The Secretary General
OSCE PA President
Members of the OSCE PA Bureau
Members of the OSCE PA Standing Committee
Copenhagen, 9 March 2020
Dear President,
Dear Members of the Bureau,
Dear Members of the Standing Committee,
I am writing to update you about the preventive and mitigation measures that the OSCE PA
International Secretariat has put in place in the light of the outbreak and spread of the COVID-
19 coronavirus.
In this regard, please find attached to this letter the
Interoffice Memorandum
I have circulated to
my staff last Friday. It contains specific instructions and recommendations aimed at minimizing
risks and at enhancing the safety and health of our Members and Staff, which remains our utmost
priority, while trying to ensure continuity to our key mandated activities.
Measures include the reduction of travel and non-immediately necessary activities, as well as the
development of flexible working arrangements, including telecommuting and the increased use
of video-conference equipment.
This Interoffice Memorandum has been drafted in close coordination with the OSCE executive
structures and its newly established
COVID-19 Taskforce,
in which we are active participants.
Within this framework, we are striving to coordinate all of our efforts and maintain a consistent
approach with the other OSCE Institutions. We are also strictly abiding to all recommendations
issued by our two host countries, Denmark and Austria.
The spread of the virus is indeed generating great uncertainty and unpredictability. Please rest
assured that, together with my team, I am constantly monitoring the rapidly evolving situation
and I will take due care of informing you of any relevant updates concerning the feasibility of
our planned activities.
Yours sincerely
Roberto Montella
Secretary General
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark