The Global Summit: Virtual 2020 aims to commit, inspire, and empower policy makers towards the achievement of the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the next decade, while building a roadmap on clear policy actions to eliminate the threat
posed by communicable diseases. The Summit will conclude with parliamentarians and partners pledging their support to the UNITE
2020 Summit Statement
calling on parliaments and governments to uphold the SDGs and their commitments to ending infectious
diseases as a global health threat, in the midst and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
UNITE is an independent, non-profit, global network of 135 members of parliament from 64 countries. UNITE is committed to ensuring
that no life is limited by infectious disease through unified political advocacy. Our global, non-partisan network of parliamentarians is
divided into 10 Regional Chapters, each chaired by a parliamentarian leading activity in that geography. The UNITE global board
provides governance for the organisation and consists of founder Dr Ricardo Baptiste Leite, the UNITE secretariat, and chapter chairs
for Western & Central Europe, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Asia & Pacific, Middle East & North Africa, Latin American & the
Caribbean, West & Central Africa, Eastern & Southern Africa.
Opening Session
09:30 GMT+1
Chaired by Ricardo Baptista Leite, Member of Parliament, Portugal; Founder & President,
UNITE Global Parliamentarians Network to End Infectious Diseases
Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, UNAIDS
Martin Chungong, Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
This session will not have Q&A open to the audience.
Panel Session 1
Epidemics: what are we learning from the global response to COVID-19? (session
organized by CEPI & Wellcome Trust)
Moderated by Gabrielle Fitzgerald, Founder and CEO, Panorama Global
WHO Speaker*tbc
Rapid vaccine development and fair global access as key tool for future preparedness
Richard Hatchett, CEO, CEPI
Epidemics: why we have seen little progress in global preparedness and the case for
collective action
Alex Harris, Head of Global Policy and Advocacy, Wellcome Trust
Why the world needs a Global Public Health Convention? - Michael Weinstein, President,
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)
This session will have Q&A time with the audience.
Panel Session 2 - Leadership Opportunities for Joint Action against Malaria and COVID-19 (session
organized by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria & RBM Partnership to End
Moderated by Joy Phumaphi, African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA)
Opening Remarks by
Joy Phu aphi o Preside t Ke yatta’s
chairmanship of ALMA
Framing Remarks on current resource mobilization efforts and needs for the next 12
Scott Boule, Senior Specialist, Parliamentary Affairs, The Global Fund to Fight
AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Deli eri g joi t COVID/Malaria essages y Za ia’s atio al E d Malaria Cou il
- Topsy
Sikalinda, End Malaria Council member from the Zambia Revenue Authority
Regional collaboration to address stock-outs resulting from COVID/malaria co-infection in
Southern Africa - Richard Kamwi, former Health Minister, Namibia; Ambassador of the
Elimination 8 Representative
Civil Society engagement with parliamentarians to support health budgets, inclusive of
COVID and malaria
Olivia Ngou, Global Coordinator, Civil Society Network for Malaria
Elimination (CS4ME)
11:00 GMT+1
11:30 GMT+1
13:00 GMT+1
Avenida Duque
D’Ávila, nº9 , º andar,
Global Parliamentarians Network to End Infectious Diseases