Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2019-20
BEU Alm.del
Issue date: 21/05/2020
Disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Issue no: 1.1
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Operational Guidelines for the management
of air passengers and aviation personnel
in relation to the COVID-19
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Table of Contents
Background ............................................................................................................................ 3
General considerations............................................................................................................. 4
Principles based on best available evidence................................................................................. 4
Passenger management ........................................................................................................... 6
At all times ...................................................................................................................... 6
Before arriving at the airport .............................................................................................. 8
Considerations for the management of passengers at the departure airport ............................. 9
Cleaning and Disinfection ......................................................................................................... 9
Thermal screening at the Departure Airport .............................................................................. 10
COVID-19 statement .............................................................................................................. 11
Protective screens ................................................................................................................. 11
Check-in and boarding............................................................................................................ 11
Management of passengers on board the aircraft................................................................ 12
Management of passengers on board with COVID-19 compatible symptoms ........................... 14
Management of arriving and transit passengers .................................................................. 16
Disembarking........................................................................................................................ 16
Passenger locator card (PLC) ................................................................................................... 17
Thermal screening at the Arrival Airport ................................................................................... 17
Baggage claim and exit from the arrival airport .......................................................................... 17
Management of crew members............................................................................................... 18
Summary.............................................................................................................................. 19
Exit and Entry thermal screening.............................................................................................. 21
Use of masks......................................................................................................................... 22
Physical distancing................................................................................................................. 24
Passenger locator card / data .................................................................................................. 24
Annex 2
Notification of Health status prior to Issuing Boarding Pass .................................................. 26
Annex 3
Health Safety Promotion ................................................................................................. 27
Annex 1
Scientific evidence and additional considerations ............................................................... 21
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
On 15 April 2020, the European Commission, in cooperation with the President of the European Council, put
forward a Joint European Roadmap setting out recommendations on lifting COVID-19 containment
. As called for in the Roadmap, on 13 May 2020, the Commission put forward further guidelines
on how to progressively restore transport services, connectivity and free movement as swiftly as the health
situation allows it, while protecting the health of transport workers and passengers
. The Commission
Communication mandated EASA and ECDC to issue jointly more detailed technical operational guidance for
the aviation sector.
In line with this, the
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) and the
European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control
(ECDC) have developed the following guidelines. Their purpose is to serve as an
aviation health safety protocol and to provide a source of best practice on how airport operators, aeroplane
operators conducting commercial and non-commercial passenger transport operations (hereinafter
aeroplane operators) and national aviation authorities can ensure the health and safety of passengers, as
well as the staff and crew who serve them, by
maintaining safe and secure operations whilst minimising the
risk of virus transmission.
This should complement the advice of public health authorities and help employers
i thei duties u de the ele a t legislatio o p ote tio of o ke s health a d safety
It reflects a multi-layered approach consistent with the
principles of Safety
Management Systems (SMS) of Aviation, Occupational Health and Safety and Public Safety, to protect
passengers, crew members and staff, restore their confidence and ensure a harmonised return to operations
both in and outside of Europe.
From the beginning, it is important to stress that these operational guidelines reflect the current status of
knowledge of the
pandemic and of effective preventive measures being used.
recommended measures will be regularly evaluated and updated in line with changes in knowledge of the
risk of transmission as well as with development of other diagnostic or preventive measures (including
technological) and the evolution of the pandemic
Preventive measures are expected to be gradually reduced over time in line with a reduction of the risk level.
Furthermore, as additional reliable mitigating measures become available, these should be considered as
alternatives in order to alleviate the burden on passengers and staff, whilst maintaining the appropriate level
of health safety in accordance with the level of risk.
Preventive measures should be implemented in such a way as to consider both the actual risk factors and
the practical need for mitigation measures in different circumstances, such as, for example, between family
members and individuals travelling together as part of the same household and not requiring physical
distancing in between themselves.
Although there is a significant decline of COVID-19 incidence in most EU/EEA countries and the UK, so far no country is approaching
a period of no reported cases.
. However, in most countries the prevalence of active COVID-19 cases is currently higher than it was
when travel restrictions and lock-downs were implemented. Relaxation of control measures is expected to be associated with some
new cases.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
Eur opean C entre for
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
General considerations
The purpose of this aviation health safety protocol is to provide guidance to airport operators, aeroplane
operators and national aviation authorities, as well as other relevant stakeholders, on how to facilitate the
safe and gradual restoration of passenger transport. This is subject to the deployment of proportionate and
effective measures to protect the health of aviation personnel and passengers, by reducing the risk of SARS-
CoV-2 transmission in the airport and on board aircraft as much as practicable.
The general situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, including the implemented containment measures,
the potential risk of being exposed to infected individual(s) and the need to deal with unfamiliar situations in
the workplace are likely to have a negative impact on the mental well-being of staff members and passengers.
In this context, airport operators and aeroplane operators, and, where applicable, other service providers
should p o ote staff e e s a ess to ou selli g
and/or support programmes (where available), and
make use of the
WHO guidance
and any other relevant guidance.
In addition to these operational guidelines, aeroplane and airport operators should consider the
recommended measures included in the latest revision of EASA SIB 2020-02
. Aircraft operators involved in
commercial charter and corporate aviation should implement these as far as is practicable.
National aviation authorities, airport operators, aeroplane operators and other aviation stakeholders should
coordinate their actions in the context of these guidelines with their local public health authorities and
national facilitation committees, where available, in order to achieve effective risk mitigation and ensure
compliance with national public health requirements. Furthermore, they should coordinate with national
health authorities
in order to help procure appropriate quantities of protective equipment and disinfectant
National aviation authorities should monitor implementation of the recommended measures and provide
assistance and advice where needed, especially in coordinating and harmonising implementation with other
national organisations or agencies. EASA and ECDC are ready to assist national aviation authorities to the
extent feasible.
In the context of these measures, an increase in cases of unruly or disruptive passengers should be expected,
either prior to departure or in-flight. This may be due to passengers not wishing to sit next to each other or
accusing each other of not following the rules. There is a strong potential for conflict if it is not managed
properly. In the worst case, panic could become quite a serious threat to flight safety
for example if there
are significant displacements within the cabin. To address this, operators are invited to consider the raised
likelihood of these factors within their procedures and training.
Principles based on best available evidence
Airport operators should, according to their airport emergency plan, appoint a coordinator in order
to ensure the uniform application of preventive measures by all actors providing services at the
WHO guidance on coping with stress in the context of COVID-19:
Formal communication with the Member States to ensure priority is given to acquiring PPE for aviation
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
Eur opean C entre for
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
airport. This coordinator should be in direct contact with the airport public health authorities and
the local (and/or national) public health authority.
