Thank you very much for your email and information submitted.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
We propose organising a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels on 6 or 7 May. Please let us know if any of
those dates is suitable for you and a proposed timeslot.
Best regards,
Violeta, for the team
Case Handler
Unit B2 – State aid I – Energy
Directorate-General for Competition
European Commission
MADO 24/053 | B-1049, Brussels, Belgium
+32-(0)2- 29 - 64077
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM
SCHOSER Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>;
Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis (see below)
about the possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal discussion
of proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas.
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon and hope that
this is possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European
Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid schemes
for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018 concerning the
Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A subject touched upon in this
meeting was the Danish government’s proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas.
Since then the parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase
out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new
tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion with
DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA would
appreciate guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support schemes for
biogas are in compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support
schemes will require a formal notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the
enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an
informal discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 21 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
[email protected]
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 22 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars
Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
29-04-2019 09:53
Dear Violeta,
We have just found out that Tuesday, May 7, would be a better option for us. Would it be possible for you
to have the meeting on that day instead?
Thank you and best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
+45 51 67 43 98
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars
Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
25-04-2019 13:28
Dear Violeta,
Thanks for your email.
We would very much like to have a meeting with you in Brussels regarding the aid schemes for biogas. If
possible we would prefer to schedule the meeting on May 6 at a time between the hours of 10 and 15
which will allow us to travel from Copenhagen and back on the same day.
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Nanna Alberti, Special advisor
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Please inform us of a convenient meeting time for you and of the participants from DG Competition.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
+45 51 67 43 98
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
12-04-2019 18:52
Dear Ms Høeg,
Thank you very much for your email and information submitted.
We propose organising a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels on 6 or 7 May. Please let us know if any of
those dates is suitable for you and a proposed timeslot.
Best regards,
Violeta, for the team
Case Handler
Unit B2 – State aid I – Energy
Directorate-General for Competition
European Commission
MADO 24/053 | B-1049, Brussels, Belgium
+32-(0)2- 29 - 64077
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM
SCHOSER Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>;
Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis (see below)
about the possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an informal discussion
of proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas.
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon and hope that
this is possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European
Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid schemes
for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018 concerning the
Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A subject touched upon in this
meeting was the Danish government’s proposal for changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas.
Since then the parties in the Danish Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase
out the existing aid schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new
tender based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion with
DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA would
appreciate guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support schemes for
biogas are in compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to existing support
schemes will require a formal notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the
enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an
informal discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 23 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 24 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1820708)
30-04-2019 09:59
Dear Marie Christine,
On 7 May, we can offer two slots either between 11.00-13.00 or 13.30-15.00. Please let us know whether any of
these two suit you.
Best regards,
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019 9:54 AM
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>
JAHUDKA Marek (COMP) <[email protected]>; SCHOSER Christof (COMP)
<[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>;
Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>; Birgitta Bundgaard <[email protected]>
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1820708)
Dear Violeta,
We have just found out that Tuesday, May 7, would be a better option for us. Would it be possible
for you to have the meeting on that day instead?
Thank you and best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
[email protected]
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
25-04-2019 13:28
Dear Violeta,
Thanks for your email.
We would very much like to have a meeting with you in Brussels regarding the aid schemes for
biogas. If possible we would prefer to schedule the meeting on May 6 at a time between the hours
of 10 and 15 which will allow us to travel from Copenhagen and back on the same day.
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Nanna Alberti, Special advisor
Please inform us of a convenient meeting time for you and of the participants from DG Competition.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
12-04-2019 18:52
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti
([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Ms Høeg,
Thank you very much for your email and information submitted.
We propose organising a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels on 6 or 7 May. Please let us know if
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
any of those dates is suitable for you and a proposed timeslot.
Best regards,
Violeta, for the team
Case Handler
Unit B2 – State aid I – Energy
Directorate-General for Competition
European Commission
MADO 24/053 | B-1049, Brussels, Belgium
+32-(0)2- 29 - 64077
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM
SCHOSER Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen
<[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis (see
below) about the possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an
informal discussion of proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas.
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon and
hope that this is possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European
Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid
schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A
subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s proposal for changes to
the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties in the Danish Parliament has
agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out the existing aid schemes for the use of
biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas
projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion
with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA
would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support
schemes for biogas are in compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to
existing support schemes will require a formal notification. The proposed changes are laid
out in detail in the enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with
an informal discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 25 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
[email protected]
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 26 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
[email protected] ([email protected])
Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
[email protected] ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected]),
[email protected] ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
01-05-2019 11:35
Dear Marek,
Thank you very much for your flexibility. We would like to have the meeting May 7 at 13.30.
