meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol
Exchange of Information by Electronic Means
Requests for clarifications
Data Processing in Europol, with an emphasis on data flows pertaining to the
Europol External Strategy and Operational Agreements with Third
Requests for clarification by MEP Clare DALY
‘We closed our inquiry into the model working arrangement used by Europol to establish
cooperative relations with the authorities of third countries, under Article 23(4) ER. We were
concerned that the definition of “information” as comprising both personal and non personal
data would create misunderstandings and lead to unlawful transfers of personal data to these
countries. After a series of meetings with Europol staff, we agreed on a wording that would
ensure that such working arrangements are not used to transfer personal data outside of the
cases defined under Article 25 ER.’
1. Could you please clarify
whether such a broad definition of ‘information’ used in the
existing working arrangements has actually led to unlawful transfer of personal data to
third countries?
The model working arrangement under scrutiny was only used with Israel, Japan and
New Zealand. Transfers to these countries fall under the provisions of Chapter V of the
Europol Regulation (ER), irrespective of the content of the working arrangement. In
2019, the EDPS inspected the cases where Europol used the derogations under Article
25(5) ER. This inspection has shown that, even if the procedure in place could be
improved in some aspects, Europol is very well aware of the applicable regime. As the
inquiry was still ongoing, we decided to focus the inspection on transfers notified to the
2. Could you please provide us with the new wording agreed between the EDPS and
Europol staff? In that regard, could you please clarify the legal value of the new wording
and to which instruments it applies? Shall it be included in future working arrangements,
or does it aim to amend existing arrangements, too?
The EDPS decided to open an inquiry because on the one hand the Working
Arrangement contained a definition of information covering both personal and non-
personal data and on the other hand it provided that in some cases exchange of persona l
data might be allowed under the conditions of Article 25(5) and (6) ER.