Access to airport terminals should be limited to passengers, crew members and staff to the extent
possible (airport and other service providers that are required to enter the terminal in order to
complete their tasks). Accompanying persons should only be provided access in special
circumstances (e.g. accompanying or picking up a passenger requiring assistance
Persons with
Reduced Mobility, unaccompanied minors, etc.).
As a strategy, emphasis should be placed at the following issues:
Discouraging symptomatic passengers, crew members and staff from presenting themselves
at the airport for departure. This can be achieved with the necessary risk communication and
health promotion activities as described below.
Implementing physical distancing (1.5 metres between individuals), enhanced hygiene
measures for staff and passengers and enhanced facility cleaning. Similar measures should
be implemented in General Aviation terminals.
Airport operators, in cooperation with aeroplane operators and other stakeholders
where applicable, are encouraged to take appropriate measures to prevent queuing
in high passenger concentration areas as much as practicable, in order to reduce the
risk of contamination posed by unnecessary human interaction. In such queues floor
markings 1.5 metres apart can assist passengers in maintaining physical distancing.
Where possible, contact and touching of surfaces should be minimised using
electronic alternative processes (e.g. mobile check in, non-contact boarding).
The reopening of non-essential airport services should respect local provisions on
similar services outside of the airport and respect the physical distancing
conventions in place in other parts of the airport. Where such services are not open,
the free provision of water should be made available.
Testing passengers in order to allow travelling/flying under
u ity passpo ts
is not supported
by the current scientific knowledge that exists on the immunological response to SARS-CoV-2
(quality, quantity and duration of human antibodies) or the available testing methods (laboratory
based and point-of-care). Nevertheless, EASA and ECDC are monitoring the scientific developments
and will update their recommendation as appropriate if a suitable test becomes available.
Health safety promotion materials should be widely available at the airport premises (entrances,
information screens, gates, lounges etc.) (see Annex 3). Particular attention should be given to the
areas expected to have a high concentration of passengers. Attention should be paid to the format:
pictograms are strongly encouraged. Materials should be available in the national language(s),
English and, where needed, other languages based on the most common language profiles of the
passengers using the airport. Health safety promotion material
should also be made available in the
flight cabin according to the aeroplane operators
p a ti es,
preferably through video and audio
promotional material, or, only when non-physical means are not possible, as leaflets in the pocket
EASA will make sample health promotional material available to assist airports and aeroplane operators in creating their own
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
Eur opean C entre for
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Passenger management
For reasons of clarity, this guidance on passenger management is presented in the following sequence: at all
times, before arriving at the departure airport, at the airport, on board the aircraft and at the arrival airport.
As indicated, the proposed measures will be regularly evaluated and updated in line with changes in
knowledge of the risk of transmission, as well as with the development of other diagnostic or preventive
At all times
To ensure that passengers arriving at the airport and boarding flights are aware of, and adhere
to, the preventive measures put in place in order to ensure, at all times, a safe and healthy
environment for travellers, crew members and staff.
Passengers should be reminded that physical distancing between individuals of 1.5 metres should be
maintained as much as is possible in the airport. For the supporting evidence regarding physical distancing,
please see Annex 1.
The wearing of medical face masks
fa e asks
should be recommended for all passengers
and persons within the airport and aircraft, from the moment they enter the terminal building at the
departure airport until they exit the terminal building at the destination airport. Exemption to the obligation
to wear face masks can be made for instances where otherwise specified, such as during security checks or
border control. Children below 6 years old and people having a medical reason for not wearing face masks
can also be exempted.
Passengers should be reminded that typically, face masks should be replaced after being worn for 4 hours, if
not advised otherwise by the mask manufacturer, or when becoming wet or soiled, and that they should
ensure a sufficient supply of masks adequate for the entire duration of their journey.
Passengers should be also instructed on the procedures for safe disposal of used face masks; no-touch bins
should be available at the airport and single-use waste bags should be available on board and upon
disembarking to dispose of used masks. Airport operators and aeroplane operators should include
information regarding the proper use and removal of masks and the proper way to dispose of used masks in
their health safety promotion material. Additionally, airport operators should also consider making possible
the acquisition of masks at airports (e.g. through vending machines) in case passengers have no access to
face masks beforehand.
The use of face masks should be considered only as a complementary measure and not as a replacement for
established preventive measures, such as physical distancing, respiratory etiquette, meticulous hand hygiene
medical face mask
(also known as a surgical or procedure mask) is a medical device covering the mouth, nose and chin ensuring
a barrier that limits the transition of an infective agent between the hospital staff and the patient. They are used to preve nt large
respiratory droplets and splashes from reaching the mouth and the nose of the wearer and help reduce and/or control at the source
the spread of large respiratory droplets from the person wearing the face mask. Medical masks comply with requirements defined
in European Standard EN 14683:2014.
Non-medical face masks
u ity asks i lude a ious fo s of self-made
commercial masks or face covers made of cloth, other textiles or other materials such as paper. They are not standardised and are
not intended for use in healthcare settings or by healthcare professionals. Non medical -face masks are in use and recommended in
some EU/EEA countries and the UK. However, evidence about their efficacy in preventing transmission of COVID -19 is lacking.
Eur opean C entre for
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
and avoiding touching the face, nose, eyes and mouth. ECDC
position regarding face masks is available at
and summarised in Annex 1, together with further considerations on the wearing of masks.
In addition, passengers should be required to observe the following measures at all times unless otherwise
advised by airport staff or air crew members:
Hand hygiene
by washing with water and soap or, where this is not available, using alcohol based
hand sanitising solution.
Respiratory etiquette
covering the mouth and nose with a paper towel cover or a flexed elbow
when sneezing or coughing, even when wearing a mask.
Limiting the direct contact (touch) of any surfaces in the airport and on the aircraft to only when
Airport operators, aeroplane operators and service providers should provide the necessary personal
protective equipment (PPE) to their staff members and ensure that they are trained in the appropriate use
of this PPE:
Staff members who interact with passengers directly (e.g. security check agents, assistants for
passengers with reduced mobility, cleaning staff, etc.) should wear a medical face mask, gloves and
their uniforms; uniforms should be changed daily, and where uniforms cannot be changed daily, a
protection suit should be used as an alternative. Security check agents performing body checks
should wear face shields or suitable alternatives in addition to their masks to further mitigate the
risk of droplet inhalation caused by their very close contact with passengers during body-checks.
Staff members who interact with passengers from behind a protection screen do not have to wear
personal protective equipment at all times. In addition, if the screens need to have openings for
handling documents, passengers should stand away from the counter unless handing in documents
and luggage. This may be facilitated with specific floor marking(s), which should be extended to the
queue in order to maintain physical distancing.
