Measures regarding Covid-19 emergency put in place by Italy's Senate
Senate and committee meetings are held in compliance with social distancing requirements (for
example, public galleries are also used for Senate sittings and bigger committee rooms are used on
a rotation basis to allow for more space between senators). In the Senate, when roll calls are held
(for instance, when a qualified majority is required), senators access the floor in small groups in
alphabetical order.
Personal protective equipment (facemasks and gloves) was distributed to senators and staff
operating in the Senate. Workplaces are sanitized constantly; everyone accessing the Senate is
required to disinfect their hands and have their temperature measured; hand sanitizer gel
dispensers are available everywhere.
In cooperation with the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, the Senate has been equipped to perform nose
and throat swab tests on Senators and staff with even a minimal risk of testing positive to Covid-19.
Professor Giuseppe Ippolito, Scie tific Director at Ro e’s
Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital, the national
hub for infectious diseases, has been appointed pro bono consultant to the Senate.
In compliance with the measures adopted by the Government, the restaurant and bar have been
temporarily shut down, because social distancing requirements may not be ensured there. Snack
and soda vending machines have been installed and lunch boxes are distributed to senators and
In compliance with the measures adopted by the Government, a sizeable number of staff work
remotely; only the staff whose physical presence is essential to keep the Senate open are required
to work in the premises.
Staff with children under the age of 16 (the age of compulsory education) may take parental leave
while schools are closed.