Danish response to the public consultation on the initiative regarding the
Renovation Wave
Centre for Global Climate
EU Green Transition
24 June 2020
Case No
2020 -
The Danish Government agrees with the Commission that the European Green
Deal should be a cornerstone in EU’s economic recovery after the COVID-19
demic and that the energy sector plays a central part. In this regard, the Danish
Government supports the focus in the European Green Deal on energy and re-
source efficient building and renovation initiatives aligned with the principles of the
circular economy.
Recovery measures aiming for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions should take
a holistic approach by focusing on energy efficiency, including the Energy Efficien-
cy First-principle, increased use and production of renewable energy and a cost-
effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This will enable the creation of
jobs across Europe whilst paving the way for climate neutrality in 2050.
For this reason the Danish Government supports that energy efficiency, including
the renovation of buildings, should be a priority to support the economic recovery.
The Renovation Wave should support mobilisation of private investments, such as
ESCO-projects, including considering the possibility for specific funding to be set
aside for these types of measures
Furthermore, the Danish Government supports an ambitious implementation of the
current energy savings targets and calls on the Commission to put forward pro-
posals to further strengthen energy efficiency on a European level, for example by
strengthening EU legislation regarding eco-design. The Commission should work
towards a framework that ensures the Renovation Wave delivers reductions of
greenhouse gas emissions thereby contributing to the EU’s reduction target for
2030 and the objective of reaching climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest.
Lastly, the Danish Government fully supports efforts focused on exploring effective
ways to target public buildings. Denmark’s Climate Action Plan for energy and in-
dustry sets ambitious targets for energy efficiency in buildings both owned and
used by government institutions.
The Danish Government would like to highlight the following elements in need of
further elaboration as well as relevant observations from a Danish context:
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