Udenrigsudvalget 2019-20
URU Alm.del Bilag 226
(modtaget 12/8-20)
My dear colleagues,
I write to ask if you would like to join me and 120 prime ministers, presidents, former leaders,
economists, policy makers and leaders of NGO’s in signing this joint letter to the G20, the IMF, the
World Bank, Regional Development Banks and National Governments.
The letter asks for concrete measures to address the global education emergency triggered by Covid-
19. With over 1 billion children still out of school because of the lockdown, there is now a real and
present danger that the public health crisis will create a COVID generation who lose out on schooling
and whose opportunities are permanently damaged.
You can sign the letter by clicking here, and filling in your
With apologies for the tight deadline, I would be grateful for replies by 9AM British Summer Time, on
SUNDAY 16TH August. The letter will be published on Monday 17th August.
Best wishes,
The Rt Hon. Liam Byrne MP , United Kingdom
Chair of the Parliamentary Network
on the World Bank and IMF
We write to call for urgent action to address the global education emergency triggered by Covid-19.
With over 1 billion children still out of school because of the lockdown, there is now a real and present
danger that the public health crisis will create a COVID generation who lose out on schooling and
whose opportunities are permanently damaged. While the more fortunate have had access to
the world’s poorest children have been locked out of learning, denied
internet access,
and with the loss of free school meals - once a lifeline for 300 million boys and girls
has grown.
An immediate concern, as we bring the lockdown to an end, is the fate of an estimated 30 million
children who, according to UNESCO, may never return to school.. For these,
the world’s least
advantaged children, education is often the only escape from poverty- a route that is in danger of
Many of these children are adolescent girls for whom being in school is the best defence against forced
marriage and the best hope for a life of expanded opportunity. Many more are young children who risk
being forced into exploitative and dangerous labour. And because education is linked to progress in
virtually every area of human development
from child survival to maternal health, gender equality ,
job creation and inclusive economic growth
the education emergency will undermine the prospects for
achieving all our 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and potentially set back progress on gender
equity by years According to the World Bank the long-term economic cost of lost schooling could be
as much as $10 trillion in lost productive output.
URU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 226: Henvendelse af 12/8-20 fra the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF vedr. underskrift i forbindelse med uddannelse under covid-19
We cannot stand by and allow these young people to be robbed of their education and a fair chance in
life. Instead we should be redoubling our efforts to get all children into school
including the 260 million
already out of school and the 75 million children affected by protracted conflicts and forced
displacement, including 35 million children living as refugees or internally displaced - with the
comprehensive help they need- and to make it possible for young people to start or resume their
studies in school further and higher education .
There is a longer-term challenge. Even before Covid-19, the world faced a learning crisis. Over half of
the children in developing countries suffering 'learning poverty’ and even at age 11 had little or no basic
literacy and numeracy skills. As a result, 800 million of today's young people leave education with no
qualifications whatsoever.
When schools reopened after Pakistan’s 2005 earthquake attendance recovered, but four years later
children had lost the equivalent of 1.5 years of schooling . If we are to avoid this for millions of children
who are now preparing to return to school and who have lost over half a year of education,resources
are now urgently needed to get young people back into education and enable them to catch-up. What is
more, we should rebuild better: more support for online learning, personalised learning, teacher
training , conditional cash transfers for poor families
and safer schools that meet ‘distancing’rules
; building on the enormous community effort that has been displayed during the pandemic and the
coalition of global organisations that has now joined forces in the ‘Save our Future’ initiative launched
on August 4.
Yet at the very time we need extra resources, education funding is in danger on three fronts:
1. As slower or negative growth undermines tax revenues, less money may be available in almost
every country for public services, including education.
2. When allocating limited funds, governments are prioritising expenditure on health and economic
recovery leaving education crowded out and underfunded.
3. Intensifying fiscal pressure in developed countries will result in reductions in international
development aid, including aid for education, which has already been losing out to other priorities in the
allocation of bilateral and multilateral aid. There is also a danger that multilateral donors, who already
under-invest in education, will reallocate funds.
The World Bank now estimates that, over the next year, overall education spending in low and middle-
income countries could be $100-150 billion lower than previously planned.
This funding crisis will not resolve itself.
