Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2019-20
KEF Alm.del Bilag 371
The Danish Government’s position paper on an ambitious and cost-effective
EU climate architecture
a response to the public consultation on the Euro-
2030 Climate Target Plan
Danish Government’s
key priorities for the 2030 Climate Target Plan
Increasing the EU’s 2030
climate target to at least 55 percent compared to 1990 levels
A strengthened EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)
the central driver for future emission
Extension of the ETS to road transport and heating in buildings
a more uniform price signal
across sectors and the EU backed by an ambitious and cost-effective enabling framework of
supporting policies
A land sector pillar
incentives for effective, climate-friendly, and competitive agricultural
production across the EU
Higher EU ambitions as stepping stone for strengthened climate diplomacy
A 2030 EU GHG reduction target of at least 55 percent and a new climate pol-
icy architecture
The Danish Government strongly supports increasing the
domestic green-
house gas emissions reduction target to at least 55 percent compared to 1990 lev-
els. It is crucial that we send a strong political signal to the world and our citizens
that the EU can lead by example to encourage other large emitters to follow suit.
An opportunity to review and rethink the EU’s climate policy
Increasing the EU’s climate ambitions
is about more than setting an ambitious
2030 climate target. A major part of the puzzle is also how we will deliver on the in-
creased ambition.
The Commission’s 2030 Climate Target Plan
is an opportunity to
review and rethink the design and overall architecture
of the EU’s energy and cli-
mate policy. It must be ensured that the means to achieve a higher 2030 climate
target are aligned with a long-term objective of climate neutrality by 2050 at the lat-
est for all Member States and the EU as a whole and support the broader objective
of the European Green Deal to transform the EU to an even more sustainable and
prosperous society.
A higher climate target requires more ambitious and cost-effective regulation
Higher climate ambition in 2030 should be realised through equally ambitious and
cost-effective EU regulation that provides incentives to reduce emissions of green-
house gases across all Member States and sectors of the European economy. An
effective climate effort brings multiple benefits in terms of well-being of citizens
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such as cleaner air, reduced pollution, and future-proof employment opportunities
in green sectors and industries. It is a key task of
EU’s future climate
policy to en-
sure that all Member States move forward and are able to reap the benefits of the
green transition.
The case for a new EU climate policy architecture
The current EU climate policy architecture creates large differences in the marginal
reduction costs between the ETS and the 27 different national regimes in the Effort
Sharing Regulation (ESR). Implementing an increased 2030 climate target by main-
taining the current scope of the ETS and ESR would likely exacerbate these differ-
ences and result in unnecessarily high costs of climate mitigation in the EU. This is
neither beneficial for the climate nor the economy of the EU as a whole.
An increased 2030 climate target should be implemented through a climate policy
architecture that can:
Deliver a more uniform price signal across Member States and sectors in the
EU to ensure that the most cost-effective reductions are realised.
Ensure a level playing field and reduce the risk of carbon leakage within the
Generate revenue streams to finance the green transition.
The Danish Government encourages the Commission to use the opportunity of the
2030 Climate Target plan to present options for an improved EU climate policy ar-
chitecture with a coherent set of policies that can deliver an increased 2030 target
in a more cost-effective way through the following elements:
1. A strengthened EU Emissions Trading System
the central driver for fu-
ture emission reductions
The ETS has demonstrated its worth as the EU’s flagship climate policy instrument.
Following the 2018 revision of the ETS directive, it has succeeded in establishing
an effective EU-wide carbon price signal that has provided incentives to reduce
emissions cost-effectively across Member states. In 2019, emissions covered by
the ETS fell by 8.7 percent compared to 2018 levels.
An effective carbon price through the ETS is the most cost-effective instrument to
deliver an enhanced EU climate target and to incentivise market-driven deployment
of low-carbon technologies and phase-out of fossil fuels across Europe. The rapid
cost reductions of renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar power
mean that that sectors covered by the ETS can deliver a substantially increased
contribution to
the EU’s 2030 target.
The Commission is encouraged to present proposals for strengthening the contri-
bution of the ETS to the green transition by reducing the amount of allowances
through measures such as:
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A substantial increase in the linear reduction factor
Rebasing the emissions cap at a level that reflects actual emissions
Improving the ability of the market stability reserve to limit the surplus of allow-
A substantial reduction of the level of allowances available to the market should be
the main instrument to strengthen the ETS. The Commission should also explore
options for ensuring that the ETS can maintain a price signal at a minimum level to
provide certainty for green investments. At the same time, it should be ensured that
such measures do not compromise the functioning of the existing market mecha-
nism in the ETS. Furthermore, the Commission is encouraged to analyse the level
of free allocation of allowances to secure climate action across all sectors, while
taking fully into account the international competitiveness of industrial sectors in
risk of carbon leakage.
Integrating negative emissions technologies in the ETS
To reach the EU’s objective
of climate neutrality by 2050, substantial removals of
from the atmosphere will be needed. While natural sinks can deliver significant
removals, it is likely that technological solutions delivering so-called negative emis-
sions could play a part in the efforts to reach climate neutrality. The Commission
should integrate CO
removals from negative emission technologies in an in-
creased 2030 climate target and analyse policy options for further incentivising the
development and deployment of these technologies. This could include integrating
negative emissions technologies in the ETS
for example by allocating allowances
to installations that generate negative emissions certified through robust and trans-
parent carbon accounting.