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Lars Martin Jensen, Special advisor
We would appreciate information about the participants from DG Competition.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil / cell
+45 51 67 43 98
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
[email protected] ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected]),
[email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1820708)
30-04-2019 09:59
Dear Marie Christine,
On 7 May, we can offer two slots either between 11.00-13.00 or 13.30-15.00. Please let us know whether any of
these two suit you.
Best regards,
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019 9:54 AM
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>
JAHUDKA Marek (COMP) <[email protected]>; SCHOSER Christof (COMP)
<[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>;
Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>; Birgitta Bundgaard <[email protected]>
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1820708)
Dear Violeta,
We have just found out that Tuesday, May 7, would be a better option for us. Would it be possible
for you to have the meeting on that day instead?
Thank you and best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]),
Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
25-04-2019 13:28
Dear Violeta,
Thanks for your email.
We would very much like to have a meeting with you in Brussels regarding the aid schemes for
biogas. If possible we would prefer to schedule the meeting on May 6 at a time between the hours
of 10 and 15 which will allow us to travel from Copenhagen and back on the same day.
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Nanna Alberti, Special advisor
Please inform us of a convenient meeting time for you and of the participants from DG Competition.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
12-04-2019 18:52
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti
([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Ms Høeg,
Thank you very much for your email and information submitted.
We propose organising a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels on 6 or 7 May. Please let us know if
any of those dates is suitable for you and a proposed timeslot.
Best regards,
Violeta, for the team
Case Handler
Unit B2 – State aid I – Energy
Directorate-General for Competition
European Commission
MADO 24/053 | B-1049, Brussels, Belgium
+32-(0)2- 29 - 64077
[email protected]
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM
SCHOSER Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen
<[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1809903)
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis (see
below) about the possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with an
informal discussion of proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas.
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon and
hope that this is possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The European
Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to the existing aid
schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N and SA. 36659
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A
subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s proposal for changes to
the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties in the Danish Parliament has
agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out the existing aid schemes for the use of
biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new tender based aid scheme for new biogas
projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general discussion
with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes for biogas. The DEA
would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that changes to the current national support
schemes for biogas are in compliance with state aid rules and whether the changes made to
existing support schemes will require a formal notification. The proposed changes are laid
out in detail in the enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels with
an informal discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 27 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg (Sagsbehandler, Jura)
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid
schemes for biogas
Marie Christine Høeg
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 28 -- [ RE Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id… --
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected] ([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1823115)
03-05-2019 17:13
Dear Marie Christine,
The meeting on our side will be attended by me, Violeta and Christof Schoser, who is the case manager.
Nice weekend,
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 11:36 AM
JAHUDKA Marek (COMP) <[email protected]>
Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>; Birgitta Bundgaard <[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>;
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>; SCHOSER
Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1823115)
Dear Marek,
Thank you very much for your flexibility. We would like to have the meeting May 7 at 13.30.
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Lars Martin Jensen, Special advisor
We would appreciate information about the participants from DG Competition.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
30-04-2019 09:59
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.: 1820708)
Dear Marie Christine,
On 7 May, we can offer two slots either between 11.00-13.00 or 13.30-15.00. Please let us know whether any
of these two suit you.
Best regards,
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Monday, April 29, 2019 9:54 AM
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>
JAHUDKA Marek (COMP) <[email protected]>; SCHOSER Christof (COMP)
<[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen <[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti
<[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>; Birgitta Bundgaard <[email protected]>
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.:
Dear Violeta,
We have just found out that Tuesday, May 7, would be a better option for us. Would it be
possible for you to have the meeting on that day instead?
Thank you and best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected]), Birgitta
Bundgaard ([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Sv: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
25-04-2019 13:28
Dear Violeta,
Thanks for your email.
We would very much like to have a meeting with you in Brussels regarding the aid schemes
for biogas. If possible we would prefer to schedule the meeting on May 6 at a time between
the hours of 10 and 15 which will allow us to travel from Copenhagen and back on the same
Participants from the Danish Energy Agency will be:
Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Head of division
Birgitta Bundgaard, Head of division
Nanna Alberti, Special advisor
Please inform us of a convenient meeting time for you and of the participants from DG
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
Mobil +45 51 67 43
/ cell
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]),
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad Kristensen
([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected])
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
RE: Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.:
12-04-2019 18:52
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Dear Ms Høeg,
Thank you very much for your email and information submitted.