We call on the G20, the IMF, World Bank and regional development banks and all countries
to recognise the scale of the crisis and support initiatives to enable catch-up to happen, and progress
towards SDG4 to be resumed:
First, every country should pledge to protect education spending, prioritising the needs of the most
disadvantaged children through where possible, conditional and unconditional cash transfers to
promote school participation
Second, the international community must increase aid for education, focusing on the most
vulnerable, including the poor, girls, children in conflict situations and the disabled. The quickest way to
free up resources for education is through debt relief. The 76 poorest countries have to pay $86 billion
in debt-service costs over the next two years. We call for debt suspension with a requirement that the
money for debt servicing be reallocated to education and other priority investments for children.
URU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 226: Henvendelse af 12/8-20 fra the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF vedr. underskrift i forbindelse med uddannelse under covid-19
Third, the IMF should issue $1.2 trillion in Special Drawing Rights (its global reserve asset) and its
membership should agree to channel these resources toward the countries that need them most,
creating a platform for recovery.
And fourth, the World Bank should unlock more support for low income countries through a
supplementary International Development Association budget, and, following the lead of the UK and
Netherlands which have now pledged $650m to the new International Finance Facility for Education
(IFFED) to help unlock billions in extra finance for education in lower middle income countries, invite
additional guarantees and grants from donors. This is in addition to -and compliments - over the next 2
years the replenishment of GPE (Global Partnership for Education) . scaled up investment in ECW
(Education Cannot Wait) and continued support for the UN agencies focused on education and children
led by UNESCO and UNICEF. We also call on private sector corporations and foundations to make
support for global education a greater priority
Sustainable human development can only be built upon a foundation of quality education .While the
challenges are momentous, the impact of the crisis on children has made us even more determined
to realise our ambition contained in Sustainable Development Goal 4, that ours can be the first
generation in history in which every child is at school and has the chance to develop their potential to
the full. Now is the time for national governments and the international community to come together to
give children and young people the opportunities they deserve and to which they are entitled .
Dr Shamshad Akhtar - UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP & Assistant
Secretary-General at UN DESA (2013-2018); Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan (2006-2009)¹
Dr Farida Allaghi - Ambassador of Libya to the European Union (2015-2016)³
HE Dr Abdulaziz Altwaijri - Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (1991-2019)³
Dr Roger Ames - Director of the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawaii
Dr Kwame Anthony Appiah - Professor of Philosophy and Law, NYU
Shaukat Aziz - Prime Minister of Pakistan (2004-2007)³
Professor Julian Baggini - Academic Director of the Royal Institute of Philosophy
Jan Peter Balkenende - Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2002-2010)²
Carol Bellamy - Executive Director of UNICEF (1995-2005)¹
Nicolas Berggruen -
Chairman of the Berggruen Institute
Tony Blair - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1997-2007)
Irina Bokova - Director-General of UNESCO (2009-2017)¹
Kjell Magne Bondevik - Prime Minister of Norway (1997-2000; 2001-2005)²
Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz - Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge (2010-2017)
Ouided Bouchamaoui - President of UTICA (2011-2018); Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2015)³
María Eugenia Brizuela de Ávila - Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (1999-2004)¹
John Bruton - Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland (1994-1997)²
Kim Campbell - Prime Minister of Canada (1993)²
Fernando Henrique Cardoso - President of Brazil (1995-2003)²
Dr Vinton G. Cerf - Co-Inventor of the Internet³
Hikmet Çetin - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey (1991-1994), Speaker of the Grand National
Assembly (1997-1999)³
Baroness Lynda Chalker - Minister of Overseas Development of the United Kingdom (1989-1997)
Helen Clark - Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-2008); UNDP Administrator (2009-2017)²³
Joe Clark - Prime Minister of Canada (1979-1980)
Emil Constantinescu - President of Romania (1996-2000)³
Radhika Coomaraswamy - UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Representative for Children and
