German Bundestag
Head of the German Delegation
to the Parliamentary Assembly
of the OSCE
OSCE PA President
Members of the OSCE PA Standing Committee
OSCE PA Secretary General
Berlin, 3.04.2020
Dear Members of the Standing Committee, dear George,
dear Roberto, dear Colleagues,
Thank you for the very good and timely information you pro-
vided us with! Due to the session in the Bundestag in late March,
I was unable to attend the video-conference of the Bureau. There-
fore, I take the opportunity with this letter to present my view on
the situation to you all.
At the moment, we cannot yet assess the full long-term impact
of the coronavirus outbreak, its consequences for our societies,
our economies, or political systems. But we know this global
crisis is going to become one of our biggest challenges at the past
decades. We, as the OSCE PA, have to give a strong and effective
response to enormous problems caused by the coronavirus pan-
Uncertain situations offer opportunities for both innovations for
improving our societies, but also for abuse of difficult circum-
stances to strengthen one’s own political or financial power. Es-
pecially the developments in some member states worry me, and
we have to make sure that we will secure free and open societies.
Fighting the pandemic cannot be used as an excuse to abolish
human rights, the rule of law, and democratic institutions.
There is no reasonable argument for going back to national isola-
tion either. On the contrary, we need much more global solidar-
ity and co-operation, we have to work much closer together to
overcome our problems, and think twice before closing borders.
Our scientists set a positive example: in this difficult time, they
find new ways of exchange, and open up their researches in or-
der to find an effective treatment for this virus and other threats
to come. We on our part have to ensure freedom of science and
expression, and thereby to enable building of stronger interna-
tional networks.
Doris Barnett
Member of the German Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 227 72072
+49 (0) 30 227 76072