We propose organising a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels on 6 or 7 May. Please let us
know if any of those dates is suitable for you and a proposed timeslot.
Best regards,
Violeta, for the team
Case Handler
Unit B2 – State aid I – Energy
Directorate-General for Competition
European Commission
MADO 24/053 | B-1049, Brussels, Belgium
+32-(0)2- 29 - 64077
[email protected]
Marie Christine Høeg <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM
SCHOSER Christof (COMP) <[email protected]>
IFTINCHI Violeta (COMP) <[email protected]>; Jane Glindvad Kristensen
<[email protected]>; Nanna Alberti <[email protected]>; Lars Martin Jensen <[email protected]>
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas (ENS Id nr.:
Dear Christof Schoser,
The Danish Energy Agency has previously written to your colleague, Anna Jarosz-Friis
(see below) about the possibility of a telephone conference or a meeting in Brussels
with an informal discussion of proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for
We would very much appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with you soon
and hope that this is possible from your point of view.
Therefore, we hope that you will inform us of a convenient time for the meeting.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
[email protected]
([email protected])
[email protected]
([email protected]), Jane Glindvad
Kristensen ([email protected]), Nanna Alberti ([email protected]), Lars Martin Jensen
([email protected])
Marie Christine Høeg ([email protected])
Regarding proposed changes to existing Danish aid schemes for biogas
20-03-2019 11:15
Dear Anna Jarosz-Friis,
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) would appreciate an informal meeting with The
European Commission - DG Competition (DG COMP) regarding proposed changes to
the existing aid schemes for biogas (Support for biogas use A and B: SA.35485 2012/N
and SA. 36659 2013/N).
The meeting will follow up on a previous meeting held in Brussels on June 11, 2018
concerning the Danish aid schemes for energy production from biomass and biogas. A
subject touched upon in this meeting was the Danish government’s proposal for
changes to the existing aid schemes for biogas. Since then the parties in the Danish
Parliament has agreed on the detailed measures that will phase out the existing aid
schemes for the use of biogas. It has also been decided to introduce a new tender
based aid scheme for new biogas projects as well as other types of renewable gasses.
From the meeting in June 2018 we understand that it is relevant to enter a general
discussion with DG COMP on the proposed changes to the existing support schemes
for biogas. The DEA would appreciate guidance on how to ensure that changes to the
current national support schemes for biogas are in compliance with state aid rules
and whether the changes made to existing support schemes will require a formal
notification. The proposed changes are laid out in detail in the enclosed brief.
Would it be possible to schedule either a telephone conference or a meeting in
Brussels with an informal discussion of the above?
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Marie Christine Høeg
Chefkonsulent / Chief Advisor
HR & Jura / Human Ressources and Legal Services
/ cell
[email protected]
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Danish Energy Agency:
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
== AKT 2180314 == BILAG 29 == [ Korrespondance mellem EU-Kom og ENS angående enighed om, at der ikke er… ==
Lars Martin Jensen (Sagsbehandler, MENI (Center for
vedvarende energi))
[email protected]
Follow up on meeting concerning state aid for biogas in
Lars Martin Jensen
06. aug 2020
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 30 -- [ Follow up on meeting concerning state aid for biogas in Denmark ] --
[email protected] ([email protected])
Jane Glindvad Kristensen ([email protected]), Birgitta Bundgaard ([email protected]), Johannes Momme Eberhardt
([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected]),
[email protected] ([email protected])
Lars Martin Jensen ([email protected])
Follow up on meeting concerning state aid for biogas in Denmark
27-05-2019 14:40
MEMO with further information concerning aid for biogas in Denmark.docx;
Dear Nicola Pesaresi,
Thank you for a fruitful meeting in Brussels on May 7
, 2019 regarding state aid for biogas in Denmark.
From the meeting we understand that DG Competition will need further information about the proposed
legislative changes that Denmark intents to carry out in order to phase out the current aid schemes for
biogas used for electricity, upgrading, industry, heat and transport.
As mentioned at the meeting we are in the process of preparing the public consultation phase for the
legislative bill that will phase out the current aid schemes. For this reason we would appreciate your
guidance on how to ensure that the changes made to the existing aid schemes for biogas are in compliance
with state aid rules. We would as discussed prefer a solution, that does not imply a renotification of the
existing state aid decisions and hope that you will be able to get back to us with an indication regarding this
matter in the beginning of June.
From our meeting we understand that you need further information regarding:
1. The estimated budget, production volume as well as the type of projects that are covered by the
aid scheme.
2. Description of depreciation period
3. How installations that have started operation before March 2012 will be assessed in terms of
depreciation periods.
