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July 3, 2020
By E-Mail
Mr. Roberto Montella
Secretary General, OSCE PA
Dear Secretary General Roberto Montella,
I want to thank you for your ongoing efforts to promote gender equality at the OSCE PA. In particular, I
want to express my appreciation for your participation in our webinar,
The Gendered Impacts of COVID-
hosted by the OSCE PA on 15 June 2020.
As the Special Representative on Gender Issues, I was inspired by the guest speakers and the discussion
among the delegates. I think it’s important, following such a meeting, to maintain momentum and to
encourage participating States to prioritize gender-sensitive approaches in their COVID-19 response
planning and decision-making. As I said at the webinar, I am concerned that this pandemic threatens to
stall the progress that has been made towards gender equality in many participating States. However, if
OSCE parliamentarians commit to incorporating the voices and perspectives of diverse women, , our
responses to this pandemic can serve to advance gender equality across the OSCE region. For this
reason, I ask that the Secretariat deliver this letter to all heads of delegation.
As a starting point, I hope that parliamentarians from all participating States will read, and carefully
consider, my annual report “The
Gendered Impacts of COVID-19.”
Furthermore, using the information
gathered at the webinar on 15 June, I make the following recommendations:
Collecting disaggregated data:
First and foremost, to ensure that any action taken on the points
below is effective, inclusive and evidence-based, parliamentarians should encourage their
governments to prioritize the collection of disaggregated data. Governments must establish
strategies to collect data disaggregated by sex, as well as other intersectional factors such as
race, sexuality, age, disability, socioeconomic status and migratory status, and should use this
data to inform their pandemic response plans.
Addressing gender-based violence:
Parliamentarians should advocate for the establishment of
additional measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, which appears to
be on the rise during this pandemic. These measures should include designating domestic
violence shelters as essential services, increasing resources to frontline organizations that help
women experiencing violence at home, and improving funding to online and telephone crisis