Høringer offentliggjort af Kommissionen pr. 16. juni 2020, som den danske regering har besvaret siden 1.
januar 2019 frem til 26. juni 2020
2012 Modernising af EU's statsstøttepolitik, retningslinjer for jernbaner og kortfristet eksportkreditforsikring
2030 Climate Target Plan
Advanced Passenger Information directive
Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence - A European Approach
Digital Operational Resilience of Financial Services (DORFS) Act
Directive/regulation establishing a European framework for markets in crypto assets
Distance Marketing of Financial Services - evaluation of EU rules
Emissions trading scheme State aid guidelines - update
Energy - European Partnership for clean hydrogen (Horizon Europe programme)
EU competition rules on horizontal agreements between companies – evaluation
EU drugs strategy 2013-20 - evaluation
EU rail freight network - evaluation
EU-Africa Global Health Partnership (Horizon Europe programme)
European network of employment services (EURES) evaluation 2016-2020
European Partnership for a circular bio-based Europe (Horizon Europe programme)
European Partnership for Clean Aviation
European Partnership for innovative health (Horizon Europe programme)
European Partnership for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (Horizon Europe programme)
European Partnership for integrated air traffic management (Horizon Europe programme)
European Partnership for safe and automated road transport (Horizon Europe programme)
European Partnership for transforming Europe's rail system (Horizon Europe programme)
European Strategy for data
Evaluation of European Social Fund support to education
Evaluation of the Consumer Credit Directive
Evaluation of the EU agricultural promotion policy
Evaluation of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
Ground handling services at EU airports — evaluation (2010-18)
Harmful chemicals – endocrine disruptors, review of EU rules
Implementing the final BASEL III reforms in the EU
Industrial emissions - evaluating the EU rules
Measurement research - European Partnership on metrology (Horizan Europe programme)
Non-financial reporting by large companies (updated rules) - deadline extended
Research & innovation - European Partnership for smart networks and services
Research & innovation - partnership for key digital technologies (Horizon Europe programme)
Review of the EU benchmark regulation
Review of the regulatory framework for investment firms and market operators - deadline extended
State subsidy rules for health and social services of general economic interest (evaluation)
Targeted consultation on the draft guidelines on the standardised presentation of the remuneration report
under Directive 2007/36/EC, as amended by Directive (EU) 2017/828
Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Guidelines - evaluation
Validation of non-formal and informal learning - evaluation
Waste shipments – revision of EU rules