Notwithstanding the use of PPE, hand hygiene should be reinforced at all times. When gloves are used they
should be regularly changed. Not all types of gloves can be disinfected with alcohol-based solution. Some can
deteriorate significantly and contribute to contamination. The disinfection of gloves is therefore not
recommended. When gloves are worn by staff, operators should remind them that wearing gloves does not
protect against the spread of the virus and alert them to the possible false sense of security they may create
if parallel measures are not scrupulously followed.
Passengers should be regularly instructed via visual and audio messaging, as well as other appropriate means,
to adhere to the preventive measures in place at various stages in the airport and on board the aircraft, and
give proper consideration to the full suite of preventive measures. They should also be advised of the
consequences of not adhering to such measures
Passengers who do not adhere to the preventive measures in place should:
Be refused access to the airport terminal building, to the aircraft cabin, or disembarked, if the events
take place before aircraft doors are shut, and removed from airport premises by the competent
public authorities according to national/local legislation. Furthermore, subject to national
requirements, they may be subject to additional actions as determined by the local authorities at the
departure airport.
Eur opean C entre for
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
If the events take place in flight, the procedures relating to handling cases of unruly passengers
should be applied. Further actions for endangering the flight safety and health security of the other
passengers and crew members may be taken by the local authorities at the destination airport in line
with national requirements.
3.2. Before arriving at the airport
To reduce the chances that any passenger with COVID-19 compatible symptoms ARRIVES at the
airport. To ensure that passengers arriving at the airport are aware of and adhere to the
preventive measures put in place.
Aeroplane operators, in coordination with airport operators, should inform future passengers via
promotional measures of the travel restrictions for any passenger who may have COVID-19 compatible
symptoms before arriving at the departure airport. This should include the symptoms to be considered.
Promotional material should encourage symptomatic passengers not to present themselves at the airport
for flight.
In the event that exit screening is operating in the airport, aeroplane operators should inform their
passengers that symptomatic passengers identified in the airport by the public health authorities may be
refused to continue their travel. Aeroplane operators are recommended to encourage symptomatic
passengers not to report for their flight, e.g. by offering incentives such as cost-free rebooking or refund up
to 6 hours before the flight
o the asis of a do to s e tifi ate o fi i g suspi io of COVID19
In coordination with airport operators, aeroplane operators should inform passengers that wearing a face
mask is recommended in the airport and on board the aircraft, except where otherwise specified, such as for
security checks. Furthermore, they should inform passengers about the expected duration of the preventive
measures in place in order to schedule their arrival in the airport in due time. Whilst passengers should be
informed of the time needed to complete formalities, care should be taken to keep the time they spend at
the airport to a minimum.
In order to reduce the number of people in the terminal, and consequently facilitate physical distancing,
airport operators, in coordination with aeroplane operators, should inform passengers prior to arrival at the
airport that access to the terminal is restricted to passengers only, with exceptions as presented in section 2.
Furthermore, airport operators should clearly signal the point beyond which any accompanying persons are
not allowed to pass.
Passengers should receive information about COVID-19 symptoms and the risk of possible contact with
COVID-19 cases and be requested to acknowledge reading this information and sign or electronically
authenticate a health statement (see Annex 2 for a sample). This should be achieved preferably prior to
arrival at the airport, for example during the online check-in process or via an SMS link, but no more than 24
hours in advance of the flight.
Aircraft operators should make a similar declaration form available to their crew members within their health
monitoring programme. The crew member should be immediately removed from flying duties by the airline
in case of any doubts they may have symptoms or any health related issue without undue pressure or fear
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
Eur opean C entre for
Page 8 of 27
Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
of sanctions/disciplinary measures. The management of such declarations should comply with applicable
data protection rules.
Considerations for the management of passengers at the departure airport
To reduce the residual risk of transmission of the virus from potential asymptomatic contagious
passengers. To reduce the residual risk of any infected passenger ACTUALLY BOARDING an
Cleaning and Disinfection
Airport operators and, where applicable, service providers, should enhance cleaning activities both in
amplitude and frequency. Airport operators should put a procedure in place to ensure that the cleaning and
disinfection is done in a consistent manner and following the below principles and ECDC guidance
Regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces should be performed using standard detergents with
particular care paid to frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, banister rails, buttons, etc.).
Studies have shown that plastic security screening trays are frequently contaminated with
respiratory viruses
, therefore cleaning of these should be intensified and hand-disinfectant placed
at the entry and exit of the security locations to encourage hand hygiene. Alternatively, single use
tray coverings may be used.
Cleaning and disinfection activities should be performed in such a way as not to aerosolise the
particles that have already set on the various surfaces (e.g. avoiding air blowing procedures, use of
vacuum cleaners etc.).
Proper air ventilation should be ensured, minimising the percentage of air recirculation and favouring
when possible the use of fresh air in accordance with international guidance for ventilation of indoor
public spaces
Enhanced cleaning and maintenance should also include toilets, all frequently touched surfaces and
the air conditioning system, including the employment of air filters and increasing the frequency of
the filter replacement.
Cleaning and disinfection of passenger interview booths (see point 3.2) should be performed after
each use of the booth.
Furthermore, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems should be optimised in order to ensure
a high rate of air change. In older facilities, subject to airport/terminal construction and meteorological
conditions, windows can be kept open for additional supply of fresh air, subject to the absence of horizontal
air flows.
10 -persistence-of-SARS_CoV_2-virus-Options-for-
Ikonen, N et al, Deposition of respiratory virus pathogens on frequently touched surfaces at airports. BMC Infect Dis 18, 437
REHVA Federation of European Healting, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Aeroplane operators should perform the cleaning and disinfection of their aircraft in accordance with the
EASA Aircraft cleaning and disinfection guidance
Thermal screening at the Departure Airport
If national policy recommends implementing thermal screening (temperature checks) due to national
response plan regulations or decisions or by agreement with the destination State, the following points
should be considered:
National public health authorities, in coordination with airport operators, should develop the
protocol for screening and identify the required staff and resources to perform it. Staff performing
manual checks, for example as part of a verification procedure, should wear appropriate protective
It is recommended to subject departing passengers entering the terminal to temperature checks
immediately after entering the airport premises.
Airport operators should identify the best location for the temperature control, ideally before check-
in and baggage drop-off. Temperature checks should be performed by a validated non-invasive
The temperature check should aim to identify passengers with skin temperature of 38°C or higher.
For passengers with skin temperature 38°C or higher, temperature checks should be repeated at
least once for confirmation purposes. Passengers with elevated skin temperature should be referred
to secondary assessment by a health professional or follow the agreed protocol of screening.
