Copenhagen, 6
March 2020
To the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Open letter sent to politicians and news media, see attached mailing list.
Dear Mr. President.
What you have to do, to win the next election
and to win back the Global Climate debate.
This is not an attempt to interfere in US elections, but in order for you to win the next, you need to come
up with answers on what to do, in order to counter Global Warming. In your 2016 election, less than 10%
of US voters thought Global Warming was the most important issue. This year however, more than 50%
of all US voters will view Climate Change as their number one priority, before casting their votes, since we
are going to experience more extreme weather events in 2020, like hurricanes, tornados, droughts and
extreme flooding, than ever before in history. We will have more forest fires across USA, than we have
ever seen in a presidential election year. We will see the highest sea level and experience
the highest “King
in history, hitting areas in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and all other US coastlines. We will see places
under water, that has never been flooded before, and we will measure the warmest oceans in history. 2020
will be a turning point in peoples understanding of Climate Change, and those politicians,
who don’t under-
stand this simple fact, will not stand a chance of getting reelected
including the coming US President.
And in order to win back the Climate debate
from a young teenager like Greta Thunberg, concrete actions
will prove millions of times more efficient
in order to get reelected, than throwing out empty political
promises, insults and tens of thousands of hollow words, like all politicians will do this year.
But first some facts of physics: Here in 2020, the sun will add a surplus of approximately +250 Zetta Joules
(ZJ, 1 ZJ = 10
Joules) into our Global heating account, compared to 1981-2010 average. +250 ZJ of
excess heat, that will be stored in our oceans and not escape back into space as infrared radiation. An
excess heat equal to that of many nuclear bombs being detonated each and every second
day by day,
week after week, month after month. See article in:
vol. 37,
February 2020, page 137–142,
Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019”.
And if old men like you and me
Sir, choose to do nothing, what you will see is, that Mar-a-Lago, Palm
Beach, Downtown Miami, Key West, Fort Lauderdale, Coastline of Long Island New York, Lower Manhattan,
Coast of Louisiana, most of Long Beach in LA and many other coastal places will be gone before start of
the next decade. 10 years from now, your home will no longer exist, Sir! In 10 years, USA will lose an area
equal to the state of Florida, to the
oceans! And +50 million Americans will be relocated, before we
enter 2030. If we choose to do nothing, your youngest son and your grandchildren will not live a full
lifespan, since the annual +250 ZJ will continue to grow in density, until our climate is no longer balanced
by waters triple point. When all Global ice is gone, the next point of balance will be waters boiling point!
Much like in a
reactor meltdown”, it will happen much faster than we think possible!
If nothing is done, 3-5 years from now
Sir, Global economy will start to collapse. Global economy will
take a hit a million times harder, than that from the Coronavirus (CoVID-19), as people start to realize,
that all coastal real-estate, with low elevation, are an extremely fragile investment
an investment soon
to be lost! Soon the most expensive houses in USA will be gone
lost, together with all the money tied.
However, if we can find safe methods, on how to send the excess heat back into space
and as such
eliminate the effects of this incoming and unwanted surplus of solar energy, human survival will no longer
be threatened, from Global Warming, why I pray that you will take your time to read my hypothesis, since
it will give your youngest son and your grandchildren the right to live a full lifespam, on Mother Earth.
September 2001, 2,977 people died in a tragedy, far beyond anything that we understand. But doing
by unfairly being taken away from us, they gave the World an answer, that now could come to our
rescue. For the first time in history, we could actually measure the effect and influence of aviation on
surface temperatures. For the first time in history it was seen that nights get colder and days get warmer,
when you have no airplanes in the sky. An effect described in a paper, in 2002, by D. J. Travis, A. M.
Carleton and R. G. Lauritsen. A paper made public in NATURE, vol 418, 8
August 2002. A paper that is
easy to read
and very easy to understand, why I have taken the liberty to include the full text below.
Contrails reduce daily temperature range.
A brief interval when the skies were clear of jets unmasked an effect on climate.
The potential of condensation trails (contrails) from jet aircraft to affect regional-scale surface temperatures has been debated for years
but was difficult to verify until an opportunity arose as a result of the three-day grounding of all commercial aircraft in the United States in
the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. Here we show that there was an anomalous increase in the average diurnal
temperature range (that is, the difference between the daytime maximum and nighttime minimum temperatures) for the period 11–14 Sep-
tember 2001. Because persisting contrails can reduce the transfer of both incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation
and so reduce
the daily temperature range, we attribute at least a portion of this anomaly to the absence of contrails over this period.