OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling (OSCE) Alm. del

Samling: 2019-20

Bilag 28

Brev fra OSCE PA generalsekretær Roberto Montella vedr. bureaumødet inkl. hans rapport om "Readapting the PA to challenges in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic (OSCE PA - COVID Compact) and a list of upcoming webinars /OSCE PA Parliamentary Web Dialogues"
Emne: bureaumøde


Dokumentdato: 05-05-2020
Modtaget: 05-05-2020
Omdelt: 05-05-2020

Brev fra OSCE PA generalsekretær Roberto Montella vedr. bureaumødet inkl. hans rapport om "Readapting the PA to challenges in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic (OSCE PA - COVID Compact) and a list of upcoming webinars /OSCE PA Parliamentary Web Dialogues"

OSCE PA Parliamentary Web Dialogues in May 2020 (pdf-version)
OSCE PA SG to Standing Committee 28 April_ (pdf-version)
OSCE PA COVID-19 Compact Report of SG Montella on readapting the PA to challenges in the time of COVID pandemic (1) (pdf-version)