Airport operators should ensure separate interview booths for the event of suspected or probable
cases requiring further assessment. These booths should ensure confidentiality and prevent viral
transmission to individuals in the neighbouring booths. The booths should be disinfected after each
use to prevent viral transmission to the next occupants.
Due to the intensive use, equipment (e.g. ear or other type of thermometers or cameras) should be
egula ly e ali ated i a o da e ith the a ufa tu e s i st u tio s o at e e sho te i te als.
It should be recognised that thermal screening has many limitations and little evidence of effectiveness in
detecting COVID-19 cases:
Many symptomatic persons do not have fever and a large percentage of transmission of COVID-19
occurs by asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic cases;
Fever can easily be treated with medication; and
It may give a false impression of safety with negative effect on compliance with other measures.
Furthermore, the implementation requires public health resources that could better be invested in other
measures. Further considerations regarding the evidence on thermal screening may be found in Annex 1.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
Eur opean C entre for
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Disease P r evention and C ontrol ( ECDC)
G ustav III:s boulev ard 40, 169 73 S olna, S w eden
P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
w w w
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
COVID-19 statement
In line with applicable data protection rules, passengers should provide a statement regarding their COVID-
19 status before being issued a boarding pass as mentioned in point 3.2, preferably as part of the check-in
process. An example of such statement can be found in Annex 2.
Aeroplane operators should make passengers aware of the consequences of making a false statement and
the fact that symptomatic passengers detected at the airport may not be allowed to continue their tr avel.
Protective screens
Wherever staff members interact with passengers from a fixed location such as, but not limited to, check-in,
ticketing, passport control and information counters, protective screens should be installed in such a way as
to allow the handover of the required documents but provide protection to the staff member from the
respiratory droplets of passengers, and vice versa.
Check-in and boarding
Passengers should be advised/reminded by airport operators, in coordination with aeroplane operators, to
adhere to the applicable preventive measures described in point 3.1.
Passengers should be advised by airport operators to make use of airport facilities and services in line with
national provisions on similar services outside of the airport. Services where the preventive measures
mentioned in these guidelines cannot be implemented should not be made available (e.g. smoking areas,
Aeroplane operators, in coordination with the airport operators, should put in place measures to assist
passengers in using self-check-in procedures and to minimise the amount of hand luggage taken into the
cabin, in order to expedite the boarding and disembarking procedure and to reduce the movements and
potential contamination in the cabin. Operators should promote the carriage of luggage in the cargo
compartments by implementing incentive policies. In doing so, operators should remind passengers to not
carry lithium batteries (in equipment or stand-alone) in their checked luggage.
Aeroplane operators and airport operators should cooperate to ensure physical distancing is respected
wherever feasible, especially during check-in, security check, pre-boarding and boarding. When the
recommended physical distancing of 1.5 metres is not possible, due to infrastructure or operational
constraints, aeroplane operators and airport operators should implement the additional risk mitigation
measures such as hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, additional transport, etc. Airport operators should
also, as far as practicable, put in place separate opposite flows. This could be achieved through floor markings
or direction signs. The access to airport lavatories should respect the principles of physical distancing.
Before boarding, passengers should be reminded that they should ensure a sufficient supply of masks for the
entire duration of their journey. Nevertheless, aeroplane operators and airport operators should also
consider allowing acquisition of masks in case passengers have no access to face masks beforehand.
More information about the carriage of lithium batteries is available on EASA website: -and-
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Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Aeroplane operators in coordination with airport operators and relevant service providers should ensure
efficient boarding processes, limiting boarding time and contact risk. Depending on the terminal facilities and
apron layout, boarding the aircraft should be carried out by walking in a spaced manner from the gate to the
parked aircraft on the apron, or via buses to the parked aircraft, and then via stairs, or via an air bridge
directly onto the aircraft. Where buses are used in the boarding process, an increased quantity should be
considered in order to accommodate for physical distancing inside them. Where boarding is performed using
a boarding bridge, boarding by rows starting with the furthest row from the aircraft doors used in the
embarkation process or, alternatively, all window seats, then middle seats, followed by aisle seats should be
Airport operators in coordination with the aircraft operator and service providers may consider placing on
the final part of the stair platform (or bridge) an automated disinfection dispenser where the passengers can
disinfect their hands before boarding, as well as a disinfection tray where the passengers have to step on a
disinfectant soaked carpet.
All facilities, particularly frequently touched surfaces like handrails, used in the boarding process should be
subject to enhanced cleaning principles described in the Cleaning and Disinfection section above.
Management of passengers on-board the aircraft
To reduce the residual risk of transmission of COVIC-19 in an aircraft, in the event an
asymptomatic passenger is on board.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has published a series of Risk Assessment
Guidance for Infectious Diseases transmitted on Aircraft (RAGIDA) to help national public health authorities
and others in making decisions on the most appropriate and operationally feasible public health measures
for containment, such as whether to contact trace airline passengers and crew in case of exposure.
At the time of writing, no reports have documented the transmission of COVID-19 on board an aircraft. For
this reason, the RAGIDA guidance for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS) could be
used as a starting point.
Aeroplane operators should provide guidance material to passengers regarding application of the preventive
measures on board, including:
Hand hygiene, particularly before eating or drinking and after use of the toilet
Appropriate use of face masks
Respiratory etiquette
Limiting contact with cabin surfaces
Minimised on-board service
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Risk assessment guidelines for infectious diseases transmitted on aircraft
(RAGIDA). ECDC: Stockholm; 2020.
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Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Reducing the use of individual air supply nozzles to the maximum extent possible, unless
otherwise recommended by the aircraft manufacturer
Aeroplane operators should include in their safety demonstrations that, in case of emergency, passengers
should remove their face masks before using the aircraft oxygen masks. Furthermore, aeroplane operators
should instruct their crew members to remove their protective face masks in case of emergency, in order to
facilitate the communication of instructions to passengers.
Aeroplane operators should put measures into place to avoid passengers queuing in the aisle or the galleys
for the use of the lavatories. Furthermore, subject to sufficient lavatories on board, the aeroplane operators
should reserve a lavatory, preferably the closest one to the flight deck, for crew use only.
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters have demonstrated good performance with particles of the size
of the SARS-Cov-2 virus (approximately 70-120 nm). Aeroplane operators using the recirculation of cabin air
are recommended either to install and use HEPA filters, according to the manufacturer
specifications, or to
avoid the use of cabin air recirculation entirely, provided it is confirmed that this will not compromise any
safety critical functions (e.g. avionics cooling, cabin pressurisation etc.). When HEPA filters are installed,
recirculation fans should not be stopped, but increased fresh air flow should be used by selecting high pack
flow whenever possible.
Aeroplane operators should consider reviewing their procedures for the use of recirculation fans in air
conditioning systems based on information provided by the aircraft manufacturer or, if not available, seeking
advice from the manufacturer in order to achieve the objectives stated above. Operators should confirm the
practice of selecting the configuration high pack flow with the aircraft manufacturer and follow their
instructions for continuous use. Given the importance of minimising virus transmission in order for aviation
to remain a safe and trusted transport mode, operators are recommended to dispatch aircraft from main
bases only with all packs serviceable, set on high flow and with recirculation fans serviceable. Procedures
should be in place for a best case configuration in the event of unserviceability after dispatch.
Aeroplane operators and airport operators should collaborate to ensure that passengers are not kept on
board of an aircraft without proper ventilation for longer than 30 minutes.
In addition to the other health and hygiene measures that must be observed at all times, where allowed by
the passenger load, cabin configuration and mass and balance requirements, aeroplane operators should
ensure, to the extent possible, physical distancing among passengers. Family members and individuals
travelling together as part of the same household can be seated next to each other. The seat allocation
process should be modified accordingly.
If physical distancing cannot be guaranteed because of the passenger load, seat configuration or other
operational constraints, passengers and crew members on board an aircraft should adhere at all times to all
the other preventive measures including strict hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette and should wear a
face mask.
Aeroplane operators should reduce on-board service to the minimum necessary to ensure comfort and
wellbeing standards for passengers and limit the contact between crew members and passengers, giving
proper consideration to the duration of the flight. Among these measures the following should be
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
No duty free or other non-essential product sales on board.
Reduced food and drink service
Preference for pre-packaged and sealed food and drink products, such as canned drinks
Wherever possible, payment procedures involving touch or contact, such as cash payments,
should be avoided to mitigate transmission between crew members and passengers.
Passengers should be reminded to remain seated with their seatbelt fastened as much as possible.
Although passengers should already have been reminded to have a sufficient supply of face masks for the
duration of their journey, aeroplane operators should carry a sufficient number of face masks on board to
provide to passengers, especially for long-haul flights where the need to change masks may be advised by
public health authorities. A safe mask disposal process should be put in place.
Aeroplane operators, individually or via their representative bodies, should provide health promotional
materials in advance as well as on board aircraft, explaining all the risk mitigation measures put in place, such
as the wearing of face masks, hygiene measures, reduced service, air filtration, ventilation and exchange, to
reassure passengers and increase their adherence to the implemented measures. In this context, aeroplane
operators should consider the operational recommendations and guidance detailed in the latest revision of
EASA Safety Information Bulletin SIB 2020-02
, the EASA Guidelines for management of crew members
and the EASA Interim guidance on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection
Extra attention needs to be devoted to the prevention and treatment of unruly passengers in the context of
the pressures imposed by the pandemic. This should consider multi-layered actions starting with passenger
information and preparation about the measures in place, and giving attention to the procedures and crew
actions necessary mitigate this risk.
Management of passengers on board with COVID-19 compatible symptoms
To reduce the risk of transmission from a symptomatic passenger on board during the flight.
In the event that, after take-off, a passenger shows symptoms compatible with COVID-19 such as fever,
persistent cough, vomiting, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing or other flu-like symptoms, the following measures
should be considered:
The crew should make sure that the passenger is wearing their face mask properly and has additional
masks available to replace it in case it becomes wet after coughing or sneezing. If a face mask cannot
be tolerated, the sick person should cover their mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or
sneezing. In the event the passenger is having difficulty breathing, medical assistance should be
sought and oxygen supplementation offered.
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Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
The passenger should be isolated on-board. Depending on the configuration of the aircraft, the actual
occupancy and distribution of passengers, the position of the symptomatic case, and to the extent
that is practicable:
An isolation area should be defined, leaving, if possible, two (2) rows of seats cleared in each
direction around the suspected passenger.
Taking into consideration all factors, where possible, the suspected passenger should be
seated in the last row window seat, preferably on the side of the aircraft where the Outflow
Valve is.
Where possible the lavatory closest to the suspected passenger should be specifically
designated for them and not be used by the rest of the passengers or the crew.
According to the composition of the cabin crew, the Senior Cabin Crew member should
designate specific crew member(s) to provide the necessary in-flight service to the isolation
area(s). This cabin crew member should be one that had prior contact with the suspected
passe ge . The desig ated e
e e should ake use of the PPE i the ai aft s
Universal Precaution Kit. The designated crew member should minimise close contact with
other crew members and avoid other unnecessary contact with other passengers.
Where possible, the individual air supply nozzle for the symptomatic passenger should be turned off
in order to limit the potential spread of droplets.
If the suspected passenger is travelling accompanied, the
passe ge s
companion(s) should be also
confined in the isolation area, even if they do not exhibit any symptoms.
The flight crew should inform the destination airport via the air traffic control system and follow their
instructions, and complete the health part of the aircraft general declaration to register the health
information on board and submit it to the Point of Entry health authorities when re
ui ed y a State s
After the flight has landed and other passengers have disembarked, the isolated passenger and,
where applicable, crew members should be transferred in accordance with the instructions provided
by the local public health authorities.
Passengers who were seated 2 seats in every direction from the suspected case may be considered
close contacts and will need to be interviewed by the entry country public health authorities, if the
suspect case is confirmed.
Subject to the
pu li health autho ities de isio , the
crew member designated to provide on-board
services for the suspected passenger, and other crew members who may have been in direct contact
with the suspected passenger, should be provided with transportation to facilities where they can
clean and disinfect before having physical contact with other people. Alternatively, as a last resort,
after carefully disposing of the used PPE and washing and disinfecting their hands, the respective
cabin crew members could be isolated on board, in a quarantine area, before return to base or a
layover destination.
In coordination with the relevant public health authorities, the aeroplane operators should
endeavour to receive information about the test result of the suspect case as soon as possible. The
crew member(s) who provided in-flight service to the passenger with COVID-19 compatible
symptoms should be considered a close contact and asked to take appropriate self-isolation
measures after returning to home base. If the suspected case is confirmed positive, the respective
crew member(s) should be placed in quarantine for
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European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
14 days from the last contact with the confirmed positive passenger, unless otherwise specified by
the local public health authorities. If the test is negative they may resume flying duties.
After removal of the COVID-19 suspected case, cleaning and disinfection of the aircraft should be
performed in accordance with the EASA Interim guidance on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection
Used PPE, such as aprons, face masks, face shields should be disposed in a separate tightly closed
waste bag, which can be disposed as regular waste.
