Udenrigsudvalget 2019-20
URU Alm.del Bilag 222
Athens, 27 July 2020
Mr Naser Khader
Defence Committee
Dear Colleague,
In these turbulent times, we strongly believe that policies aimed at consolidating
stability and security in the South-Eastern Mediterranean are of pivotal importance. In this
respect, Greece remains committed to promoting its bilateral relations with all its neighbours,
including Turkey, on the basis of respect of international law and the principle of good
neighbourly relations.
However, as I am sure you are all aware of, over the past months we have been
witnessing a rapid escalation of Turkey’s provocative and aggressive acts. Its latest provocation
is the issuance on 21
July 2020 of a navigational warning (NAVTEX) announcing the conduct,
in an area part of which falls within the Greek continental shelf, of seismic survey by the Turkish
research vessel “ORUC REIS” from 21
July to 2
August 2020.
The aforementioned activities are illegal and in blatant violation of international law
and, in particular, the international Law of the Sea; as such, they
bear no legal effects on Greece’s
sovereign rights and cannot prejudice these rights in any way.
Overall, Turkey has been following a counter-productive path in the Eastern
Mediterranean by pursuing an aggressive and revisionist agenda. This agenda is not only
conspicuous by its acts towards Greece, but also by the decades-long open wound in Cyprus, as
well as by Ankara’s interference in Syria and Libya. In all of the
aforementioned cases, Turkey
grossly violates International Law and UN principles and values, including the principle of good
neighbourly relations.
Last but not least, the recent decision by the Turkish leadership to turn Hagia Sophia
into a mosque is a blatant disregard to a monument of profound historical value and symbolism
and an affront to the entire civilised world, irrespective of national or religious backgrounds. It
is also a matter of disrespect to commitments Turkey itself has undertaken before UNESCO.
Hagia Sophia is not an issue involving a number of nations only; it is a matter of the international
community, as a whole. Therefore, such acts unnecessarily deepening intercultural or interfaith
rifts must be condemned by the international community in a clear and unequivocal manner.
URU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 222: Henvendelse af 30/7-20 vedrørende sikkerhedssituationen i det østlige middelhavsområde, fra formanden for det græske Forsvars- og Udenrigsudvalg
Greece, genuinely wants to construct a mutually beneficial relationship with Turkey,
which would be advantageous for both countries and could pave the way for an era of cooperation
that would benefit the Eastern Mediterranean as a whole. The Turkish illegal and provocative
conduct, however, seriously undermines this prospect and has a destabilizing, peace-threatening
even, effect for the whole region.
In conclusion, it is imperative that Ankara is firmly reminded of the need to refrain
from actions that run contrary to international legality. It should also be reminded that any
adventurist agenda inspired by its neo-ottoman vision is not only obsolete and alien to the 21
century, but also extremely dangerous, given that it risks fuelling further divisions in the entire
South-Eastern Mediterranean. This is the last thing an already vulnerable and fragile area would
In my capacity as the Chairman of the Committee on National Defence and Foreign
Affairs, I remain at your disposal for any further clarification on the aforementioned issues, via
teleconference, at any time convenient for you.
P. Gioulekas