Prot: 2020/0007474/GEN/RIN
Distinguished President,
Let me first of all thank you, the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE
and its Secretariat, also on behalf of the Italian Delegation as a whole, for the
kind words of sympathy and solidarity addressed to Italy and to our Delegation
in this serious health emergency that has struck the world and for which my
country, in particular, has paid and is paying a high price in terms of human
lives and sacrifices.
Indeed, I hope that that the world we know and the political fora in which
we participate, in Europe and beyond, will come out of this crisis - which is
affecting all of us without distinction - more cohesive and more strongly
committed to practising solidarity and partaking of a common destiny. Hence, it
is all the more necessary to identify, in a timely and effective manner, the most
appropriate instruments to address the future challenges we will be confronted
with in terms of public health and economic conditions, once the emergency is
Against this backdrop and in the hope that you will share my views, I am
sending you, herewith attached, an information paper on the measures adopted
by Italy’s Chamber of Deputies and Senate, alongside other national
parliaments, in order to ensure that Parliament can keep functioning in the face
of the Covid19 emergency, which, as you rightly pointed out for the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly, must be considered an absolute necessity.
I take this opportunity to send you my best regards.
Paolo Grimoldi
George Tsereteli
President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly