The credibility and positive impact of the work of an election observation mission depends to a large extent on the perceived
impartiality of the observers. Any potential conflict of interest that could reasonably be understood or portrayed by electoral
stakeholders and, in particular, by contestants in the election observed, as possibly impacting on the observer’s impartiality
must be avoided.
An important principle regarding potential conflicts of interest is that they do not necessarily imply actual misconduct. It is
sufficient that credibly substantiated facts could - in the eyes of a reasonable stakeholder in the process assessed - indicate a
conflict of interest suited to potentially impacting the impartiality of the person. This means: The subjective belief of observers
or of their political friends that they can observe in a non-partisan way independently from the conflict of interest is irrelevant.
As potential bias is not a matter of personal wrong-doing, it also does not matter whether the stance/conduct which might lead
to the appearance of bias is ethically correct or widely accepted politically. And, finally, even facts that are brought forward by
a stakeholder with the ill intention to discredit the process need to be assessed objectively if substantiated.
In light of this, all nominees for the observation mission are requested to declare - to the best of their knowledge
and sign the
Statement of Nominated OSCE PA Election Observers:
I declare that
my family and I have never received economic benefits from any of the contestants or their supporters
I do not have close family ties to or am personally or economically dependent on electoral contestants or
members of their support teams
I have never participated in an election observation in the country sponsored by its government, lobby groups
working on behalf of that government, or any other electoral stakeholder
I have never been excluded from the observation of elections in the host country based on a decision by the
EOM leadership
I have never engaged in active or paid support to political campaigns in the country
I have never actively provided any substantial material support to the campaigns of one or more of the con-
I am not a member of or have publicly stated support for any group that aims at overthrowing the government
or changing the political system of the host country through anything other than purely peaceful and legal
I am not under an entry ban into the country for reasons which are unrelated to election observation activity
in the host country or my capacity as member of my country`s parliament
I have not committed active and grave breaches of national laws or violated the sovereignty of the country
I am not engaged in litigation against electoral contestants or members of their campaign teams
I have not made public statements or engaged in activities within six months before election day, or after the
day on which the election is officially announced, whichever is the later date, that would constitute a display
of partisanship regarding electoral competitors and be qualified as a breach of the Code of Conduct if made
during the observation. This also includes statements of racist or nationalist nature and hate speech addressed
to the country observed, its people or groups within the country. I have not assessed in advance the expected
conduct of electoral stakeholders during the election that is to be observed. Participation in normal parlia-
mentary business or in other official functions of my parliament are exempt from this, even when they deal
with the host country.
I am aware that wrong assertions in this declaration might lead to my exclusion from the mission and could entail
further sanctions.
I am /
I am not
a member of a bi-national friendship group of my parliament with the parliament
of the host country, which I state for transparency reasons.
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