Brussels, 26 March 2020
(OR. en)
SN 17/20
Joint statement of the Members of the European Council
The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes an unprecedented challenge for Europe and the whole world.
It requires urgent, decisive, and comprehensive action at the EU, national, regional and local levels.
We will do everything that is necessary to protect our citizens and overcome the crisis, while
preserving our European values and way of life.
We recognise the burden these measures put on all our citizens and praise their sense of
responsibility. We express our deepest sympathy with the victims of the pandemic and their
families. We commend the dedication and tireless efforts of the healthcare professionals at the
forefront of the outbreak and the contribution of those who provide essential services to the
We will cooperate with the international community and our external partners in combating the
global pandemic.
We will continue to work along the five strands defined at our videoconferences on 10 and
17 March 2020 and do what is necessary to overcome the crisis.
SN 17/20