Note: The incubation period for the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found to be between 1 and 14 days, with a
median incubation period of 5.1 days. 75% of cases have an incubation period longer than 4 days and only
2.5% of cases have an incubation period of less than 2 days
. In this context, it is considered that, even if
already in the incubation period, a person is most likely not contagious in the first 2 days after exposure.
If a suspected passenger is identified on board before take-off, the airport and local health authorities should
be informed and their instructions followed. At this point, if no specific direct contact has taken place
between the symptomatic passenger and crew members, no additional measures need be taken in regards
to the management of the crew members, unless otherwise advised by the local public health authorities.
Management of arriving and transit passengers
To reduce the residual risk that, should an infected person have been on a flight or at the
airport, they would infect other passengers at the arrival airport and/or in the destination
Passengers should be reminded by airport operators, in coordination with aeroplane operators, to adhere to
the applicable preventive measures described in point 3.1 and to the relevant principles set in the check-in
and boarding section of point 3.3.
Aeroplane operators and airport operators should cooperate to ensure physical distancing is practiced as
much as possible during the disembarkation procedure. Used medical face masks should be discarded safely
in a separate tightly closed waste bag, which can be disposed as regular waste.
Depending on the terminal facilities and apron layout, disembarkation can be done via buses from the parked
aircraft, walking in a spaced manner from the parked aircraft on the apron to the gate, and finally using the
stairs, or air bridges directly into the terminal. Where buses are used in the disembarkation process, the use
of an increased quantity of buses should be considered to accommodate for the physical distancing inside
them. Disembarkation should be performed by rows starting with the closest rows to the exits in use, in the
order aisle, middle and window seats, or an alternative procedure that would ensure physical distancing to
the maximum extent possible and avoid queuing.
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European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
All facilities used in the disembarkation process should be subject to enhanced cleaning and ventilation as
described in Annex 2.
Passenger locator card (PLC)
Aeroplane operators should provide, without undue delay and without prejudice to applicable data
protection rules, the following data to the relevant public health authorities upon request for contact tracing
Full name
Allocated seat
Working phone number (or email address)
This data set represents a minimum suggested extract from the currently available WHO, IATA, ICAO
passenger locator card (PLC)
. See Annex 1 about the use of PLC data by public health for contact tracing
Thermal screening at the Arrival Airport
If implementation of entry thermal screening is required, e.g. due to national response plan
decisions/regulations, the points made in Section 3.3 and Annex 1 should be considered.
In order to avoid duplication, passengers arriving from EU/EEA flights that have been subject to screening at
the departure airport should be exempted from entry screening in the arrival State.
Passengers having fever who, following the assessment, are considered COVID-19 suspect should be dealt
with in accordance with the instructions of the local public health authorities in terms of testing, transport
and quarantine. Without prejudice to the previous, the symptomatic passenger should not, under any
circumstance, be repatriated on a regular passenger flight.
Further considerations regarding thermal screening may be found in Annex 1.
Baggage claim and exit from the arrival airport
Passengers should be advised by the airport operators to give proper consideration to the preventive
measures as described in point 3.1 at all times and to the relevant principles set in the check-in and boarding
section of point 3.3, including the use of airport facilities.
For customs formalities, where possible green/red lanes for self-declarations are recommended. Appropriate
sanitary measures must be taken at secondary screening points to protect passengers and staff. It is
suggested that governments should simplify border control formalities, by enabling contactless processes
(e.g. relating to the reading of passport chips, facial recognition etc.) or passenger flow management with
digital solutions, setting up special lanes where feasible, and training their agents to detect signs of unwell
passengers. Possible redesign of immigration halls needs to be coordinated between the airport, airlines and
the government.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Airport operators should also inform arriving passengers that after collecting their baggage they are advised
to leave the arrival terminal as soon as possible to minimise the possibility of transmission.
Airport operators should inform the meet and greet individuals that access to the terminal is limited to
passengers, crew members and staff. Where meet and greet cannot be avoided (e.g. persons requiring
assistance) a meet and greet area should be set up away from the exits from the restricted area and away
from the main passenger flow to reduce the risk of the arriving passengers crossing paths with other
Management of crew members
To reduce the residual risk of infection from passengers or airport staff or vice versa and avoid
duplicate procedures
Crew members, airport staff members and service supplier staff members should be exempt from the
ai po t s COVID-19
screening procedures, subject to the airline or the airport operator, as applicable, having
i ple e ted a e ui ale t p o edu e to o ito thei staff e e s health status.
Furthermore, airport operators should ensure separate flows for crews in order to ensure that physical
distancing from the passengers is guaranteed at all times.
Additional operational measures should be considered in accordance with the EASA Guidelines for
management of crew members
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P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
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European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Matrix of measures per stakeholder
Face masks
Health safety
Wherever possible
Yes, in coordination, see
annex 3
Cleaning and
Yes, see Yes
point 3.3
Yes, in electronic format.
Coordinate the format
and assessment.
Yes, should
adhere to
dations and
under their
Yes, should
adhere to
dations and
under their
Yes, should
adhere to
dations and
under their
should read
and adhere to the
provided statement
before the flight
Possible, if Possible, if Possible, if Yes,
subjected where
required by the
not did
not did
not airport
implement implement implement coordination with
crew a
crew a
crew national authorities
monitoring monitoring monitoring
programme programme programme
Yes, doubtful cases
should be further
face masks should not be worn by the flight crew on the flight deck after boarding, while operating due to safety reasons
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P hone +46 (0)8 58 60 10 00
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European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
only. Avoid
Yes, in coordination with
the local public health
should adhere
Yes, where
enforce the
from the
Yes, where
enforce the
from the
enforce the
s received
from the
Yes, follow the
instructions of the
crew and ground
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 89990 000
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Annex 1
Scientific evidence and additional considerations
Exit and Entry thermal screening
It is essential that while allowing people movements within or between countries, there are measures in
place to minimise the risk of the resurgence of sustained community transmission.
Although some imported COVID-19 cases have been detected through entry screening at destination airports
(e.g. in Taiwan, where there is a year-round functioning airport screening system), the available evidence
suggests that entry/exit screening is not effective or efficient in detecting COVID -19 introductions or in
delaying or mitigating a pandemic.
Current evidence, including evidence acquired in the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe,
indicates that entry screening is ineffective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 virus introductions. In a recent review
of the public health response of the US-CDC, data from incoming passengers in selected US airports showed
that as of 21 April 2020, screening 268 000 returning travellers discovered 14 COVID-19 cases (approx. 5/100
000 screened passengers)
Entry screening of passengers is not supported by evidence as an effective measure for preventing
transmission of COVID-19 since community transmission is ongoing in all EU/EEA countries. Reports from the
time of the SARS outbreak (2003) and the A(H1N1) influenza pandemic (2009) consistently show that entry
screening via temperature control is a high-cost low-efficiency measure. On top of that, a proportion of
COVID-19 cases is asymptomatic and a proportion of transmission happens before symptom onset.