2. Extension of the ETS to road transport and heating in buildings
a more
uniform price signal across sectors and the EU backed by an ambitious
and cost-effective enabling framework of supporting policies
The Danish Government
supports the Commission’s intention to analyse and
sider applying the ETS to emissions from road transport and heating in buildings.
Increased electrification of transport and heating will lead to gradual migration of
emissions regulated in the Effort Sharing Regulation into the ETS. Extending the
ETS would be consistent with this long-term development and create a uniform
price signal across sectors making both building renovations and low carbon mobil-
ity financially more attractive while improving the overall cost-effectiveness of the
EU’s climate efforts. In addition, extending the ETS would significantly increase the
revenue from auctioning allowances and thereby create a significant and predicta-
ble revenue stream that could contribute to financing the green transition across the
However, applying the ETS to emissions from these sectors cannot stand alone. A
carbon price needs to be complemented by an ambitious and cost-effective ena-
bling framework with coherent policies and regulation at EU level to drive emission
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reductions. This includes for instance strengthening CO
emission performance
standards for combustion engine vehicles to drive the technological development of
zero-emission vehicles.
3. Land sector pillar
incentives for effective, climate-friendly, and competi-
tive agricultural production across the EU
Agriculture will account for an increasing share of EU emissions as the rest of the
economy decarbonises. An extension of the ETS to road transport and heating in
buildings would leave agriculture as the primary sector regulated through national
targets under the ESR and thus have major impact for the ESR. At the same time,
efforts to reduce emissions or increase removals of CO
from agricultural land are
currently regulated through the LULUCF regulation, which provides limited incen-
tives for climate action at both farm and Member State level. It is important that a
new architecture address this problem.
Efforts to reduce emissions from agriculture vary considerably between Member
States due to differentiated national reduction targets. Consequently, national ef-
forts to regulate emissions from agriculture that impose costs on producers come
with a significant risk of carbon leakage internally in the EU and higher costs than
necessary. Therefore, the Danish Government encourages the Commission to pro-
pose a common land sector pillar for agriculture and its LULUCF activities (agricul-
tural land) with an EU-wide reduction target.
An EU-wide reduction target combined with ambitious and effective sectoral regula-
tion would create a level playing field for the agricultural sector, increase cost-effec-
tiveness and would improve incentives for farmers to reduce emissions and in-
crease removals of greenhouse gasses. Examples of EU regulation in a common
land sector pillar are listed in the box below. It could drive innovation and cost re-
ductions in mitigation technologies and enable agricultural activities to contribute
to fulfilling the EU’s climate efforts.
Agriculture is responsible for a significant share of LULUCF emissions and remov-
als. However, at present these emissions and removals are not directly included in
the EU’s 2030 climate target. Establishing a land sector pillar addressing emissions
and removals from agriculture from both the LULUCF regulation and the ESR in the
same regulatory regime would allow for a more integrated and cost-effective mitiga-
tion effort. It is important to establish an effective system of accounting that sup-
ports new and additional efforts to increase carbon removals, supported by meas-
urement, reporting and verification to track carbon flows and, potentially, financial
flows for CO
removal. The Commission is encouraged to develop policies to incen-
tivise business models for large-scale CO
removal through natural solutions.
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Examples of potential EU-wide regulation in a common land sector pillar
A common land sector pillar should be accompanied by a coherent enabling framework of European
policies that can drive cost-effective climate action. Listed below are illustrative examples:
Business models for carbon dioxide removal: The Commission could develop an EU methodology to
certify carbon dioxide removals at the level of farmers as mentioned in the Circular Economy Action Plan
and Farm to Fork Strategy. This could pave the way for implementing a payment scheme for incentivising
the preservation of carbon stocks in agricultural soils, e.g. through the common agricultural policy (CAP)
or by means of a new market mechanism. The environmental integrity of such a business model should
be ensured by robust and transparent carbon accounting to monitor and verify the authenticity of carbon
Fertiliser accounts: Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen turnover on agricultural land account for a
large proportion of total emissions from the agricultural sector in EU. The Commission could develop com-
mon requirements for the documentation of nitrogen fertilisers’ flows to and from all holdings, thus creating
an overview of its use and a level playing field among Member States in optimising the use of nitrogen fer-
Best Available Technology (BAT) requirements: A number of extant and developing technologies such as
feed and fertiliser additives can contribute to reducing emissions from agricultural production. Yet, the
highly competitive nature of the European market for agricultural products discourages Member States
from passing on additional costs to farmers by implementing national BAT requirements. A shared com-
mon EU reduction target establishes a level playing field and further facilitates common EU BAT require-
ments to agriculture. In addition, this may encourage competition and spark innovation in climate-friendly
agriculture technologies.
Higher EU ambitions as stepping stone for strengthened climate diplomacy
The Danish Government strongly supports efforts to strengthen
the EU’s
global cli-
mate diplomacy. Raising EU ambitions on climate with ambitious and cost-effective
policy measures will underscore the EU’s intention to assume a global leadership
role in the fight against climate change. It would enable the EU to actively encour-
age and inspire other countries outside the Union to raise their ambitions and con-
tribution towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement’s objectives. To do so,
the EU should go beyond traditional climate diplomacy and pursue a
ciety and whole-of-economy”
approach in third countries as a way to engage
private sector, including financial institutions and investors, academia and civil soci-
ety. In order to operationalise this vision, the Commission is encouraged to present
an action plan for the European
Green Deal’s global dimension with
clear objec-
tives and concrete initiatives for the climate diplomatic efforts. The Danish Govern-
ment will actively engage in this process, including by identifying concrete ways to
implement this approach.
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