Retsudvalget 2019-20
REU Alm.del Bilag 462
Mr Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR,
Co-Chairs JPSG Europol
The Hague, June 15
, 2020
Staten Generaal
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag
The Netherlands
Contact: Mr Pieter ROOK
E [email protected]
Question NL-delegation as regards temporary working group on rules-of-procedure
(written procedure 15th of June)
Dear Co-Chairs of the JPSG on Europol,
We hope this letter finds you well. We would like to express our appreciation for offering
delegations the opportunity to submit their questions and remarks as regards a selection of
agenda items that would normally have been discussed during the JPSG-meeting in Zagreb.
In the run-up to the JPSG-meeting in Zagreb, in December 2019 the NL delegation sent a letter
(attached) to the co-chairs, proposing to establish a temporary working group to deal with
certain aspects of the JPSG rules-of-procedure (notably the JPSG-representative to the Europol
management board and updating the revision clause in the rules-of-procedure that currently
refers to a date in the past). The suggestion by the NL-delegation was for the JPSG to discuss
and take a decision on installing such a temporary working group during the March meeting in
Zagreb. As regards this letter a reply by the co-chairs was received, broadly welcoming this
suggestion (letter dated 20 December 2019, attached).
As the Zagreb meeting was cancelled due to the covid-19 crisis, the opportunity to discuss and
take a decision on establishing a temporary working group did not yet arise. By means of this
letter we would like to inquire how the co-chairs envisage taking this idea forward in the second
semester of this year.
Rounding off this letter, we would especially like to thank the Croatian delegation for organising
the March meeting in Zagreb and express our sincere regret that after all their efforts made, the
meeting had to be cancelled.
We look forward to your reply.
The Dutch delegation,
Ms Gala VELDHOEN and Ms Tineke HUIZINGA-HERINGA, JPSG-Members, Committee on
Immigration and Asylum Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council, Senate of the NL Parliament
Ms Madeleine VAN TOORENBURG, JPSG-Member, Committee on Justice and Home Affairs,
House of Representatives of the NL Parliament