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Distr.: General
18 October 2019
Original: English
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of
The Committee considered the sixth periodic report of Denmark (E/C.12/DEN/6) at
its 44 and 45
meetings (see E/C.12/2019/SR.44 and 45) held on 8 and 9 October 2019, and
adopted the present concluding observations at its 60
meeting on 18 October 2019.
The Committee welcomes the timely submission of the sixth periodic report by the
State party as well as the supplementary information provided in the replies to the list of
issues (E/C.12/DEN/Q/6/Add.1). The Committee appreciates the constructive dialogue held
with the State party’s
large interministerial delegation, which included the representatives of
the Governments of the Faroe Islands and Greenland, and the additional written information
provided after the dialogue.
Positive aspects
The Committee welcomes the legislative, institutional and policy measures taken by
the State party to enhance the level of protection of economic, social and cultural rights in
the State party, as referred to in the present concluding observations. It notes in particular the
new human rights-based strategy for the State party’s
development policy and humanitarian
action, the 2013 Act on equality between men and women passed by the Parliament of
Greenland and the establishment in 2014 of the Social Housing Association in the Faroe
Principal subjects of concern and recommendations
The Covenant in the domestic legal order
The Committee is concerned that,
despite the Committee’s previous recommendation,
the rights of the Covenant are still not given full effect in the State party, as certain economic,
social and cultural rights are not recognized in the Constitutional Act of Denmark and that
the Covenant has not been incorporated in the domestic legal order. The Committee notes the
statement by the State party that its courts and authorities interpret the national rules in such
a way as to avoid conflict with the State party’s international obligations.
(art. 2(1))
The Committee reiterates its recommendation that the State party take the
necessary measures to give full effect to economic, social and cultural rights as
enshrined in the Covenant in its domestic legislation and ensure their justiciability. In
Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-sixth session (30 September–18 October 2019).