Nonetheless, exit/entry screening processes may help dissuade ill persons from travelling by air and enhance
public confidence
. In addition, they provide an further means for providing specific information to the
passengers on the current situation and on where to seek medical advice, if needed.
For exit screening, past experience during the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa in 2014-
2016, has shown that it can be useful, but EVD is not caused by a respiratory virus and is generally not
asymptomatic nor has pre-symptomatic transmission.
Planners need to take into account that a relatively large number of COVID-19 cases will potentially be in the
incubation phase when travelling; SARS-CoV-2 has an incubation period between 2-14 days, with 75% of
cases developing symptoms between 4-7 days
. These passengers will not be detected by exit or entry
screening, even in a scenario assuming high sensitivity in detecting symptomatic travellers. This was modelled
at the beginning of the outbreak in January 2020, where an estimated 75% of infected passengers will exit or
enter the country without being detected
. Since then, evidence has accumulated towards the fact that
St. John RS et al, Border screening for SARS, EID, 2005;11(1)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the EU/EEA and the UK
ninth update, 23 April 2020. Stockholm: ECDC; 2020. -19-rapid-risk-assessment-coronavirus-disease-2019-ninth-
Quilty Billy J, Clifford Sam, CMMID nCoV working group2, Flasche Stefan, Eggo Rosalind M. Effectiveness of airport screening at
detecting travellers infected with novel coronavirus (2019 -nCoV). Euro Surveill. 2020;25(5):
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
asymptomatic (or pre-symptomatic and mild) cases play a significant role in the transmission of COVID-19
(maybe up to 40%)
Fever (body temperature >37.5 or 38°C) is the symptom for which countries usually screen exit or entry
passengers. Fever is a non-specific symptom and in the case of COVID-19 it is frequently but not consistently
reported. According to the ECDC weekly epidemiological report for week 19-2020 [10], in over 65 000
laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases entered in the European Surveillance System (TESSy) fever was
reported in 50% of them. In addition, fever is a symptom that can be temporarily concealed by using
antipyretic drugs.
Moreover, the large variety of screening equipment (contactless thermometers, thermal scanners and
others) available commercially requires that particular care is taken in calibration and the setting of
thresholds for categorising anyone as screen-positive. The performance of devices is difficult to compare
because of different targets and modes of operation. In addition, performance of the devices is affected by
the choice of the cut-off value set for screening. In general, performance is reported as follows:
Sensitivity: 80–99%, meaning that between 1 and 20% of the febrile passengers will not be detected
(false negative).
Specificity: 75–99%, meaning that between 1 and 25% of non-febrile passengers will be reported as
febrile (false positive).
Some reports suggest that taking the average of several readings improves accuracy.
Finally, due to the ongoing transmission, if exit and/or entry screening is planned, it should foresee all points
of entry and all passengers, using a specific protocol for primary and secondary screening, testing and follow
up. This entails huge human and laboratory and logistical resources, which will be detracted from the
preparedness planning for a potential second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Use of masks
medical face mask
(also known as a surgical or procedure mask) is a medical device covering the mouth,
nose and chin ensuring a barrier that limits the transition of an infective agent between the hospital staff and
the patient. They are used to prevent large respiratory droplets and splashes from reaching the mouth and
the nose of the wearer and help reduce and/or control at the source the spread of large respiratory droplets
from the person wearing the face mask. Medical masks comply with requirements defined in European
Standard EN 14683:2014.
Non-medical face masks
o o
u ity asks i lude a ious fo s of self-
made or commercial masks or face covers made of cloth, other textiles or other materials such as paper. They
are not standardised and do not offer a consistent level of protection. For these reasons, non-medical face
masks are not recommended to use where a minimal physical distance of 1.5 metres between individuals is
not guaranteed.
Face masks are recommended mainly as a means of source control for persons who are symptomatic in order
to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets produced by coughing or sneezing
. There is increasing
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Infection prevention and control measures for Ebola virus disease: Entry
and exit body temperature screening measure s. Stockholm: ECDC; 2014.
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
evidence that persons with mild or no symptoms at the pre-symptomatic and early stages of infection can
contribute to the spread of COVID-19. A face mask may help reduce the spread of infection in the community
by minimising the excretion of respiratory droplets from infected individuals who may not know they are
infected and before they develop any symptoms.
ECDC advises that the use of face masks outside of health or social care settings can be considered, especially
when visiting busy, closed spaces, or when using public transport, which are conditions that apply in the
context of airports and on board aircraft. Use of face masks should therefore be strongly considered in
airports for both staff and passengers, with particular emphasis on areas or situations where the ideal 1.5
metres physical distancing is not feasible.
The use of face masks in airports should be considered only as a complementary measure and not as a
replacement for established preventive measures, for example physical distancing, respiratory etiquette,
meticulous hand hygiene and avoiding touching the face, nose, eyes and mouth.
In general, face masks should be replaced if they become wet or soiled or after being worn for 4 hours.
Passengers should be reminded that they should ensure a sufficient supply of masks for the entire duration
of their travel. Nevertheless, airport operators should also facilitate the acquisition of masks in the terminal
in case passengers have no access to face masks beforehand.
There are three main caveats associated with the use of face masks: the correct use of them (wearing and
removing procedures, and how to manage the face mask when it is worn), the proper disposal of the used
face masks and the false sense of security that wearing a mask can give:
A face mask should completely cover the face from the bridge of the nose down to the chin. Before
wearing and removing the face mask, hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol-based hand
sanitiser should be performed. When removing the face mask, it should be removed from behind,
avoiding touching the front side.
A used face mask should be properly disposed: in airports, the installation of no-touch bins dedicated
to the collection of used face masks should be considered; on-board, single-use plastic bags should
e a aila le at e e y passe ge s seat fo the safe disposal of used fa e asks. All the ags should e
tightly closed and then disposed of as regular waste.
The false sense of security that can be given by wearing a face mask should be considered: the face
masks work mainly as a source of control for exhaled droplets, and not as a source of protection for
the wearer. Passengers should be informed about this and about the importance of keeping physical
distance and practising frequent hand hygiene, together with the proper respiratory etiquette, to
reduce the risks of infection.
Using face masks in the community - Reducing COVID-19 transmission from potentially asymptomatic or pre -symptomatic people
through the use of face masks, -data/using-face-masks-community-reducing-covid-
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
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COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Physical distancing
Current scientific studies and articles
confirm that in general, the distance that large respiratory droplets
travel is 1.5 metres for normal speech and up to 2 metres when coughing. For this reason, aeroplane
operators, airport operators and service providers should ensure that physical distancing of 1.5 metres is
maintained wherever this is operationally feasible. In case physical distancing cannot be guaranteed because
of operational constraints, the airport operator should implement risk mitigation measures.
