Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2019-20
UFU Alm.del Bilag 100
Uddybende information om European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC)
In 1999, the European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) was created as a tool for interparliamentary cooperation bringing
together national parliamentary representatives with a particular interest in space affairs. According to the EISC Charter, the
“EISC pro-
vides an interparliamentary forum for analyzing and debating the European space policy and major issues at stake in the European space
sector. It aims at facilitating the information exchange on national and European space activities and the promotion of the mutual under-
standing of national space policies.”
Member States of the European Union and/or the European Space Agency that have created a parliamentary body dealing with space
affairs in their national parliament are eligible for full membership. Member states of the EU and/or ESA that have not yet created such a
parliamentary body are eligible to become observers. In the case of interest in joining EISC as a full member or observer, or to receive
more information, please contact ESPI Resident Fellow Sara Hadley ([email protected]).
The following countries are Full Members of EISC: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Nor-
way, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom.
Each year, one of the full members holds the Presidency. The secretariat of the EISC is ensured by the Presidency with support of the
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), Vienna, for organisational matters. An overarching topic is usually chosen for the duration of a
Presidency. The EISC meets once a year during an annual conference (usually in the fall) and typically for an additional workshop in the
spring at an interesting and relevant location chosen by the Presidency. Additionally, guests and speakers may be invited from the space
sector and industry.
At the annual conference, the EISC adopts a resolution on an important matter related to space. While not binding to national parliaments,
the participating members agree to communicate the adopted resolutions to their respective national parliament and government for con-
Presidencies in the recent past have included Estonia (2017), meeting in Tartu for the Workshop and in Tallinn for the annual conference
to discuss space and entrepreneurship; Belgium (2018), meeting in Brussels focusing on cybersecurity and big data; or the German Presi-
dency (2019) meeting in Bremen for the workshop and in Berlin for the annual conference to discuss the topic “On the road to Space19+”.
Norway holds the 2020 Presidency and chose to focus on space and the Arctic.
30. marts 2020
Uddannelses- og
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UFU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 100: Information om ’European Interparliamentary Space Conference’ (EISC) og herunder særligt forummets tema i 2020 om rummet og Arktis, fra uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
The EISC has a dedicated website (www.eisc-europa.eu), which is updated regularly and has a landing page for the current presidency,
and contains all relevant information, such as organizational details for events of the current presidency, as well as an archive of resolu-
tions passed at the Plenary sessions each year, picture galleries and more.