4. How the individual ceilings on production eligible for aid will be determined.
Please find the attached MEMO with further information on the four topics. We would be interested in a
follow up phone call next week if possible.
Best regards,
Jane Glindvad Kristensen
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Lars Martin Jensen
Specialkonsulent / Special Advisor
Center for vedvarende energi / Centre for Renewables
Mobil / Cell
+45 33 92 76 07
[email protected]
Danish Energy Agency -
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
- part of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
-- AKT 2180314 -- BILAG 31 -- [ MEMO with further information concerning aid for biogas in Denmark ] --
MEMO with further information on aid schemes for biogas
in Denmark
Centre for renewables
27. May 2019
J no.
The purpose of this MEMO is to provide further information regarding the aid
schemes for biogas in Denmark and to follow up on the meeting held in Brussels on
May 7 2019 between DG Competition and the Danish Energy Agency. In the
meeting DG Competition asked for clarification on four specific topics:
1. Estimated production volumes, budget as well as a description of the type
of biogas projects that are covered by the aid schemes.
2. Description of the depreciation period for biogas projects.
3. How installations that have started operation before March 2012 will be
assessed in terms of depreciation periods.
4. How the individual ceilings on production eligible for aid will be determined.
The information will be used in the assessment of whether the proposed changes
made to existing national legislation will require a formal renotification of the aid
1. Estimated production volumes and budget for aid schemes
This section describes the historic and projected production volumes of biogas in
Denmark and the estimated budget for the aid schemes SA.35485 2012/N (biogas
for electricity and upgrading) and SA.36659 2013/N (biogas for industry, heat and
transport). The data is based on an updated frozen policy scenario from May 2019
from the Danish Energy Agency with the effect from the recent energy agreement
that includes measures for phasing out existing aid schemes as well as the effect of
a new tender-based aid scheme for green gasses.
1.1. Estimated production volumes
The total estimated biogas volumes that will be eligible for aid from an existing aid
scheme are shown in figure 1. The existing aid schemes cover five different types
of end-use. The aid scheme for biogas used for electricity production and upgraded
biogas injected into the natural gas grid has been successful in terms of expanding
the use of biogas. There has been a significant rise in the production of biogas
Danish Energy Agency
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 København V
T: +45 3392 6700
E: [email protected]
Side 1/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
upgraded to biomethane injected into the natural gas grid. Figure 1 also displays an
increase in biogas used for electricity and industrial processes. No aid is granted to
biogas used for space heating and biogas used for transport under the current aid
Figure 1: Historic and projected biogas volumes in Denmark covered by existing aid
schemes, 2012
Biogas upgraded to biomethane
Biogas for electricity production
Biogas used in industrial processes
1.2. Estimated budget
Based on the historic and projected production volumes the total aid covered by
existing schemes has been estimated. Future aid partly depends on how the
market price of electricity and natural gas develops. The future estimates are based
on price forecasts and therefore subject to change.
Table 1 shows historic as well as projected aid covered by the different existing aid
schemes for biogas. Since the biogas sector is currently expanding, estimated total
aid is expected to increase until the year 2022 and gradually decrease thereafter
due to an expected gradual decrease in the level of aid.
Side 2/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Table 1: Historic and projected aid covered by existing schemes, mill. Euro, 2019
Upgraded biogas
1.3. Types of biogas projects
The individual beneficiaries are required to submit information to the Danish Energy
Agency regarding the types of biomass used to produce biogas on an annual basis.
These data are used for regulating the amount of energy crops and other
feedstocks used to produce biogas.
Figure 2 shows that the majority of biogas in Denmark was produced by large-scale
biogas plants in 2017. The largest biogas plants currently under construction in
Denmark will have a yearly production capacity of 1.4 PJ of biogas per year. These
installations are often financed and operated as a joint-venture between suppliers
of biomass, especially large animal farms, and energy companies or financial
Side 3/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
The second largest amount of biogas was produced by smaller biogas plants where
the ownership is at farm level and biomass often comes from the farm itself.
Sewage gas accounted for the third largest share of total biogas production,
followed by biogas recovered from landfill sites.
Figure 2: Share of biogas produced by different types of biogas plants, data from 2017
Sewage(wastewater) plant
Industrial plant
Landfill plant
Large-scale (agricultural)
Small-scale (farm level)
2. Description of depreciation periods
As a result of the proposed changes that include phasing out the existing aid
schemes for biogas, all beneficiaries using biogas will have to apply for a granting
letter after January 1, 2020 that will specify the terms for receiving aid.
