Rewan Al-Haddad
3. april 2020 18:01
Re: Request for sign-on -- Yemen ceasefire
To the Danish Foreign Affairs Committee, and all members of parliament,
I sincerely hope you and your families are safe and healthy during this extremely difficult time.
I’m a human rights Campaign Director, previously with Avaaz for 10+ years, now working with
different civil society groups to help end the war in Yemen.
We’ve drafted an open letter urging G20 governments to push for an urgent Coronavirus ceasefire
in Yemen, and use their leverage during Saudi Arabia's G20 presidency to help secure a lasting
peace agreement. The letter is below and attached.
We are reaching out to MPs around the world urging them to back this important call. The fighting
in Yemen continues, and massive pressure in the coming days can help pause the fighting and
ensure appropriate measures are put in place to respond to COVID-19. We also believe that as
Saudi holds this year's presidency, it's our best opportunity to shine a light back on Yemen and
finally push for a peace agreement.
To support this letter, please email
and I will promptly add your name
to the growing list of MPs and influential people around the world supporting this. I hope that
together, we can make a difference.
Wishing you all the best,
Rewan Al-Haddad
Campaign Director
G20: it’s time to end the war in Yemen
To G20 Heads of State, Foreign and Trade Ministers, and all
delegates attending this year’s G20
summit in Saudi Arabia:
Every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies.
This is without Coronavirus. Now the WHO is warning that Yemen could see an “explosion” of
COVID-19 cases. With a healthcare system already on the brink of collapse, Yemen desperately
needs an immediate ceasefire and quarantine measures. But this will only be possible if the
warring parties and their international backers allow for it.