Armed Conflict (2006-2012); UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women (1994-2003)¹
Chester Crocker - Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, United States (1981-1989)
Dr Antonio Damasio - David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience, Psychology and Philosophy; Director,
URU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 226: Henvendelse af 12/8-20 fra the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF vedr. underskrift i forbindelse med uddannelse under covid-19
Brain and Creativity Institute, USC
Dr Hanna Damasio - Dana Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology; Director, Dornsife
Cognitive Neuroimaging Center, USC
Marzuki Darusman - Attorney General of Indonesia (1999-2001)
Frederik Willem de Klerk - State President of South Africa (1989-1994)
Gareth Evans - Foreign Minister of Australia (1988-1996); President and CEO of International Crisis
Group (2000-2009)
Jan Fischer - Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2009-2010); Finance Minister (2013-2014)³
Professor Tom Fletcher CMG - UK Ambassador to Lebanon (2011-2015); Principal-Elect of Hertford
College, University of Oxford
Franco Frattini - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy (2002-2004; 2008-2011); European Commissioner
for Justice, Freedom and Security (2004-2008)³
Dr Anton Friedrich Koch - Professor of Philosophy, Universität Heidelberg
Nathalie de Gaulle - Chairwoman & Co-founder of NB-INOV; Founder of Under 40³
Lord Anthony Giddens - Director of the London School of Economics (1996–2003); Professor,
Department of Sociology, LSE
Dr Lawrence Gonzi - Prime Minister of Malta (2004-2013)
Dr Alexander Görlach - Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Relations,
University of Cambridge
Dalia Grybauskaitė
- President of the Republic of Lithuania (2009-2019)²
Rebeca Grynspan - Ibero-American Secretary-General; Second Vice President of Costa Rica (1994-
1998); UN Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of UNDP (2010-2014)¹
Ameenah Gurib-Fakim - President of Mauritius (2015-2018)³
Dr Han Seung-soo - Prime Minister of South Korea (2008-2009)²
Senator Robert M. Hertzberg - Majority Leader of the California State Senate, United States
Dr Noeleen Heyzer - UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP (2007-2015)¹³
Mo Ibrahim -
Founder of Celtel; Chairman of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Enrique Iglesias - Foreign Minister of Uruguay (1985-1988); President of the Inter-American
Development Bank (1988-2005)²
Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu
- Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (2004-2014)³
Dalia Itzik - Interim President of Israel (2007); President of the Knesset (2006-2009)³
Mladen Ivanić
- Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-2018)³
Pico Iyer - Distinguished Presidential Fellow, Chapman University; Writer & Essayist, TIME
Garry Jacobs - President & Chief Executive Officer of the World Academy of Art and Science³
HE Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - President of Liberia (2006-2018);
Member of The Elders
T. Anthony Jones - Vice-President and Executive Director of the Gorbachev Foundation of North
Ivo Josipović
- President of Croatia (2010-2015)²³
Jean-Claude Juncker - Prime Minister of Luxembourg (1995-2013); President of the European
Commission (2014-2019)²
Mats Karlsson - Vice President, External Affairs at the World Bank (1999-2002)³
Rima Khalaf - Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Ban Ki-moon - UN Secretary General (2007-2016); Deputy Chair of The Elders²
Jadranka Kosor - Prime Minister of Croatia (2009-2011)³
Chandrika Kumaratunga - President of Sri Lanka (1994-2005)²³
Aleksander Kwaśniewski
- President of Poland (1995-2005)²
Rachel Kyte - Dean of The Fletcher School, Tufts University; UN Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All (2016-2019); World Bank Group VP & Special Envoy
Ricardo Lagos - President of Chile (2000-2006);
Member of the Elders²
Zlatko Lagumdzija - Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001- 2002); Foreign Affairs Minister
Yves Leterme - Prime Minister of Belgium (2009-2011)²³
Dr Margaret Levi - Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences & Professor of
URU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 226: Henvendelse af 12/8-20 fra the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF vedr. underskrift i forbindelse med uddannelse under covid-19
Political Science, Stanford University
Professor Justin Yifu Lin - Chief Economist & Senior Vice-President of the World Bank (2008-2012);
Dean of Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University³
Petru Lucinschi - President of Moldova (1997-2001)³
Ricardo Luna - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru (2016-2018)
Susana Malcorra - UN Under-Secretary-General for Field Support (2008-2012); Chef de Cabinet to UN
Secretary-General (2012-2015); Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina (2015-2017)¹