In order to reduce the number of people in the terminal, and consequently facilitate physical distancing,
airport operators, in coordination with aeroplane operators, should inform passengers prior to arrival at the
airport that access to the terminal is restricted to passengers only, with exceptions as presented in point 2.
Furthermore, airport operators should clearly signal the point beyond which accompanying persons are not
allowed to cross.
Where allowed by the passenger load, cabin configuration and mass and balance requirements, aeroplane
operators should ensure, to the extent possible, physical distancing among passengers. This may be achieved
by leaving at least one seat empty between passengers, increasing the distance between the seats or leaving
every other row empty. Family members and individuals travelling together as part of the same household
can be seated next to each other. The seat allocation process should be modified accordingly.
If physical distancing cannot be guaranteed because of the passenger load, seat configuration or other
operational constraints, passengers and crew members on board an aircraft should adhere at all times to all
the other preventive measures including strict hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette and should wear a
medical face mask. Aircraft operators are requested to further adjust the ventilation system of the cabin and
reduce ground times to minimise the risk of contamination.
Passenger locator card / data
The passenger locator form or card has been developed in collaboration between WHO, ICAO and IATA to
assist public health authorities in conducting contact tracing of passengers potentially exposed to a
communicable disease [3].
Contact tracing is performed regularly in cooperation with civil aviation authorities and aeroplane operators
to identify possible contacts in the context of various communicable diseases (e.g. TB, meningitis, measles).
The purpose of identifying and managing the contacts of probable or confirmed COVID -19 cases is to rapidly
identify secondary cases. Contact tracing is an essential measure to fight the ongoing epidemic of COVID-19,
in conjunction with active case finding and testing, and in synergy with other measures such as physical
distancing. Contact tracing is crucial in the current phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, when countries are
adjusting their control measures.
There is a need for an efficient method of transmitting the necessary data to public health authorities, such
as through the electronic provision of information by aeroplane operators. Passenger locator data should
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
become available as soon as possible to the public health authorities for initiating contact with the exposed
passengers. The prompt availability of passenger locator data is extremely important for the success and
effectiveness of contact tracing operations in order for public health authorities to identify and notify people
who were sitting in close proximity to an infected case and to give them advice accordingly.
ECDC would advise against combining passenger locator data and the health information/screening
declaration data in the same form, despite the fact that both require passenger identification and flight
To facilitate passenger location a minimum set of data is needed. Box 1 shows the proposed needed (in red)
and optional (in black) passenger data that can be requested by public health authorities for contact tracing
Collaboration with aeroplane operators should be ongoing to identify the easiest way to obtain the necessary
passenger data in a timely manner for effective contract tracing. Member States will need to assess whether
the transfer of passenger location data from airlines to public health authorities complies with the
requirements under the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR), taking into account the legal
requirements under their national law.
Passenger identification
(av ailable to the airline through booking/check in/ included in PNR data):
First name
Last Name- needed
Date of Birth
optional, useful to assist in the differentiation of persons with common names
Passport number (incl. issuing authority and expiration date) -- optional
Travel details
(av ailable to the airline through booking/check in/ included in PNR data):
Seat number
Flight details (number and date, departure and arriv al cities: already k nown since PH is contact tracing)
Contact details
(possibly av ailable to the airline through booking/check in , or can be requested):
Address in the city of arriv al: optional
Address of permanent residence: optional
Functional contact: mobile and email - needed
(also, FB messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter)
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Annex 2
Notification of Health status prior to Issuing Boarding Pass
An example of a notification of the health status, to be to be completed prior to issuing a boarding pass, is
presented below. It should be made clear that this applies for each individual passenger in a booking for more
than one person.
I understand that I must advise <name of airline or travel agent> as soon as possible, and should on
no account report to the airport for the flight, if any of the following statements apply:
I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 at any time during the 14 days prior to my flight.
I have had any of the COVID-19 relevant symptoms (fever; newly developed cough; loss of taste
or smell; shortness of breath) at any time during the 8 days prior to my flight.
I have been in close contact (e.g. less than 2 metres for more than 15 minutes) with a person
who has COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to my flight.
I am required by local or national regulations to be in quarantine for reasons related to COVID -
19 for a period that includes the date of the fight,
I understand that any of these circumstances will result in refusal to proceed with my travel if I do
not disclose this information to the airline before arrival at the airport and my circumstances are
identified on site at the airport.
This declaration should be updated in line with latest developments on microbiological testing for COVID -19.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Guidance for the management of airline passengers in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Issue no: 1.1 Issue date: 21/05/2020
Annex 3
Health Safety Promotion
General messages:
Wear medical face masks, ensure their correct use and disposal, and replace every 4 hours (unless
instructions say otherwise)
Observe physical distancing (1.5 metres)
Wash hands regularly for at least 20 secs with soap and water or, where not available, use alcohol-
based hand sanitising solutions
Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or flexed elbow when sneezing or coughing
Limit direct contact with surfaces and people
Be kind to each other
– it s the o ly
way we will get through this
Complete the Notification of Health status from your airline
Before leaving for the airport:
Do t t a el to the ai po t if you
have been in any of the situation specified in the Notification of
Health status
Be aware that only travellers should enter the airport terminal at arrival and departure. (The only
other people who should enter the terminal are people accompanying or picking up a passenger requiring
Persons with Reduced Mobility or unaccompanied minors)
Read the health safety promotion material from your airline
Check you have sufficient medical face masks and sanitising gel for your journey
Ensure you leave enough time for your journey including checks at the airport
At the airport:
Ask a member of staff in case you have any questions or feel uneasy (they are there to help you in
this new situation)
Be prepared for thermal screening at the airport
Observe physical barriers or signs indicating distancing requirements
Check-in your bag whenever possible
Minimise your use of airport facilities
Wear a face mask, and expect to be denied boarding if you do not wear one
On the aircraft:
Ask the cabin crew if you have any questions or feel uneasy (they are there to help you in this new
situation) and be nice to them.
Watch the cabin safety demonstration so you know what is happening on your flight.
Reduce the use of individual air supply nozzles as far as possible
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Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany
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BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 240: Spm. om, hvilket sundhedsmæssigt Corona-regelsæt check-in personalet i lufthavnen hører under, til beskæftigelsesministeren
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3,
50668 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0)221 89990 000
Gustav III:s boulevard 40,
169 73 Solna, Sweden
+46 (0)8 58 60 10 00