Vice-President Kari Henriksen
From: Secretary General Roberto Montella
Gender Representation in OSCE PA events, activities and media outreach
Date: 08 October 2019
Dear Vice-President Henriksen, Dear Kari,
Thank you very much for raising concerns about gender representation during the Marrakech
meeting of the Standing Committee. I have taken careful note of your advice which I view as
an important contribution in advancing gender mainstreaming and balance.
As I mentioned in my reply to your Standing Committee statement, I have made it a priority of
my tenure as Secretary General to advance gender mainstreaming and balance in the
International Secretariat of the OSCE PA as well as in the Leadership appointments made by
the President upon the advice of the Secretary General.
I will continue to address the gap during the coming years as a number of staff of the
International Secretariat will leave the organisation and as new recruitments will take place.
I would also like to reassure you that we have made some important steps forward during the
past few years.
Since I took over the responsibility of OSCE PA Secretary General in January 2016, increased
comparative balance has for instance been achieved in the nomination of leadership positions
in our Election Observation Missions. I have attached some data which illustrates this. I am
also pleased to note that 5 out of 7 Special Representatives / Rapporteurs appointed in 2019 are
women. In the International Secretariat, where I have a direct responsibility, I have very
recently hired women for positions in the Media Department, Election Department and
appointed a woman in a Senior Management position as Chief of Administration and Finance.
This is work in progress and more needs to be done, I agree.
I am confident that we will continue to improve gender mainstreaming and balance, not least
related to exposure in the media.