Frans Timmermans
Executive Vice-President
Rue de la Loi 200
1049 Brussels
Reflections from the Committee on Climate, Energy
and Utilities of the Danish Parliament on the
forthcoming strategy on offshore energy.
Letter to Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
22 June 2020
Dear Mr. Timmermans,
The Committee on Climate, Energy and Utilities of the Danish Parliament
would like to express its strongest support for the European Green Deal and
the Commission’s intention to have the transition to a climate-neutral
omy at the
core of EU’s recovery plan after the covid-19
The Commission's priorities correspond well with Denmark’s ambitious cli-
mate policy including the targets of reaching 70 percent reduction of green-
house gas emissions by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. For the commit-
tee, it is vital that the EU takes global lead in order to meet the objectives of
the Paris Agreement.
With this letter, the committee would like to draw your attention to the role of
offshore energy in reaching the EU’s climate targets,
in particular the im-
portance of modelling the costs of offshore wind.
The Committee has noted that offshore wind is set to play a major role in
reaching the EU’s climate targets. In a report from 2018, the European Com-
mission has estimated that Europe needs between 200 and 450 GW of off-
shore wind by 2050 in order to realize the aim of climate neutrality.
In other words, the Committee identifies offshore wind as a crucial pillar in the
energy mix of even more EU Member States than today. This demand could
be driven by PtX technologies, which could help decarbonize sectors such as
heavy transport and heavy industry. The Committee notes that The North
Seas Energy Cooperation could play an important role coordinating this ex-
pansion, as it relates to issues like maritime spatial planning, coordination of
tenders and identifying regulatory barriers. 20-000458-2
Danish Parliament
1240 Copenhagen K
+45 3337 5500
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