The President
To: Members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Re: Decision: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Proposed Budget for 2020/2021
Financial Year
19 June 2020
Dear Members,
I hope this letter finds you and your close ones in good health.
It is my pleasure to communicate to the Assembly, in compliance with our
Rules of
that the proposed budget for our next financial year that will start on 1 October
2020 and conclude on 30 September 2021 has been unanimously approved by the Standing
Committee in accordance with Rule 41, paragraph 2 of the
Rules of Procedure,
and following
a silence procedure given the current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the absence
of an Annual Session.
The Assembly’s 2020-2021
budget (attached) has been thoroughly prepared in these
exceptional circumstances by the Treasurer, together with the Secretary General and in
consultation with the Bureau, to reflect the minimum basic needs of the Assembly reflecting
the measures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Assembly’s budget for our 29
Financial Year will reflect the accrual of the
amounts saved in our current budget as an extra contribution from the OSCE PA International
Secretariat to the OSCE PA overall budget, thus automatically reducing the amounts of all
national delegations’ annual contributions. Official letters from our Treasurer regarding the
annual contributions will be circulated, as customary, by Deputy Secretary General Gustavo
Pallarés in July.
I thank Treasurer Peter Juel-Jensen and Secretary General Roberto Montella for their
efforts and to the Standing Committee for its engagement and co-operation. This Parliamentary
Assembly has always functioned
and continues to function
in an extremely cost-effective
and efficient way, thanks to the continuous support, commitment, and solidarity of all national
I look forward to seeing you all in person very soon.
Yours sincerely,
George Tsereteli
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark