The Honorable Michael Aastrup Jensen
Spokesman on Affairs
8 April 2020
Invitation to Virtual Parliamentary Meeting on Pandemics and COVID-19; 24 April 2020; 15:00-16:30 CET
Dear Honorable,
On behalf of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & IMF and the World Bank Group, I invite
you to a
Virtual Parliamentary Briefing on Pandemics with a Special Focus on COVID-19
24 April 2020 at
15:00-16:30 Central European Time.
Details on connecting to the meeting will follow shortly.
The meeting will convene legislators from countries most affected by or at risk of COVID-19 with World
Bank Group senior management and health experts to exchange views on the response to the current
coronavirus outbreak and pandemics in general.
At this critical time, parliaments have been at the forefront of this unprecedent global challenge, being
called upon to pass exceptional laws, supplementary budgets and grant special powers to their governments to
cope with this major disaster, while considering how to deal with the economic security of the country during
and after the pandemic.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the social and economic impacts of pandemics and what
additional actions parliamentarians can take to offset economic shocks to countries. Furthermore, participants
will look at strategies for legislators to counteract the spread of pandemics through more robust public health
systems and policy actions to improve human capital results.
Kindly confirm your presence until 21 April 2020 by filling out the following
( For additional information please contact
I hope that you will be able to join us for this critical conversation and remain at your disposal for all
further information.
With my best wishes,
The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank &
International Monetary Fund
66, Avenue d’Iéna 75116 Paris, France
+33 (0)1 40 69 30 55/
Check our website
The Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP, UK
Chair of the Parliamentary Network
on the World Bank and IMF