Purnima Mane - UN Assistant-Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director UNFPA (2007-2012)¹
Moussa Mara - Prime Minister of Mali (2014-2015)³
Paul Martin - Prime Minister of Canada (2003-2006)
Péter Medgyessy - Prime Minister of Hungary (2002-2004)³
Rexhep Meidani - President of Albania (1997-2002)²³
Rovshan Muradov - Secretary General of NGIC
Joseph Muscat - Prime Minister of Malta (2013-2020)³
Dawn Nakagawa - Executive Vice President, Berggruen Institute
Dr Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - Philosopher
Bujar Nishani - President of Albania (2012-2017)³
Josiah Ober - Professor of Political Science and Classics, Stanford University
Djoomart Otorbaev - Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2014-2015)³
Ana Palacio - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain (2002-2004)¹³
Elsa Papademetriou - Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament (2007-2009)³
George Papandreou - Prime Minister of Greece (2009-2011)³
P. J. Patterson - Prime Minister of Jamaica (1992-2005)²
Dr Philip Pettit - L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values, Princeton
Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering - United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (1997-
2000); Ambassador to the UN (1989-1992)
Rosen Plevneliev - President of Bulgaria (2012-2017)³
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca - President of Malta (2014-2019)³
Romano Prodi - Prime Minister of Italy (2006-2008); President of the European Commission (1999-
Michael Puett - Walter C. Klein Professor of Chinese History, Department of East Asian Languages and
Civilization, Harvard University
Jorge Quiroga - President of Bolivia (2001-2002)²
Iveta Radičová - Prime Minister of Slovakia (2010-2012)²
José Ramos Horta - President of Timor Leste (2007-2012)²
Òscar Ribas Reig - Prime Minister of Andorra (1982-1984; 1990-1994)²³
Lord George Robertson - Secretary General of NATO (1999-2003)
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero - Prime Minister of Spain (2004-2011)²
Dr Michael Roth - President of Wesleyan University
Nouriel Roubini - Chairman & CEO, Roubini Macro Associates LLC
Ruslana - World Music Award and Eurovision Song Contest winning recording artist; Special Envoy of
Isabel Saint Malo - Vice President of Panama (2014-2019)¹
Amartya Sen - Nobel Laureate for Economics (1998); Professor of Economics & Philosophy, Harvard
Ismail Serageldin - Vice President of the World Bank (1992-2000); Co-Chair of NGIC
Fatiha Serour - Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Somalia (2013-2014)¹
Rosalía Arteaga Serrano - President of Ecuador (1997)³
Javier Solana - Secretary General of the Council of the EU (1999-2009); Secretary General of NATO
Michael Spence - Nobel Laureate for Economics (2001); William R. Berkley Professor in Economics &
Business, NYU
Dr Eduardo Stein - Vice President of Guatemala (2004-2008)
Joseph Stiglitz - Chief Economist of the World Bank (1997-2000); Nobel Laureate for Economics
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(2001); Professor, Columbia University
Petar Stoyanov - President of Bulgaria (1997-2002)³
Laimdota Straujuma - Prime Minister of Latvia (2014-2016)³
Lawrence Summers - United States Secretary of the Treasury (1999-2001); Deputy Secretary of the
Treasury (1995-1999); Chief Economist of the World Bank (1991-1993); Director of the National
Economic Council (2009-2010)
Jigme Y. Thinley - Prime Minister of Bhutan (2008-2013)²
Eka Tkeshelashvili - Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia (2010-2012)³
Professor Laura D’Andrea Tyson
- Director of the United States National Economic Council (1995-
1996); Faculty Director, Haas Institute for Business & Social Impact, University of California, Berkeley
Cassam Uteem - President of Mauritius (1992-2002); Vice-President of WLA-Club
de Madrid²
Juan Gabriel Valdés - Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile (1999); Ambassador to the UN (2000-2003)
Marianna Vardinoyannis - UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador; Board Member of NGIC
Vaira Vike-Freiberga - President of Latvia (1999-2007)²; Co-Chair of NGIC
Filip Vujanović
- President of Montenegro (2003-2018)³
Kateryna Yushchenko - First Lady of Ukraine (2005-2010); Board Member of NGIC
Viktor Yushchenko - President of Ukraine (2005-2010)³
Fareed Zakaria - Host of Fareed
Zakaria GPS, CNN
Min Zhu - Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (2011-2016)
ActionAid UK - Girish Menon, CEO
BRAC International - Dr Muhammad Musa, Executive Director
CARE International UK - Laurie Lee, CEO
Catholic Agency for Oversees Development (CAFOD) - Christine Allen, Director
Theirworld - Dr Justin van Fleet, President
¹ Member of Global Women Leaders: Voices for Change and Inclusion
² Member of the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid
³ Member of Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC)
Member of the Berggruen Institute 21st Century Council
Member of Global Leadership Foundation