The intention behind the granting letter is to specify and, hence, state the individual
aid period for each installation. There are no fixed rules for setting depreciation
periods in the national legislation, thus the total aid period will be limited to 20 years
in order to reflect the normal depreciation period for biogas projects. This
depreciation period reflects the technical life time of biogas plants. Technical
lifetime refers to the period after which an average biogas plant, that has operated
normally and undergone regular repair and maintenance work, reaches a state,
where the plant itself or the majority of technical parts must be replaced in order to
support further operation. The technical lifetime is based on data from the Danish
technology catalogue
. All installations that use biogas for upgrading have been
Side 4/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
established after 2013 which means that no installations are yet fully depreciated.
This is also the case for installations using biogas for electricity production, where
the majority of the electricity produced will come from plants that have been
producing for less than 10 years.
The depreciation period will be assessed individually for each installation based on
documentation regarding production start-up with the exception of installations that
started operation before 2012.
3. Installations that have started operation before 2012
Plants that have started operation before 2012 will be assessed individually, and
the depreciation period will be 20 years starting from the date they entered into the
current aid scheme taking into account that most of the old plants that started
operating before 2012 have made reinvestments in replacing old equipment. It is a
necessary condition for stable and efficient biogas production that continuous
reinvestments are made. Reinvestments after 2012 will not be considered as a new
starting point of the depreciation period.
Table 2 shows the type and number of existing installations that have started
operation before 2012. A total of 111 installations have started operation before
2012 and received aid for biogas-based electricity production. The volume of
biogas used on installations from before 2012 is app. 3.7 PJ per year.
Table 2. Plant type, number and biogas volumes used by existing installations that
were in operation before 2012.
Farm based plant
Sewage plant
Combined heat and power plant
Landfill plant
Volume (PJ)
4. Model for setting individual ceilings on production eligible for aid
It should be emphasized that the proposed production ceilings do not constitute a
cap set on the level of support. Thus the general methodology for granting aid will
not be changed from the initial model set out in the state aid cases (SA. 35485
2012/N and SA. 36659 2013/N).
Side 5/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
The proposed model for setting ceilings on yearly production eligible for aid serves
an important purpose since it facilitates a higher degree of predictability in terms of
reaching renewable-energy targets and total aid payments. Further the ceilings on
production could help make sure that overcompensation will be prevented.
Due to the differences in the economic terms present at the time of investment the
ceilings will be determined differently for plants that upgrade biogas, plants that use
biogas for electricity generation and plants that use biogas for industrial purposes,
sell biogas for transport or use biogas for space heating. The ceilings will allow for
a level of production that reflects the underlying investment made in order to reach
both the expected level of production, and, subsequently, the expected return on
investment. The methodologies are described in the boxes below.
Upgrading of biogas:
Annual maximum amount will be determined by:
The minimum of:
Capacity of connection to the natural gas grid by 8 February
2019, and
Technical capacity of the upgrading plant on 8 February
Existing plants that are connected to the natural gas grid, but
where an expansion of the production is planned can apply for
an extended annual maximum if these requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an expansion is made
before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion has been
subject to an environmental impact assessment and all
necessary environmental permits from local authorities are
in place by 8 February 2019.
Capacity of planned connection to the natural gas grid by 8
February 2019 (formal agreement with the relevant gas DSO or
If no agreement has been made with the relevant gas DSO or
TSO by 8 February 2019, the annual amount will be based on
the technical capacity of the upgrading plant that is the part of
the investment.
Existing plants
connected to the
natural gas grid
by 8 Feb. 2019
expansions of
existing plants
New plants
Side 6/7
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 247: Spm. om, hvilken betydning det har for rentabiliteten af den planlagte energi-ø, at udlandsforbindelser formentligt ikke kan etableres inden 2030, til klima-, energi- og forsyningsministeren
Biogas for electricity generation:
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly electricity production from
biogas in 2018, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly electricity production in the first
12 months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that all necessary
environmental permits from local authorities
are in place by 8 February 2019.
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
Biogas used for industrial purposes, for transportation or for heating purposes:
Annual maximum amount will be determined
Maximum monthly use of biogas in 2018,
multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
months of operation, multiplied by 12.
Maximum monthly use of biogas in the first 12
months of operation, multiplied by 12, if these
requirements are met:
Documented binding investment in an
expansion made before 8 February 2019.
Documentation that the planned expansion
has been subject to an environmental impact
assessment and all necessary environmental
permits from local authorities are in place by 8
February 2019.
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Existing plants in production
1 January 2018
Planned expansions of
existing plants
Side 7/7