Tobias Renkin
Økonomi og Pengepolitik
Sagsnr.: 196824
Dokumentnr.: 2040053
Kopi til:
10. august 2020
On request of Erhvervsministeriet, Danmarks Nationalbank has calculated
the impact on the distribution of internal liquidity reserves during 2016 in
a counterfactual thought-experiment, in which firms are assumed to hold
additional cash equivalent to the amount of profits paid out during that
year. These calculations are an addition to the ones described in the
Economic Memo "Liquidity Reserves of Danish Firms: implications during
the COVID-19 epidemic". Except for the profit-augmented hypothetical
cash holdings, the calculations remain the same as in the memo: we cal-
culate the ratio of internal liquidity to fixed capacity costs as defined in
the memo, and multiply this ratio by 12 to get a duration measure in
In Figure 1, we plot the hypothetical duration measure and the original
duration measure used in the note. As expected, internal liquidity re-
serves augmented with paid out profits are higher than those only based
on actual cash reserves, since about 43% of firms pay out profits to their
owners during 2016. The overall median increases from slightly below
one month in the original calculation to slightly below two months.
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