United Nations
Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women
Seventy-sixth session
22 June-20 July 2020
Item 4 of the provisional agenda
Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under
article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women
List of issues in relation to the ninth periodic report of
Denmark: Replies of Denmark
General context
Information and statistics on the current situation of women in the State
party is included in Annex 1.
The Minister for Equal Opportunities presents an annual gender equality action plan to the
Parliament. The 2020 action plan contains 55 initiatives spanning 12 Ministries. It contains
among others initiatives promoting equal pay, women in management and board positions,
more equal sharing of parental leave, gender mainstreaming in the public sector and
initiatives combatting violence against women including domestic violence and sexual
harassment at work as well as trafficking in human beings.
The national action plan to combat psychological and physical violence in close
relationships covering the period 2019–2022 is briefly described in para 77 of the 9th report.
Currently, the plan has not been extended. Most of the issues in the plan are now
incorporated in other social programs.
The former action plan was an overall strategy that focused on violence in broad terms.
However, several of the initiatives were targeted domestic violence and other close relations.
New programs have been launched including Alliaq, whichtargets perpetrators of violence in
close relationships.
The action plan as well as Alliaq has been initiated with the aim of reducing the scale of
violence against women in close relationships. The individual initiatives and offerings target
both genders. Besides, it is relevant to note that Greenland has a large public sector that
always focus on combatting violence and support victims.
Legislative, policy and institutional framework
The Government reiterates its firm commitment to ensuring the
compliance of Danish law with the Convention. In this respect, the Government wishes to